
Great job everyone!
@Deso, glad to see your rank up more! I'll probably be PvPing once someone takes me up on a 6v6 xD
@Oddity, Looking good!
I'm glad that we are going between 2nd and 3rd so let's aim for 2nd to stay :D If anyone needs help getting their rank up, I can do a few rounds of 1v1's as well ;3
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I'd be up for a 1v1 or 2v2 if anyone is interested :)
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Hi there! How are you doing? <3 Emmy Bear said: Hi guys
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Groups have been updated!
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Howdy guys! I hope you're all doing well :D In the last month I've become quite the busy gal, so training is going to be pretty slow. I'll still be able to get some wolves done, but I won't be able to load the roster and do one-day training like I was before. Don't feel like you can't ask for training, just be prepared for some delays. My most active days will be Friday - Monday, with days in the middle of the week where I might not log on for more than a couple minutes at a time. However, if you need help of any kind just shoot me a pm and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. As Fangsoffire has said in the alliance comms, I'm here to help! I just need a little patience as I deal with the disaster that is currently my schedule :')

We have to reboot this chat lol. We are first on the board fellas! I believe we can stay there if everyone gets their rank up to above 75!! :D
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Good job all! We ended up first on the board!
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Great job everyone. <3 Be proud of your efforts.

Hello everyone! I know this chat has been dead for a bit but it's time to revamp it! The PvP event is coming up soon and I want everyone at the top of their game. I we stay in first again this round, everyone is getting apples! :D
Mush will be handed out before the event begins if we do have the funds. <3
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