Niamh Tara Windsor
pronounced: (NEEV) Irish is weird
name meaning(firstname.Radiant/second.Star)
Age/Gender/Sexuality: 21 | Female | Pansexual(female leaning)
Rank: Princess of Aibruvia
Desired Rank: Content with rank
Kingdom: Aibruvia
Thoughts On The Kingdom Of Aibruvia: She was very close to her mother and has her reservations on how her father now chooses to rule. Niamh is very interested with her personal education and activities. Adept in foreign relations with other kingdoms. Education included royal tudors and she chose to attend Whitewater academy to be more connected to her Peer subjects.

Image credit: piccrew artist malachitinous fair use
Standing at 5"10 the second princess has a tall willowy build with a decent toning from standard royal combat training and her own continued training over the years. While toned it's not noticed by many as Niamh carry's herself with a graceful determined stride. Now 19 Niamh has come into her womanhood as well as her eldest sister. While not curvy and golden like Em, she is beautiful in a dark and alluring way. Naimh's face is kind but with strong sharp features like her father. Eyes that could read you like an open book. High prominent cheek bones and a delicate straight nose. Followed by full pink lips. Her skin tone is a warm tanned sienna color. Slightly darker freckles are scattered over her nose and cheeks from her time outside. Her ears are adorned with piercings and she has a black inked tattoo of the north star at the top of her spine about the length and size of her palm dedicated to her mother.
Niamhs most prominent features however are her eyes. Taking after her late mother; they are a striking thunderstorm grey with flecks of black throughout. Depending on her mood or lighting they can appear much darker or like molten silver. Thick long black lashes adorn her angled inquisitive eyes. Her right eye has a vertical red slashed scar going over it. Extending from above her black angular brow to right above her cheekbone. Thankfully her eye itself is still intact. This is the result of a childhood accident. (or was it) She isn't self conscious about the scar and wears it proudly and finds it quite amusing when others can't hold her stare for long.
Niamh's jet black curly hair falls past her shoulderblades when down. Her hair shade she takes after her fathers side of the family. Her hair type is considered 2c or if her hair gets wet it curls up much more for awhile. Majority of the time Niamh's hair is pleated in several long braids. To keep it out of her face when she is out horseback riding or reading a cherished book or sparing with her older brothers and guards. However her favorite look is to have half of her head braided back and the rest loose and wavy to give an almost half shaved look.
|Intelligent|Feisty|Flirty side|Observant|
Niamhs is a very kind woman in general. Quite protective of her siblings. Very observant and adventurous she is often seeking new knowledge somewhere and can become a bit distracted once she has her mind set on something. When it comes to knowledge or conversations where an answer is being argued she would stubbornly seek out the truth even if it meant her previous answer was incorrect. She does not waste time on playing the I'm right your wrong game. Her lady in waiting Cassia is her closest friend and she loves spending time with the older girl who makes her smile. Since the death of the Queen this normally young energetic and always laughing princess had something die with her as well. Leaving her still kind but much more reserved and private. Throwing herself into her studies and pretty much growing up very quick at the young age of 15. While content to sit and read this young woman also loves a good party. Dancing and good food are some of her favorite things and a for sure way to her heart. Niamh is very good at reading people and their intentions after many years of watching people from the safety of the shadows. When your eldest sister is the one being watched by court members and others it's easy to learn there motives when your unobserved. She has become very good at knowing her way in and around her home castle and can stick to the shadows like glue knowing her ever watchful guard knows exactly where she is.
+ Very intelligent with a broad education
+ Knife combat(very skilled but kept primarily on the low as to take her attacker by surprise if the case ensues)
+ Hand to hand defensive combat(including the use of a bow staff)
+ Dancing
+ Horseback riding
+ Very charismatic and makes allys quickly
- Allergic to pineapples
- Right eye while intact has slightly worse peripheral vision on that side
-The idea of anyone harming her family or friends
Likes: Reading, horseback riding, dancing, stargazing and astrology, iceskating, friendly fighting, coffee, ice cream
Dislikes: Tomatoes, Cruelty in any form, cocky assholes, assassins, summer heat waves, boring lectures
Kin: Mother: Queen Maristela(deceased)
Father: King Edward
Siblings: 1. Emmeline 2. Mion 3. Vesper 4. Sybil(twin1) 5. Phoebe(twin2)
Niamh grew up in the Royal household of Aibruvia. She was a shy little kid for the first few years. As her older sister Em was doted on as the crown princess. Content in her search of knowledge she never minded. She was most often found in the Royal library on a velvet couch curled up reading with her mother. Around the age of 10 she realized that she very much enjoyed nature and riding horses especially since it let her get out of the castle. Always content to join in the ice-skating at the winter festivals as well. Followed closely by her new lady in waiting Cassia. As they got older and began learning about the dangers of their world, her siblings and her were taught self defense. The energy and skill of training was quickly picked up by her and she can found sparing with the guards or her older brothers even today. She found she worked particularly well with throwing knives and always has one upon her person. Having slightly more freedoms as she's farther down the line of succession she began to attend the Whitewater academy under an alias of a noble girl. There she became friends with a handful of students but one in particular prince who attended shortly became a good friend of hers especially following the death of her mother when she was around 16. Prince Kristopher and her Handmaiden Cassia kept her mind off things
Crush/Significat Other: open to a potential secret fling or something pm me
Children: none
Affiliations: - Kingdom of Aibruvia
- Whitewater academy
- Lady in waiting Handmaiden Cassia Thomson)
- Handmaiden Zoe
- Royal Guard Isolde Morely
- Friends/school mates(Prince Kris of Laetis Kingdom)
Other: thunderbirds are lit
Name: Hestia Lovelace
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual (Demi)
Rank: Royal Nanny
Desired Rank: content
Kingdom: Aibruvia capital. Formally from the city of Norwich
Thoughts On The Kingdom Of Aibruvia: The heavy taxation became an issue for her but she is now grateful for her position in the castle. She is hopeful for the crown princess and her reign. She holds her cards close. She cares deeply for the twin princesses
Appearance: Standing at a not intimidating at all 5 '4 this spryly woman makes up for it with her work effort and sheer takes no shit face. Quite pretty with generous curves Hestia has a light crème complexion with rosy pink cheeks. Her body is quite curvy and sturdy from hard work. Calloused but soft hands small and gentle. Often flecked with bits of paint she missed. Her eyes are very kind and light up her face however that can flip to stern towards anyone who dares not listen to her. Hestia's eyes are a golden honey brown in color. Shorn to right about her shoulders is straight dark blonde hair that has shorter wisps tucked behind her ears. She moves with a quick speed for her short stature. No doubt to keep up with the twins. She is usually wearing simple clothes she doesn't mind young princesses ruining or her paint getting on.
Personality: Hestia carries a kind aura with her everywhere she goes. No matter the rough childhood in the orphanage. She is a love all but take no shit type woman. Organized and friendly this nanny while firm with the twins loves them very much. If she's not with the twins she's off painting or making sure the maids are doing there jobs. She sticks to a strict schedule and does not like tardiness. If you make her cross you will quickly regret it as this tiny woman will very quickly scold you as she would the small children in her care. This includes the guards and even the king himself no one gets in the way of her job. She is a very efficient worker and enjoys her work in the castle. While the twins can give her a headache half the time trying to keep up with them; she would give her life in a moment to keep them safe. She lives life with a unapologetic love for things of beauty and kindness.
Strengths: Her memory is top notch, she is a very skilled painter, sharp vision often able to pick out the littlest detail
Weaknesses: She lacks a family so having no support is rough mentally and financially, singing while she can paint her voice is not one she likes, her height is a struggle but the Royal guards assigned to the twins usually help her reach things she normally can not
Likes: Painting, sunsets, walking on the beach, being on time
Dislikes: Tardiness, cruelty or rudeness, absolutely terrified of snakes
Kin: none that she knows of. Orphan
Backstory: Hestia was brought up in the Aswild orphanage in Norwich as a youngster. She does not know who her birth family are. Often picked on for being small she would spend her time hiding in one of the orphanages spare rooms. Painting with what ever she could get her hands on. As she got older and finally left the orphanage as she had won the ability to attend the Blackrose Acadmeic School for her art abilities. After she graduated she opened up a small painting shop but money began to be an issue as taxes raised. So she started nannying on the side and was soon asked to come work at the castle to be the Royal nanny as of the late queens death.
Crush: maybe...
Significat Other: open
Children: none. Sees the Royal twins as her children in a way.
-Kingdom of Aibruvia and it's royals and staff
-Blackrose Academy
-Princess Sybil and her twin sister Princess Phoebe
Other: Opens book. once upon a time there were six thunderbirds. Sees the twins already asleep closes book and smiles.