There are four distinct, sentient races in this world. Humans, Elves, Tieflings, and Mages. Along with these four races, some have mingled with other races and created mixed races as well.
Human (2/2)
Known to be the least diverse of the four races and more than that, for being the only race that cannot use magic without the aid of sigils. At times, though rare, they may have an ‘aura ability’ that allows them to sense different kinds of magic, which also causes their hair to be an unnatural color.
Hair; Natural colors unless they have an aura ability or the hair is dyed.
Skin; Natural colors.
Eyes; Natural colors.
Height; On average they’re anywhere from 5’4” to 5’9”, but they can be taller or shorter.
Lifespan; Lives to 80s on average, can live up to 150.
Magic; Sigils.
Navarre Kingdom
This kingdom houses the majority of humans in the land, other than a few settlements away from it from humans that wish to get away from the corruption that rots it. The kingdom is wealthy, and every building in the center of the kingdom looks beautiful and well developed. Despite the kingdom’s wealth, as one gets further out the kingdom, the more poor and rundown it becomes. The only buildings that keep their glory are the churches scattered about.
The Navarre Kingdom puts a heavy focus on trade, even within its culture. It is a popular place for pop-up markets with merchants from around the continent as well as circuses, traveling theaters, and other forms of temporary entertainment. A love of the land is a staple for humans in this region and common people are taught to take care of the land for the next generation even if nobles do not help this cause.
The kingdom is rot with political corruption and as such any money earned is spent on lavish parties and improving the homes of nobles. The kingdom is a feudal monarchy with rich nobility and richer royalty. While the nobility can advise the king on some decisions, the king has total power over the land, the people, and, of course, the money. As a result, the further out from the main city a human travels, the more… ‘unsavory’ it is. Houses sunken in the ground from poor infrastructure and sinkholes, a single, packed orphanage since others had burned down, and beggars and thugs littering every alley and street.
The Navarre Kingdom believes in a singular, all powerful God. Despite the church and king not being affiliated with one another, the church still holds a lot of power over the people by promising the eyes of god will burn them if they do not donate and pray regularly.
The Navarre Kingdom is a beautiful land with a diverse landscape despite its rather small size. Being on the coast, it is prone to misty fog and cold nights, especially during winter. Meanwhile, during the summer it’s always warm and humid, though with a refreshing salty breeze along the coast. The plains where crops are grown are good at holding the right amount of refreshing, sea air and dry, inland air for just about any crop you could think of.
Elf (2/2)
Elves are an extremely diverse race known for their long, pointed ears and even longer lives. They are less diverse in appearance only when compared to tieflings. Despite being limited in their magic compared to mages, they are more diverse in their magic. No elves have the same magic, though within each family the magic is similar. Depending on how much a family uses their magic, the stronger or weaker it gets throughout the generations.
Hair; Natural and Unnatural colors.
Skin; Natural colors. Rarely seen, are shades of black and white.
Eyes; Natural and Unnatural colors.
Height; On average they’re anywhere from 5’0” to 6’0”, but they can be taller or shorter.
Lifespan; Can live up to 750.
Magic; Hereditary with some evolution/de-evolution over generations.
Kingdom of Umbris
The Kingdom of Umbris houses the majority of elves in the realm. Out of every kingdom, they are one of the largest, and one of the most secure.
The Kingdom of Umbris has a strong culture centered around perfection in all areas. Through this culture, they try to ensure that the kingdom and its people are all perfect. This idea includes career, emotions, spirituality, intellect, physical strength, magic, and whatever else you could think of.
This being said, they are also very centered around familial tradition. This means that every family has their own tradition, and not following the tradition of your family can result in rather severe punishments.
Hair is also a huge part of elven culture, and is used to show many things. Long hair is part of every tradition, and it must be well taken care of, otherwise many elves will tend to think less of you. Short hair is used by elves to either reject tradition during times of civil unrest, or as a punishment to elves with long hair that have been taking care of it for their whole lives in response to a crime or dishonoring their family tradition. Braids in an elves' hair will show how many major victories they’ve had in any aspect of their life, for each major victory there will be a braid.
The Kingdom of Umbris is ruled over by several noble families, all of which are of the highest wealth and power in the kingdom. These noble families meet up every so often to discuss and keep the kingdom running smoothly. Despite this easily corrupted way of doing things, the kingdom hasn’t had many problems with civil unrest in the past and it would seem as if the kingdom is in good condition all around.
The Kingdom of Umbris encourages religious freedom, as long as each family sticks to whichever religion is chosen. Most elves believe in either a large pantheon of Gods and Goddesses or believe one singular Goddess.
The Kingdom of Umbris is one of the largest kingdoms in the realm, spanning across mountains and forests. Within the mountains and forests, there are several rivers and waterfalls as well. These conditions make the kingdom perfect for an array of activities and economic opportunities. The temperature fluctuates but is often on the cooler side of things. Rain and snow are both quite common occurrences.
Tiefling (2/2)
Tieflings are perhaps the most diverse of the four distinct races. They can have different kinds of tails, wings, horns, and ears depending on where they’re from, their parents, and their magic. As such, they have five different kingdoms based on their magic in order to use it to the best of their abilities.
As a whole, tieflings use piercings, jewelry, and tattoos to express themselves and show major life events. One may get a matching piercing when married, or tieflings may get a tattoo upon reaching adulthood.
Hair; Natural and unnatural colors.
Skin; Natural and unnatural colors.
Eyes; Unnatural colors.
Height; On average they’re anywhere from 5’6” to 6’2”, but they can be taller or shorter.
Lifespan; Can live up to 400.
Magic; Elemental magic, usually with one or two strong suits.
Fire and Earth both have harder/tougher skin without adding muscle mass/losing speed, and the other three (Water, Air, Shadow) weigh less/are lighter on their feet without losing any muscle mass.
Emparal Kingdom
The Emparal Kingdom is the kingdom of tieflings that have fire magic. They are the largest of the tiefling nations, and have the second largest population of tieflings, second only to the Cait Federation.
This tiefling nation is very centered around passion, as such they encourage their citizens to do whatever makes them feel alive. Not happy, per se, but alive. This distinction in particular has led to many corrupted businesses and livelihoods amongst its citizens. One such example is the coliseum where people fight to the death. They’re also known for having extremely spicy food that most outsiders complain about, much to the chagrin of the Emparal Kingdom.
The Emparal Kingdom is ruled by a wealthy group of people, one of which is titled Oligarch. These people rule the kingdom altogether, though they often look towards the Oligarch as the supreme leader. This Oligarch is usually, if not always, the most wealthy of the group and of the kingdom as a whole.
The Emparal Kingdom follows one deity, ‘The Goddess of Fire and Light’. They admit that the Goddess they worship used to be part of a pantheon but that they have no desire in worshiping the other gods or goddesses from it.
The Emparal Kingdom spans an entire desert, making them easily the largest tiefling nation. There are also several plateaus in their nation as well, allowing some residents to have a cooler climate if they can afford it. Sandstorms tend to happen at least once a year, but the kingdom has adapted to the best of their abilities. The climate is hot and dry during the day but gets rather cold at night. Rain is rare, but the nation gets its water from a cool spring they found within a plateau.
Nysa Dynasty
The Nysa Dynasty is the tiefling nation that houses all tieflings with water magic. They are third in size and the second smallest tiefling nation in population.
This dynasty puts a strong emphasis on tradition, and to break tradition is to disgrace your family and yourself. This causes many families to disown anyone who causes disgrace by breaking tradition, making the Nysa Dynasty the second likely tiefling nation to have people leave or flee persecution to another nation. They are second only to the Korgon Empire in that regard. They also put a strong emphasis on religion, and everyone in the dynasty is expected to follow the same traditions, religion, and culture.
The Nysa Dynasty is ruled by the head of the Nysa family, who are believed to be divine messengers of ‘The Wave’. They are expected to rule according to ‘The God’s word and carry out His will.
The Nysa Dynasty believes in one higher power, whom they have dubbed, ‘The God’ or ‘The Wave’. They do not believe in any other deities, and this deity is not part of a forgotten pantheon. Not only this, but they scorn those that try to say that He must have been worshiped alongside the Cait’s religion.
The Nysa Dynasty spans along a coastal front, making a great place for ports and trading. They don’t often deal with tsunamis or hurricanes, though they are a possibility. The climate is usually very humid and tropical plants are abundant. Rain is very common and floods are something that the dynasty has adapted to due to frequency.
Derfir Tribe
The Derfir Tribe is the tiefling nation that houses all tieflings with earth magic, though they also have the largest population of tieflings with other types of magic as well. They are the second smallest nation, and have the third largest population.
The Derfir tribe have a culture centered around nature. If one is to kill an animal, it is to be done humanely. This mindset is used in everything, they believe in being kind above all else. This is why they accept all types of tieflings within their nation and not only ones with earth magic. It’s also why many fleeing from other tiefling nations to escape punishment come here instead of other nations.
The Derfir Tribe is run by elected officials that are supposed to represent the majority of those living in the tribe during any and all meetings. Usually, these officials have one in particular that they tend to look towards as a sort of chief, this is usually the most unbiased official in order to make sure everything decided is fair.
The Derfir Tribe believes in many druidic gods and goddesses that help them with many things, though in the end, they most worship nature. A few gods and goddesses from their pantheon are the ‘God of Harvest’, the ‘Goddess of Rain’, the ‘Goddess of Life’, and the ‘God of Travel’. There are also animal deities in this pantheon.
The Derfir Tribe lives in a thick forest great for hunting and lumber, though they all mostly live a druidic lifestyle. The forest has multiple streams and rivers allowing access to water for the Tribe. There are few environmental risks here, and any that arise are easily solved by the tieflings living in the nation.
Cait Federation
The Cait Federation is the tiefling nation that houses all tieflings with air magic, though they are also the tiefling nation that has the second largest population of tieflings that do not have the magic the nation was made for. They are the second largest nation, and have the largest population of tieflings.
The Cait Federation have a culture centered around freedom and independence, they do not tell their citizens how they must think or behave, what they can wear or do. Due to this, it’s hard to put any hard, concrete definition to their culture. Most accurately, they’re a mesh pot of different cultures all coming together that allows their citizens to express themselves however they wish to do so.
This tiefling nation takes a slightly estranged approach, they have divided their nation up into several smaller states each governed by a small group of people. These people then meet up in the heart of the Cait Federation every few months in order to govern the entirety of the nation and keep the internal peace.
The Cait Federation believes in one higher power, whom they have dubbed ‘The Goddess’. She is not part of a forgotten pantheon, and is the only deity they follow. The Federation especially scorns those that say that their Goddess and the Nysa’s God must be connected.
The Cait Federation spans along a mountain range in the northern part of the world, snow and freezing temperatures are extremely common and it only gets colder during the winter months. Blizzards and avalanches aren’t common but can occur. The most common source of water for the Federation is from snow or a nearby waterfall.
Korgon Empire
The Korgon Empire is the tiefling nation that houses all tieflings that have shadow magic. They are the smallest of the tiefling nations, and have the smallest population of tieflings.
The Korgon Empire values strength more than most, if not all, the other tiefling nations. Their culture is built around the idea of being strong, whether it be physically, mentally, magically, emotionally, or spiritually. Strength is what everything comes down to here. As such, tieflings are expected to master their element(s) and use their magic to its fullest potential.
The government in the Korgan Empire was once an absolute monarchy, but nowadays civil unrest is so common that the empire just seems to be in a constant state of disorder and civil war. Military officials are often in place as leaders instead of any real government.
The Korgon Empire worships one deity, the ‘God of Darkness and Strength’. It’s unknown if this god is part of a pantheon or not, as he is the only one they worship.
The Korgon Empire is hidden underground, in cave systems that allow the empire to be harder to attack and keep their location undisclosed to any that have never been there. Not to mention that to outsiders, it can seem like a maze with no way to keep from getting lost. The climate tends to be cool in the cave systems and there is a nice underground spring used as the empire’s water. Cave-ins are rather rare, though not unheard of.
Mage (2/2)
Mages are said to be relatives to humans, and are a race of what humans would be like if they had magic infused to their very being. That being said, they’re a shorter race but no doubt the best with magic.
Hair; Unnatural colors unless dyed.
Skin; Natural colors.
Eyes; Unnatural colors.
Height; On average they’re anywhere from 5’1” to 5’8”, but they can be taller or shorter.
Lifespan; Can live up to 700.
Magic; No limitations, though there are specializations.
Mementos Empire
The Mementos Empire is the nation that houses the majority of mages in the realm, known mostly for its integration of magic use in everyday life.
The Mementos Empire spans across a forest and plains, with several large rivers and streams that act as the empire’s main sources of water. Many flowers are able to be grown and there are meadows full of wildflowers as well. Temperatures are rather warm during spring and summer, but they cool down during the winter and autumn months. However, the nation rarely sees any snow during the year.
Mixed (2/2)
The mixed race is when couples of two different races have a child together. This child is of mixed race. They are the most diverse in the fact that they can have traits from both of their parents’ races.
Hair; Natural and Unnatural colors.
Skin; Natural colors, unless part Elf or Tiefling with Unnatural colors.
Eyes; Natural and Unnatural colors.
Height; They can be as short as the shortest average height for their parents or as tall as the tallest average for their parents. Or shorter or taller.
Lifespan; They take the higher average of their parents.
Magic; There is a rule of thumb with Mixed. Elf magic will always be inherited by the offspring. If no Elf parent then Tiefling magic. If no Elf or Tiefling parent then Human magic, and then Mage magic is rarely ever seen among Mixed.
The mixed race tends to stay with their parents, so wherever their parents stay, they tend to have the same culture. Or a blend of their parents' culture if taught by both races.