Meaning of Name
Place of Birth
Greenland Dog
Quicksilver Fighters
Lead Dog
Appearance(Needs at least 100 words or a picture)
Sin is standing around 22 inches and only weighing about 62 pounds. Sin coating is similar to a border collie's coat but with shades of orange/ginger in the dark blavk. Her eyes are deep honey color with twines of light blue in her iris. Ksenia has only one ear standing and other folded due to an injury in her youth. Sin is very lean but with her ton of fur matted with dirt and shedding it just looks like clumps and spikey places growing. But negore the race her fur has been groomed and combed nicely so it doesn't bother her. But will likely change very quickly. She looks like a powerhouse ready to fight anything bigger than her. Her sole purpose of her build is endurance and agility. Her beauty is not in her appearance as she seems very brutish and masculine with little feminine features.
Personality(Needs at least 100 words)
Sin is quite satcastic with her attitude. Her attitude can be quite bad at times if she is pushed to an extent. Sin lives up to her name with being hospitility always nurturing the younger ones or being a therapist to the others. She has never tipped off to aggression or even saying a rude comment to anyone.
Sin is very calm headed with decision and quite witty. She doesn't like to go to others with her problems though. She likes to keep to herself, but she knows when to lead the others for their own good. She may not be rude eor aggressive only on rare occasions. But she does have high expectations for herself and others.
She is strict and stern wanting her team to win and be successful as best they can be. She doesn't like to hear a no or attitude from anyone else around. She expects it to be done and with no back talk. She gives everyone respect and expect it back with nothing else. She is a cheerleader for the team as she may be stern and strict to them. She will push them with encouraging words to keep them going.
Likes/Dislikes(Must have at least five of each)
+Freezing Temps, pine tree smells, silence, running, sleeping
-Being hurt, death, unnessary violence, getting yelled at, liars.
Strengths/Weaknesses(Must have at least five of each)
+Endurance, Motherly instincts, Tracking, Leading, agility
-Getting too bossy, trust issues, speed, living in her past, overthinks way to much
"Respect is earned not given..:
Australian Shepherd
(Deepest condolences. I'm on my phone a smy computer has finally left me. It was on it last life for a bit.)