
Though hesitantly, he offered his hand to shake as well. It being his left, he was a bit self-consience about it. He firmly told himself that it was no issue if others knew about it, and judgement was nothing new. This young woman seemed nice anyway, and didn't seem like the type to judge over something small. A part of him hoped that it being covered, she wouldn't notice. Perhaps he had more childhood trauma than he had originally thought... Despite his best attempt to remain composed, there was some remaining tension that came through in the slightly stiff handshake. "Pleasure is all mine, miss Dove." He responded with a dip of his head, gaze flicking away briefly in mild embarassment. He never had been one for socializing, but this party called for it, so he would do what was needed.

The first thing that Dove noticed when he took her hand was the biting cold she felt through the gloves that he wore, the second was that the limb beneath was not flesh, but likely metal. She had been a little surprised, yes, but she'd never judge someone. She always found herself intrigued when it came to those and how they lost a limb, but she never pried. That would be insensitive and inappropriate, but she was always willing to listen. She could sense his discomfort, leading her to simply smile reassuringly and release him once the shake had been done. "Well, now I suppose I should let you go. I was off to find a corner to hide in myself, as I'm afraid these sorts of events are not for me," she explained, chuckling lightly as she brushed her long hair from her face. She didn't want to keep this man distracted for too long incase he had things to do.

An awkward clear of his throat followed the hand release, returning his gaze to her. "Ah, yes. I do apologize for the hold up." He responded lightly, pausing a brief moment before speaking once more. "Though...If you'd like. I can accompany you. Perhaps it could help both of us." He offered, perhaps a bit embarassed at suggesting such a thing. He had no questionable intentions, but he never knew what others might think of his actions. Was he too cautious...? Maybe, but it was useful in certain situations. Forcing himself out of his thoughts, golden gaze fell back on to the young woman. "That is, if you would like company." Edited at August 15, 2024 12:33 AM by Luminous Crown

Dove didn't feel held up at all, but she was sure that he had a bigger role to be at such a party than she. She had been about to bade him good bye when he'd offered her company. Her hazel eyes seemed to light up as she nodded, thankful for the offer. "I'd quite like that, actually. I haven't a clue where I am or who I'm around, so the company would be lovely," she added, trusting that he didn't have any untoward intentions. With as kind as he was being, she didn't expect that he would. "Would you like to lead the way?" She asked, a slight tilt to her head. She'd scouted the room and didn't find anywhere to sneak off to, so she hoped that with an extra set of eyes (gorgeous golden ones at that) they'd be able to get some peace away from the party.

A small nod was offered, attention soon shifted to survey the crowded room, golden gaze narrowing slightly. "I would be happy to." He reponded with a small smile, soon offering a gloved hand as a guide to help her through the room. He wasn't entirely sure where they would go to escape the chaotic party, but hopefully they could find somewhere quieter. "I think the hall might be a quieter spot. Perhaps we can step out for a few moments?" He suggested, hoping that hadn't sounded too strange. "Or...perhaps simply just a less crowded spot in the room. There are a few places to sit I am sure." Was he being too much..?

Dove wondered if it would alright for her to even take him away from the party. She had to keep reminding herself that she was a part of the party this time, not a worker at it. "Thank you," she smiled, taking the hand that he offered. She wasn't partial to where they went so long it was a bit quieter. "Let's just step out into the hall for a bit. I find it to be a bit stuffy in here at the moment," she answered, knowing that it would help her own nerves to calm. "Thank you for offering me your company. I find that being in crowds like this is too much but being alone is just as bad," she explained as they started to head for the hallway.

"Very well." He responded with a short nod, soon leading the way to the door. Carefully weaving through the crowd he ensured that no relatives spotted him, lest he want to get caught up in another long converstion. Upon reaching the door he released her hand and held it open for her. Though he hadn't thought of this earlier, what were the two to do in the hall? Would others find it suspicious he was with some supposed 'stranger'? He cautiously scanned the hall for anyone, not wanting to draw too much attention, even though the two did not plan to do anything wrong.

Dove did feel odd to be escaping with a man who was a stranger in all but name, but if she wanted peace and company it was a small price to pay. After all, none of these people but one knew her. She'd have nothing to worry about. As they weaved through the crowd, she kept an eye out for Ginny. She was talking with some handsome man who seemed to be laying it on rather thick, and Dove was suddenly glad she'd been interrupted on her search. "Thank you," she murmured as he held the door open for her so that she could step into the hall. It was much quieter and already she could feel herself relaxing. "It does feel a bit naughty doesn't it?" She mused as she noticed the way he was looking around in hopes to avoid others. She wasn't sure what they'd do either, other than simply enjoy one another's presence.

Once the pair entered the hall he paused just to the left of the door, his attention landing back onto her. "Ah-seems we had similar thoughts. It does seem that way for someone who has no context." Seeing he wasn't the only one with the same idea, he was able to get some amuse out of it. "Ahem-well, any particular thoughts on what we are to do out here?" He inquired, ocassionally glancing around to ensure they weren't being observed. He did think this party was a bit much. Why not just do a family celebration, that's what the holidays were about, right? Oh well, not much he could do about it anyway. His parents were always one for a good party. Edited at August 15, 2024 11:52 AM by Luminous Crown

Dove smiled knowing that she'd hit the nail on the head. From years of being quiet and choosing to observe, she'd learned to read people quite well. He wasn't quite as easy as most, but she was getting on fine. "Not particularly, no. Most of the time I've sought out a place to 'hide' I've been alone with my thoughts. I suppose if it should interest you, we could try getting to know one another?" She offered, though she wouldn't be offended if he'd rather not. She was a bit afraid to admit that she wasn't in the same status quo as everyone else, but he did seem different as well. Perhaps he wouldn't judge her. Then again, who knew? Just the idea made her feel a little bit nervous again.