
Would he stop her from doing something kinda stupid?

If theres a chance it will get her killed then yeah probably lol

I want this back where I can see it. Yay! I'm glad this is starting again.


Ideas for what should happen next?

Ummm man I swear I had so many ideas for this rp when we first started :'( Well Damien does in fact have a fear of water, soooo maybe Kailey gets a little curious. Maybe theres something across the water that catches her attention and since Damien has to follow her around like a lost puppy.... XD


I'm soo sorry. I'm struggling so if you don't mind a short post we may just be going with my pitiful effort. Maybe on the return trip she can accidentally and then purposefully splash him or something

Ah dont worry about it! I completely understand! I was struggling with mine and I'm still not happy with it. >.< We can work our way back into it! :) Yeah that works!

I think it might be better if she falls or he falls going back over. I wouldn't want him mad at her for purposefully splashing him since she ran off. The post ended up a little better than I thought it was going to. Not a great post but better than I thought