
Given the fact that he's like, a whole foot taller than him- Garvin's laughing and never using any other name than the nickname. Even if Jake was taller, anger at a nickname basically just makes it your only name with Garvin.

Something tells me these two are gonna have a really interesting relationship lol

Most definitely. I feel like they'll end up lowkey being that one dynamic that's just opposites until they realize they aren't too much of opposites. Be ready for a lot of angst and fluff, is basically what you have signed up for with this idea.

Signed and accepted can't wait to see what this has in store for this rp

Great. Now we have two two-faced people about to just be absolute idiots.

Lol they would be enemys but if anyone else bullied the other one a war will break out Edited at April 17, 2022 10:12 AM by Free-Claw12

Exactly. The ideas of how it can escalate in any direction we want is endless as well lmao

They will complain about eachother to their friends all the time, their friends will get sick of it lol . Got a question for ya...if you want don't have to but Jake and Theo are gonna adventually be a thing if I ask @royal would you like to be in out relationship well once Jake and Garvin get over the hate they have for eachother XD . Why do I suddenly have so many ideas running though my head now Edited at April 17, 2022 10:30 AM by Free-Claw12

It'd be a hilarious dynamic, plus the story would be great to watch- So, I mean, if everyone's cool with it then I'd be fine with that idea

Just pmd royal, when to they are active and reply I'll tell you what they said ^^