
Ariv: "Doing things for others often makes me feel helpful. Either that or brewing tea and baking pastries. Tending to my plants can be helpful, too, I suppose, but I prefer doing things for others to get my mind active." Mitzy: "I don't ever do anything to calm myself down if I am honest. I just push myself in whatever emotion I am feeling, take out my anger in my work, take out my saddness into a pillow, and just go through whatever emotions I want to." something Ariv would probably love to know is what is your favorite kind of tea and/or drink? also, since Mitzy is very outdoorsy, would said character show Mitzy their favorite outdoor location and where or what would this location be?

Favorite tea/drink question- Zephyr; "Uh... I like hot chocolate. Especially if it uses dark chocolate. Not a big fan of tea though, at all." - Favorite outside location- Zephyr; "Ah, uh, I haven't been outside in a while, a bit too busy but I used to have a place I went to a lot in the cave systems. It had some beautiful crystals."

Favorite tea/drink question- Violet: "Coffee. Black. I run on it." Esta: "Well, water is honestly the only thing I ever drink. I don't mind some light teas though. On occasion." Sol: "Any kind of herbal tea is great! I really like lavender, especially." - Favorite outside location- Violet: "Anywhere with a clear view of the sky, especially at night." Esta: "Anywhere where my friends are!" Sol: "Forests are usually nice. Lots of shade and generally quiet." - For Esta's sake, mainly, what's the best way to calm everyone down (at least slightly)? Specifically in areas where medical attention is necessary?

Mitzy: "For Esta's sake, I would just say a hug, but really I have not found a good way of calming myself down just yet. Maybe just space and time? I guess I am trying to work on that on my own and not really burden her." Ariv: "If Esta were to try and calm me? Hmm... I suppose just allow me to have a glass of whiskey with her or just be around me while I tend to my plants." I actually dont know what your second question means, lost but I have a special question for Violet! Violet, do you feel like you dont get appreciated enough in your role as a caretaker of everyone else?

I just meant, in cases where someone being calm is necessary for Esta to do her work, how should she go about it? She can knock people out, but she doesn't like to, lol. Those are good answers though! ^^ - Violet: "Appreciation is hardly necessary. I do what I do to help keep everyone safe, happy, and, in the best-case scenario, feel understood and listened to. I understand that the others are, for the most part, grateful for my help and attention, and, even if they aren't, as long as they understand that at least someone cares for them, it doesn't matter how I feel. Though, admittedly, a little bit of peace from the chaotic ones wouldn't be such a bad thing, or, at least, let me enjoy my coffee before dragging me into your scheming."

For Esta's question- Zephyr; "It... Heavily depends on what's making me.. Not calm? Is that how you'd word that? Uh. Yeah. Whatever is making me not calm... That really doesn't sound right though. Not calm. I'll figure it out. Anyways, uh- In general though, explaining whatever's going on, making sure I understand it, is probably a good starting place no matter what." - What's everyone's favorite colors?

Determined_Wolf said: something Ariv would probably love to know is what is your favorite kind of tea and/or drink? Jiyun: "Drink? Didn't I already answer this one?... (Dumbasses.)" Tao: "Ah, tea, tea... I like boba! Though I suppose that isn't the easiest thing to make, aha... maybe peppermint tea? I like the taste of mint in most things, so tea shouldn't be too different, I don't think." Determined_Wolf said: also, since Mitzy is very outdoorsy, would said character show Mitzy their favorite outdoor location and where or what would this location be? Jiyun: "Hah! No." Tao: "Well, the beach is nice. I like to watch the waves when I'm not directly controlling them. See how things go. I could show you there if you'd like, Mitzy." Lost Memories said: For Esta's sake, mainly, what's the best way to calm everyone down (at least slightly)? Specifically in areas where medical attention is necessary?
Jiyun: "... Hey, did you know that doctors used to just tell people to down a few drinks before they gave them an amputation? It's pretty powerful stuff, alcohol. You can do a lot with that." Tao: "Oh, you don't need to worry about that, Esta. I can take care of it myself just fine. I made sure to learn first aid! ^-^" Overthink101 said: What's everyone's favorite colors?
Jiyun: "Hard question. Not one I think about much. ... Purple's a pretty nice color, I guess? I dunno. Don't care." Tao: "Blue! They say it's the calmest color, you know." - what's everyone's favorite animal?

Favorite animal question- (what have you done) Zephyr; "My favorite animal? Spiders, for sure. Especially all the Sydney ones. They share a name with me. Which is hilarious. And cool. In specific, I'd have to say I love Sydney funnel-web spiders, Sydney huntsman spiders, or Brazilian wandering spiders. Their scientific names are super cool too- Atrax robustus, Holconia immanis, and Phoneutria. Did you know that the Brazilian wandering spider can actually kill mice only using 0.006 mg of venom? And unlike other species of spiders where the female has more venom, Sydney funnel-web males actually have six times the amount that the females have! And Sydney funnel-webs have managed to kill humans in 15 minutes before! Which is just super impressive, right? They're so cool. In fact, lots of spiders actually have more venom than either scorpions or snakes! A lots of their venom can cause either necrosis or hemorrhaging. In particular though, Sydney funnel-webs attack the nervous system and Brazilian wandering spiders cause systemic symptoms in 30 minutes and have a wide array of proteins, peptides, and toxins in their venom. Honestly though, Six-eyed sand spiders are really cool too! Their scientific name is Hexophthalma hahni and they don't actually have an anti-venom so if you get bit then, uh, good luck? There's a lot of different kinds too, at least 38,000 but probably more. Luckily for most people, they're only really found in deserts and there's only two recorded bites. One lost their arm due to necrosis and one died of some extreme hemorrhaging. All in all though, I have to say Sydney ones in general are my favorite. We share a name. Which is really cool. Plus, would I really be the Timekeeper if I didn't pick my clock spiders?"

Favorite color- Violet: "Purples, dark blues, and black are my favorite. The colors associated with the galaxy." Esta: "I like pastel colors! I think pinks, yellow, and orange are my favorite though! Bright and happy!" Sol: "Um, I don't really know. I guess blue? I'm not picky though." - Favorite animal question- Violet: "I enjoy owls. Especially snowy owls. They're nocturnal and they're so cute and pretty! Plus, they're very strong creatures." Esta: "Butterflies! They're so delicate and pretty, plus the whole process of how they become butterflies is fascinating! I love watching them grow and fly, it's almost inspiring." Sol: "I like cats. They're so soft and cute, how could you not like them?!"

I love how as soon as Zephyr gets asked about their favorite animal, they immediately take the chance to rant about said favorite animal.