
Claim a wolf bio / short poem, please
I can grant: Your choice of a wolf for sale in my den (for free) a scared pumpkin

PM me, Life on Mars. And I'll take a scared pumpkin. I can grant:
Bald Eagle Feather (Rate Wolf) 5 CP for your wolf Wolf bio/short poem 50 feedings Greenhouse

Claiming 5CP please c:
I can grant: 20mush Any 1 item free from my MD

Which wolf, Alpha? Claiming free item (health potion) I can grant:
Ptarmigan Feather (higher chance dynamic pelt) 5 CP for your wolf Wolf bio/short poem 50 feedings Boarding for one wolf up to one week

I'll claim the 5 CP, please. I can grant: one sketchy uncoloured boi (have art block and can't draw beyond sketches lately) 5 CP

Coyote, on what? Claiming the 5 CP, on Lycan's Dominance
I can grant:
5 CP for your wolf Wolf bio/short poem Boarding for one wolf up to one week Edited at May 8, 2019 09:20 AM by Corax Noir


I can't claim anything because the person above me didn't say what they can grant.
I can grant:
Buy any wolf that does not say keep that is in my den for free
30 mush
5 Cp for one of your wolves(Tell me which one if you claim this one)
A boarding for one wolf up to 2 weeks(Tell me which one if you claim this one)
Edited at October 17, 2019 05:49 PM by dojeje's wolf pack

Claim Snow (Wolf)
I can grant: 5 CP On Wolves Pup 69 10 Mush Boarding Free Stud/Brood

Claiming 10 mush, please? :'3
I can grant:
-Male pup with a rarity of 4 -A friend request -A mother wolf and one pup. A price can be negotiated