Pack Name
Pack ID
_____ ISKRA _____
"Don't give me an excuse to just leave you here."
Female | 7 | Border Patrol | Husky/Wolf
This female is not of a kind nature. Most would consider her to be quite ruthless and rather cold... which is true. Iskra has been known for such an attitude, her words normally laced with a cold venom that could simply hurt you within a moment's notice. She doesn't take anyone's shit, and is definitely what you would call independent. Iskra has a tendency to be rather straight-forward, never sugar-coating anything. To most, this is annoying. To herself, she finds it to be rather eye-opening as she tends to prove a bunch of points.
Iskra is quite an observant thing. She's always picking up on small details that probably don't matter, but could mean something in the long run. She has this way of being quite sneaky about it as well. It could be from studying one's body language to picking up the smallest detail within her own surroundings. That being said, because she picks up so well on other's body language, their behavior, sometimes even their vernacular, and she becomes quite good at reading emotions. In most cases, you can find Iskra using this against others. Observing others to find what they react to the most like their weaknesses can come quite in handy when wanting some sort of revenge on someone.
That being said, Iskra isn't necessarily vengeful, but fuck with her or someone she cares about, you will in fact see something you never wanna see. In most cases, she will make it obvious she doesn't like you. She will have a very valid reason not to like someone, she doesn't just do it to do it. Iskra is mainly cold towards them, brutally rude, and probably disrespectful -- even if they are her superior.
Iskra truly doesn't care what happens to her. In a way, this makes her seem to be quite reckless. She is... in a sense. Iskra doesn't go out of her way to simply
None as of now
Taisiya -- Sister / Alive