
This is a private role-play. If you are not listed above, please do not post. Thank you.

Name: Lionel Age: 22 Gender: Male Sexuality: Undetermined ----- Abilites Electricity(Unknown), Manipulation of the metal on his left arm. Creation of metallic objects (Usually weapons) ----- Appearance A tall boy standing at around 5'10, he has rather handsome features. His face is of a fair complexion. His hair is a long and silky golden-blonde, obviously well-kept. His left arm is made of metal after it was lost for a reason he does not share. His outfit could be described as very 'covering' as it does not show much skin at all. His shirt is a deep royal purple, along with a short cape-like thing in the back. His sleeves cover both arms, and loosely around his neck. His pants are loose fitting and black, and the shoes are somewhat like boots with black coloration. ----- Personality Lionel is a very calm and patient individual, displaying manners fitting of a knight. He usually avoids social interactions, but will not outright deny them when they are required. He is well known for his loyalty and protectiveness over those he loves, showing a fierce desire to protect whomever he considers an ally. Around those he deeply trusts, he shows a more relax and somewhat goofy side that seems to be hidden by his usual mannerisms. Though it rarely slips through, he can have a bit of a snappy side towards those who disrespect him. Though polite on the exterior, he is not beyond holding grudges and acting on them. (More in rp) ----- Strengths Excellent swordsmanship, which usually does not get used. makes for an amazing sight to see though. Anything requiring exceptional manners ----- Weakness Easy to stop his conjuration of metallic weapons, leaving him vulnerable for a few moments. Tight spaces. He has claustrophobia. ------- Backstory Born into a wealthy family, he was raised like any parent would raise child with lots of money. Best school, lots of lavish items, though unlike too many spoiled children, none of this went to his head. He was set on being a gentleman with impeccable manners, much to his equally polite parent's delight. Around the age of 10, he began dabbling in the magical arts, but in a freak accident, his left arm was lost. In a panic, his mother had it replaced with a highly advanced prosthetic. Some months later he was sent off to a school to continue his magic studies, He has recently returned home for the holidays, and to a party, much to his surprise. (More later) ------- Other Seldom shares how he lost his left arm, only those who are close to him know. Which is no one right now, aside from family. Edited at August 14, 2024 09:47 PM by Luminous Crown

Name: Dove Age: 21 Gender: Female • Appearance: A small creature this one, coming in at 5'2" and 110 pounds soaking wet. She's slender over all, but she has an hourglass figure. Her shoulders are narrow while she has a decently sized bust, small waist, and wide hips with thicker thighs. On first glance, one would think she's sweet as could be, but that couldn't be further from the truth. Her innocent looking doe eyes are hazel in color, often appearing golden in the sun. Her face is heart shaped, with her cheekbones being high and her jawline softly defined. Her nose is button like and slightly upturned with her lips being full and rounded, giving her the perfect little pout. Her skin is a warm tan color, free of any blemishes or acne. She does have a washing of freckles right over the bridge of her nose that disperses out to her cheeks. Her hair is luxurious and to die for, as she's spent many years making it her pride and joy. It's soft and silky to the touch, its warm brown color accented by natural blonde and auburn highlights throughout. It is long, ending just above her rear in soft curls. Her way of dress is simple, as fancy, elegant clothing often makes her uncomfortable, though that's not to say she doesn't clean up nicely. She just prefers leggings and oversized t-shirts. • Personality: Dove is soft spoken and quiet most of the time. She's easy going and kind, never stepping out of her place for the sheer reason of she doesn't want to. Her comfort zone is there for a reason and she has no wish to expand it at the time. She'd much rather keep to herself and wait for someone else to approach her. She often wears her heart on her sleeve as well. Her feelings can be easily hurt, but she's not one to hold a grudge if she's been apologized to or if she's realized she's in the wrong. Dove is a caring individual who wants nothing more than to see that her loved ones are safe and cared for. (More in Rp) • Strengths: Hard working and a quick thinker. She can think or talk her way out of almost any stick situation. Weaknesses: Her small stature leaves her vulnerable to others and easily overpowered. She becomes overwhelmed in crowded spaces. • Backstory: Dove was born into a family who constantly worked to scrape by and make a living. While she didn't have the other things that wealthier children had, she still had a very happy childhood and her parents did everything they could to provide for her. Shes worked hard her whole life to make something of herself, though she's still not as well off as she'd like to be. She works multiple odd end jobs to make things meet, but it seems that the money is never enough and costs stay getting higher.

Dove was never one to go to parties, but seeing as she'd had a night off and her friend, aka her boss, had persuaded her to come and enjoy herself for once. When she agreed, she didn't realize that she'd be left to her own devices, sitting alone at the bar. She'd been given some extravagant cocktail, which didn't taste bad, thankfully. She didn't know what to do with herself. There were people bustling around her dressed in gorgeous clothing, chatting and mingling the night away. Unless her friend, Ginny, made her move, she intended to stay right where she was until someone approached her. Even then, she wasn't sure that she'd be much for conversation. She was very out of place and out of her comfort zone as she was more used to working at these parties than being a part of them.

Returning home from several hours away had its own excitements and stressful moments, but when he arrived at the luxuriously decorated house he knew something was up. Entering the house, he was greeted by his overly enthusiastic mother. Dragged away with words of encouragement he was herded into their supposed party room. Instead of the usual empty room, he found a crowded and noisy gathering. Of course, they had done it again. His parents were not unknown for hosting random parties with no warning. Now, hours later, he was dressed in his nicest outfit and shooed out of his room to 'Socialize and make friends'. Ah yes, loving and caring parents. By this point he was awkwardly talking with an owner of some local large business. Edited at August 14, 2024 10:27 PM by Luminous Crown

Dove wasn't even sure why Ginny had wanted her to come if she was just going to leave her. At least she looked good, though. Dove had borrowed a dress from Ginny that complimented her skin tone and figure and Ginny had even successfully gotten her to wear heels. She knew that she didn't get out much and didn't talk a lot, so what had she expected? Her to find a date? No. Dove sighed, finishing off the rest of the cocktail before getting up to go search for Ginny. She had been her ride and she hadn't the slightest clue as to where she was. She carefully navigated the crowd, trying not to bump into anyone, but a man that had been drunkenly stumbling around knocked into Dove, making her trip and fall right into another man who seemed to be having a conversation he didn't really want to have.

Half listening and half fiddling with the metal binded to his left arm he nodded ocassionally, making sure to keep his 'attention' on the other man. Of course, his mind was elsewhere, and whatever interest he did have had quickly disappeared. With his head in the clouds he had not been prepared for the sudden weight on his back. Fortunately, he was quick to return to his senses and managed to remain upright. With a look of concern, he peered over his shoulder, mildly surprised to see a young woman there. "Everything alright, miss?" He queried, turning to face her as golden eyes look her up and down, suposedly to check for injury. The man whom he had been speaking to also looked concerned, but quickly left the scene.

It had took everything in Dove not to instantly flee from embarrassment. The man who had pushed her by accident had certainly done so, muttering a quick apology as he toddled off into the crowd, likely in search for another drink. She had expected for this man to yell at her for being clumsy, but he was surprisingly kind. Her cheeks were a bright red, an apologetic expression on her face as she nodded to his question. "Y-Yes! I'm so sorry. I-It's crowded and I got pushed straight into you," she told him, rambling slightly as she did when nervous. Things like that were why she didn't go to parties. "Are you alright? I didn't hurt you did I?" She questioned, biting her lower lip slightly as she glanced him over.

Golden gaze followed the careless man as he left a light shake of his head was given, a brief look of displeasure crossing his face. Attention soon returned to the woman, a rare and fleeting smile offered in reassurance. "No need for worry. It was not your fault." His words came out in a softened tone, though still loud enough to hear over the chatter. A flicker of amusement was noticeable in his eyes, though it didn't linger as he returned to his normal calm demeanor. "I am alright. No harm done." He nods, golden gaze focusing on her hazel ones. Was she always this nervous? Was it perhaps his height that intimidated? He never knew. As much as he wished it, he was not the best at reading others. "Ah-how rude of me. I am Lionel. May I ask your name?" He inquired, though not for any particular reason, simply curiousity and politeness.

Dove seemed to calm as he reassured her that it was fine and he knew it wasn't her fault. She had seen many a time where men in high places would go absolutely ballistic from something like that happening, even if it meant making a scene in the middle of a party. But, as Dove caught that small smile, she knew he was wasn't like that. "Thank you," she said softly, some of her anxiousness seeming to leave though not completely. Being so out of place still made her nervous, not to mention it was crowded and he was rather tall. "Glad to hear of it. I would have felt so bad had I hurt you in some way," she added, a gentle smile of her own appearing for a moment. "Oh, of course! I'm Dove. It's a pleasure to meet you, Lionel," she told him, offering a hand out for him to shake. She'd been so caught up in her anxiety she hadn't thought to introduce herself.