
I Know how you feel 😂 Until you combine that with being a Future Seer Cuz 1. No one believes your predictions (Loke ih I dont know... The Coronavirus!) 2. Something bad will happen that you cant stop This one hits me bad..

So! Let's Converseee Howd you guys Find your Gods/Goddesses?

I just....expected it. I was drawn to Sparta when I was back in Greece, did a tarot reading, and even went to our local Oracle Priest. They all said the war God was for me. Just to be absolutely clear, I meditated for a bit. Though I felt connected to all of the Gods (growing up with their lore in their homeland and all) I felt a pull to my Ares. You?

Youd never Think I'd be In any Way pulled to the Goddess Of Day. I'm a Night owl and I'm not on the uhm- Caring Side. But I do meditate alot. The first time I saw her she came to me in my dreams Didnt really say anything... Just hovered there Intimidatingly ... I actually didn't know it was her until I saw some pictures of her interpretations But it was definitely her. She comes to me alot when meditating and is like a mentor more than anything. .... She seems to be the opposite of me, But that's why shes the perfect one. I have horrible Anger issues, But she seems more calm So, Being with her is definitely beneficial. ... Sometimes She'll Take me places in Dreams. Alot of the time those places end up being important. .... I never really felt any sort of pull to a deity like most people. I didnt Have that 'pull' until I first saw her in my dream

For a long time I've been drawn to music, although I could never play instruments all that well. My love life is shite but I still fall in love with practically everyone I see. I get sick easily, but I also suprisingly keep a level head when tending to other people. Crows also follow me. So for awhile, I just thought this was a sign that I'm a witch? But then, I meditated for the first time and Apollo was like 'bich you stupid, I'm right here. You even share a horribly tragic lovelife with me lol. get wrekt' and then... the rest is history. It also helped that whenever I tried to do a tarot reading the sun card would happen to flop out as I was shuffling. Like. Every time.

Also, If I may, can I ask what exactly a Future Seer is? I've done a lot of research on divination but I haven't heard of that term before. It sounds super interesting!

As the de facto leader of this club in Alpha Frost's absence, it's come to my attention that we need to lay down some ground rules. Alpha Frost assumed that these rules wouldn't need to be written as most of them are common sense but some of us aren't the sharpest tools in the shed so I'll go ahead and remind everyone: No roleplaying or asking to roleplay. This is a religious study group, if you came here to roleplay you can walk yourself right back out. No gatekeeping. I haven't seen this yet but the way this is going, it'll only be a matter of time. No politics. We're a religious study group, not a debate class. Keep all talk of politics out, thanks. No discrimination or hate. We support BLM and LGBTQ+. If you don't agree, don't let the door hit you on the way out.
Just a reminder.

Religion: Exploring right now God(ess): I don't really follow just one Fun Facts: I study demonology, the Fae, and warnings of all kinds throughout witchcraft

Dark Omens said: Also, If I may, can I ask what exactly a Future Seer is? I've done a lot of research on divination but I haven't heard of that term before. It sounds super interesting!
A future seer is just a seer. Seers are people who are gifted/cursed with the ability to see into the future in flashes. Normally the predictions are not all that clear unless they have trained for years and years and/or had a mentor to help.

Yess Some may Say I'm 'Gifted' To be able to see theses Things But No I say I am Cursed. When Things are Unclear You have no idea what may happen. Until It does Then You know what it meant and know you could've Stopped it from Happening If you had Just Understood It. That is a Curse. To Know you had the ability to Stop Something and Didn't