
True, though she is being rather foolish at the same time. Because since it's not a trap they'll possibly have to endure the cold that night without shelter since apparently the spot where Deya and Zyron and resting is the only known den site around, and it's much further for them to travel. Not to mention they probably not are fit to survive the night, after all : one is sporting a shoulder injury (Dawn) and one is soaking wet while it's cold (Dusk) . Not to mention the humans probably didn't feed them well before leaving since they need fat reserves for winter. Edited at April 20, 2022 11:38 PM by Spellbound

It wouldn't be the only den site though, I stated in my territory description that there are several caves and dens in the mountains. Plus the grove likely have other potential dens or partial dens to turn to. And I would think that since scientiests want their project to succeed that they probably ensure that they did whatever was necessary to give the wolves the best odds. And it's not really that cold tbh, the description i put is chilly, but not uncomfortably so, just that it gets colder at night.

bit of a rough post, but eh. good enough for now

Well, I guess Silas is going to walk into...whatever the heck is going on.

Gotcha, gotcha . Thank you for the explanation <3 Imperial Sands said: It wouldn't be the only den site though, I stated in my territory description that there are several caves and dens in the mountains. Plus the grove likely have other potential dens or partial dens to turn to. And I would think that since scientiests want their project to succeed that they probably ensure that they did whatever was necessary to give the wolves the best odds. And it's not really that cold tbh, the description i put is chilly, but not uncomfortably so, just that it gets colder at night.

Deya and Jira be beefing XD we love it

Angry women are the ones I stay clear of lol ... ..... Myself being one

I like the dynamic of a power struggle between Jira, Ansa, and Deyanira.

^^ I would like to see other posts soon too. Just so we can get this rp active. So, those who haven't posted by saturday afternoon, who haven't posted recently already, will have their characters removed and the spots reopened. Edited at April 21, 2022 07:49 PM by Imperial Sands

I want to post, but I also have two RP forms that I need to get done. Ugh.