
CURRENT RANKS~ Queen- Amara- saratank King- Picked in RP / Second male- Picked in RP Second Female- Picked in RP / Healer- Nightshade (Night)- Deadlywolf / Lionesses- Unlimited Fae- saratank Tara- saratank Nyla- Rona Child Raion- Hedwig le owl (Hasnt been on) Neko- Hedwig le owl (Hasnt been on) Kaya- saratank Castiel- Captain Puffy Nova- Wild Side / Males- Unlimited (Due to pride laws there is no reason to worry about them) Midnight- saratank Aslan- saratank Riot- Rona Child Amra- Deadlywolf Niro- saratank Wilted- Captain Puffy Harley- Wild Side / Mothers- 4 to start (Must have a mate first) / Cubs- 3 per female / Elders- Max of 5 Xena- Wild Side / Nomads- Max of 3 to start ~~~~ Coat Defects~ (no more until more lions are added) Nyla (White lion) Luna (Future white lion)

I have work and I will be back on after.

saratank said: CURRENT RANKS~ Queen- Amara- saratank King- Picked in RP / Second male- Picked in RP Second Female- Picked in RP / Healer- Nightshade (Night)- Deadlywolf / Lionesses- Unlimited Fae- saratank Tara- saratank Nyla- Rona Child Raion- Hedwig le owl (Hasnt been on) Neko- Hedwig le owl (Hasnt been on) Kaya- saratank Castiel- Captain Puffy Nova- Wild Side / Males- Unlimited (Due to pride laws there is no reason to worry about them) Midnight- saratank Aslan- saratank Riot- Rona Child Amra- Deadlywolf Niro- saratank Wilted- Captain Puffy Harley- Wild Side / Mothers- 4 to start (Must have a mate first) / Cubs- 3 per female / Elders- Max of 5 Xena- Wild Side / Nomads- Max of 3 to start ~~~~ Coat Defects~ (no more until more lions are added) Nyla (White lion) Luna (Future white lion)
Thanks Someone said you left so I checked up on this RP

Hi My hamster has just died today so I probably will be inactive on WP for awhile as I am mourning so please be patient and when I manage to come on I will try to post thanks

I'm online finally, so sorry I haven't been on I've been busy with school and by the way it's me Hedwig le owl

I'm going to unsubscribe to everything, if this does start again which is highly unlikely ,please contact me via PM. Thank you and have a good day you all.