
All suggestions have been added ^^

Form: Wolf number: 4729471 How long you want the spotlight (example 1/23-1/28): whenever. What would you like the spotlight to say: One of my Infatuation wolves. I would love for him to get some paws <3 Other: if anyone wants a discounted breeding to him, I try to keep him up for discounted breeding to the alliance
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Shark suggestions: Greenland Shark Bonnethead Megalodon (I know it's extinct but it still counts!) Wobbegong Blue Shark Longfin Mako Shortfin Mako
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Hey, sharky friends! I wanted to let everyone know I opened an art shop, and members of this alliance get a discount! I also wanted to let everyone know that I'm offering ONE free headshot commission to every member. Just PM me to claim! Hope you are all having a great day!
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