
oh my god yes please I am always trying to find new tips and tricks when it comes to writing! :D also check pms >:) Cereal said: I found a good blog post that helps writers if you want me to share it <3 Determined_Wolf said: oooo okay! also so glad to hear you trying to add more variety to characters. I used to suck at that but now I have gotten a bit better and have some variety (if you ignore all my sassy and sarcastic characters that is because goddamn I love them all and their stories by why they always gotta be so similar-)

Wolf is my sexy, Russian, masculine woman with wolf and raven themed tattoos ;3 Determined_Wolf said: oh my god yes please I am always trying to find new tips and tricks when it comes to writing! :D also check pms >:) Cereal said: I found a good blog post that helps writers if you want me to share it <3 Determined_Wolf said: oooo okay! also so glad to hear you trying to add more variety to characters. I used to suck at that but now I have gotten a bit better and have some variety (if you ignore all my sassy and sarcastic characters that is because goddamn I love them all and their stories by why they always gotta be so similar-)

ah, so so so sorry to the group here, i disappeared off of the face of the planet for a few weeks because school started up again >> is this roleplay officially dead now, or?

I refuse to let it be dead I just have been a bit busy because of school as well, haha

aye, fair! i'll try to make some time to finish up signups then ^^