
Skylar looked around, "You need to go get a garbage bin, I'm going to get sick soon, I know it." Sky said breathlessly. He began to sweat profusely, and then get the chills. Balling his hands in a fist, he squeezed them tight as he winced in pain. He gritted his teeth together and let out a groan. Everything Sky was feeling, only increased. It felt like he was going to have a heart attack or die simply because of how much his stomach hurt. He squeezed his eyes shut and clenched his jaw. "Fuck." Sky breathed, as he grabbed his stomach.
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Jake had started to get up when Skylar said he needed a garbage bin and only started to move faster when he looked like he was in more pain. Jake quickly found a garbage bin, some Tylenol, stomach meds, and some mint gum, since he knew gum helped calm an upset stomach sometimes. He then returned to Skylar pretty fast and slipped the garbage bin into his cell. "There's that," he says, still trying to keep his voice calm, "and if you do throw up everything in your stomach I have some medicine for you to take after to prevent it from happening again." As he watched Skylar through the bars of the cell it was hard for him to keep calm like he had been. They don't exactly teach you all about these kind of things in police academy.

Sky continued to kneel there in pain, the pain only increasing. Once Jake put a garbage bin in his cell he moved closer to it, staying down on his knees. "Unless you got the stuff they would give me at rehab, it's not going to stay down." Sky stated. Almost straight after he finished talking he began to throw up. He was unable to hold his hair up, so it fell around the bin, thankfully not inside. Gripping onto the bin, he held it for support because he felt as if any second he could collapse onto the floor. Sky didn't understand why they wouldn't put him in rehab and then back into the cell, but then again he didn't know much about the police and how they run things.
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Jake felt his own stomach churn as he watched Skylar get sick into the garbage bin. He reached into the cell and helped pull his hair back enough so it wasn't hanging close to the bin anymore. "If you want I can put you in the drunk tank," Jake said as he checked his pockets for a rubber band or something to help keep Skylar's hair back, "that way you can puke all you need to without over filling a garbage bin." He nodded slightly to the clear doors nearby that lead to the drunk tank, indicating where it was in case the other wanted to go in there.

Sky didnt throw up too much, and once he felt he could look up at Jake he did so. "If I don't eat much, there wont be much coming out." Sky said, wiping his mouth on his shirt since he didn't have anything else. "I don't need to go to the drunk tank, Im not drunk, Im withdrawing." Sky said. He needed to go to rehab to get better, he would get better in here but just less enjoyably. "Rehab is specialized for this, not here." He then said, moving away from the cell bars and garbage cans. "Go away." He then said bitterly, not wanting to be around him anymore.
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Jake watched as Skylar finished throwing up what was in his stomach before responding to him. At first Jake nodded in understanding to Skylar's words but then he got a bit surprised as he got into a more annoyed tone. He could see why though. If someone else was at the station to watch the other guy then Jake could very easily take a cruiser and move Skylar across town to the rehab center. But of course no one else was there at the moment. When it was requested, awfully bitterly, for Jake to leave he didn't say much and just stood up silently. He went over to the other cell to check on that guy, who was tossing a pebble at the wall, before he went to his desk. There he made a call to the rehab center explaining the situation.