
now I'd say it is an almost even match but what it comes down to is whether Beial has a defense against psychological warfare as Rot loves to stalk his prey, appearing and disappearing just within their sight for weeks on end slowly making his victims feel as if they are going insane if Beial has no defense for such warfare then I'd say Rot would win

eyes would most definitely loose.

I do think that Storm could win that fight. As much as they are gentle, they do also know how to fight as well.

I think Zeraphilios has a fair chance. If but because he has two forms... and no sense of "fair" fighting.
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Maybe, if he stays as a cat - River https://postimg.cc/2VxngxVt

I think cats are lactose intolerant. So cheese would win.

Logically you'd think Marlow would be able to beat a block of cheese in a fight, but he'd probably choke trying to swallow it without chewing in a failed attempt to show off

See, lukie boy here he's rumored to be a high ranking demon in the underworld, but currently he's here on earth to take out uhm...well...his boyfriend actually so, mission accomplished? Unless you're Nash, sorry but, I don't think Marlow can beat the worst puppy on earth.
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I think all Luke would have to do is step on Mac..the likely ending is a quick tussle and then becoming friends because Mac can't stand not being on good terms lol

Probily. More likely they will become friends. Sorry I did not add a picture yet.