
yeah, i would imagine the fear factor would be Very big. nobody really wants to test them and mass hysteria's always pretty bad, so it's be hard to prove and even harder to discern from just placebo type shit. you can't really disprove something if everyone who it didn't work for didn't live to tell the tale. as for the entertainment, that might be fun? possibility is a different question, since i think even the leaders would still be wary of the monsters and they've been proven to be capable of breaking through defenses. it might be possible that some of the Things are friendlier or weaker than others, though, since we haven't quite decided what they are, yet? ... honestly, the "enemy" thing was just me trying to search for a word for "monsters" or "creatures" that wasn't me just saying the same world a thousand times over in the span of a paragraph until it loses meaning. in hindsight, it was an absolutely terrible decision. HOWEVER, it is probably better that i did phrase it like that, because those are good ass ideas. i especially like the idea of the religious zealots! maybe people that think that the monsters were a curse from God to purge the people of their sins and that their living on was basically. an affront to that god. by that logic? and that they could go to heaven by simply accepting gods' will and dying, so by killing them, they're leading them to some sort of salvation. that would be cool. if you'd prefer a grand-scale plot, we could probably make that into something even bigger, but in great part i am most looking forward to the more lower-down plots when the characters are made. but yeah. species development. that is what i meant to ask about. god damn.

Agreed one hundred percent ^^
I'm liking the idea of some creatures just being more weak. Maybe friendly? That could also bring up the questions of if the monsters are able to communicate. Are they simply beasts or more alien-ish? Maybe their own language? I could imagine they're all hostile, though. If they do use them for entertainment, I imagine them just being weaker (though clearly still strong enough to please the people).
I love it! It's sorta dark, but I think it's at least interesting lmao. I don't mind not having it being important and just sort of a subplot, considering this RP seems like it could have a shit ton of room for other options and ideas to come into play.
As for the species, I imagine them being sorta,,, reptillian but also like monkeys if that makes sense?

i would imagine either their own language or purely feral??? maybe a few are able to mimic human voices and eventually learn how to speak. it'd be cool, i think, if they were kind of like. feral, but also very intelligent? would make them more of a threat, i think. and i can't really picture that, mind going more into detail?

I think them having their own language and being able to eventually learn english would be a neat idea, or mimic some common human noises and eventually learn english. Or maybe they're just entirely feral, like you suggested, and they can only mimic so many things in the human language. They'd still be highly intelligent, but they're not too worried about speaking.
Uhhh, maybe imagine a komodo dragon being the size of a gorilla, maybe bigger, but looking a lot more,,,, terrifying? A lot more feral pfft

Murdering_Crow said: I think them having their own language and being able to eventually learn english would be a neat idea, or mimic some common human noises and eventually learn english. Or maybe they're just entirely feral, like you suggested, and they can only mimic so many things in the human language. They'd still be highly intelligent, but they're not too worried about speaking.
Uhhh, maybe imagine a komodo dragon being the size of a gorilla, maybe bigger, but looking a lot more,,,, terrifying? A lot more feral pfft
yeah, i would imagine. maybe it depends on hte monster?? like, maybe theres a bunch of different forms the monster takes, and that's greatly why they're so terrifying. you can never expect what you get. so some would look like an eldritch komodo dragon, some would just be incomprehensibly eldritch, but all of them are monsters nonetheless??? like maybe multiple eyes n shit who knows. i think that would be cool. and maybe also with varying, like. ways they use their intelligence. so some would be able to mimic, some would straight be able to talk, some just put all their points into heightened senses n shit, whatever?