Elizabeth "Liz" Vitally
Occupation Before
Full-Time College Student. She worked odd jobs to pay for her schooling such as babysitting, tutoring, and waitressing.
Elizabeth stands at just under 5'5" with a slender build and lightly tanned skin. Before the apocalypse, she focused on keeping her body in top shape through working out in her free time which had mostly been through running. Now her slender build is a result of just trying to stay alive. Her facial features were usually described to her as softer and elegant. But from a lack of proper nutrition and rationing out food when she can, she has developed sharper cheekbones. Her gray eyes that used to shine brightly like her charming smile are dull and lifeless, showing her exhaustion. Her shoulder length strawberry blonde hair is normally pulled back into a ponytail or bun to avoid anyone grabbing a hold of it along with hiding her poor attempts at trimming it before giving up on it alltogether. She does walk with a slight limp on her left side, a result of an injury she sustained weeks ago while avoiding the undead that she had been trying to allow to heal on its own.
She does have her ears pierced, having three lobe piercings and opting to wear silver studs instead of the various sized hoops she used to love. Studs were a safer option to avoid having them grabbed. She does have some faint scarring on her face as well as her body from previous injuries she sustained whether it be through fighting the undead, while searching for supplies, or running into other survivors who weren't welcoming. She does have some bandages on her arms mostly for the deep wounds, leaving any minor cuts and scapes open as to preserve what she has for medical supplies.
For attire, Elizabeth currently is wearing a once white t-shirt now stained with more blood and dirt than she would like to think about. This is normally paired with a worn out camo jacket she managed to find while looting. Right now, she has camo cargo pants that are slightly too large for her that she keeps on with a worn out black belt that she found while looting, along with black leather boots that she knows she will need to replace soon if she comes along another pair while looting. She recently upgraded from using her bookbag for her supplies to a rucksack she had managed to snag when she found what she assumed used to be a hideout for survivors, the same one she had found the clothing she wears now.
Current Gear
- First Aid Kit
- Kitchen Knife
- Water Canister/Reuseable Water Bottle
- Metal Crowbar
- Hatchet
- Canned Foods
- Ripped Up Fabric (emergency bandages)
Elizabeth has been alone for some time. She mainly was in the area for school as her family lives elsewhere. She had been travelling with her former coworkers from the resturant she waitressed at before becoming separated from them. She just recalls seeing the undead running at them and someone telling her to run. She could hear people screaming, but she didn't dare look back. Back home, she would live with her mother and brother. She is unsure if they had been spared of this all happening or if this outbreak had reached her home as well. She is mostly focused on surviving, though she is hopeful she will manage to find other survivors who aren't as hostile as the ones she's run into recently.
Hunter Lynch
Occupation Before
Unemployed at the time of the apocalypse.
Previous work history included Automotive and Construction
Hunter stands at just around 6'0" tall. He was always built lean with broad shoulders and was mostly pure muscle. His looks are deceiving even now as many don't realize how much muscle he really has. Though now from lack of proper nutrition, he does seem smaller than normal. His facial features are sharper now than originally as a result of the apocalypse and his new lifestyle. His jet black hair is left shaggy and long though he does try to cut it to avoid it covering his dark blue eyes, as well as trying to keep the beard he has started growing somewhat trimmed using one of his many knives. With the apocalypse, he found shaving took too much time and he gave up on finding a razor blade to do it.
His skin is tanned from his time outside while trying to survive and find safe spots to live. One noticeable feature to Hunter is the large tattoos that go down his arms, various designs and tribal patterns he had gotten at a young age. His skin also shows the many scars he got even before the apocalypse from the many fights he got into growing up, as well as the fresher wounds that he had tried to treat himself when he could find medical supplies. With supplies being scarce as of late, he preferred to just leave them open and let them heal on his own. Why did he care if they left another scar? He saw them as reminders of how he survived as long as he has.
For clothing, Hunter is normally out in a hoodie whether it be his black one he's kept with him since the beginning or the camo one he had looted off one of his fallen companions. Underneath he wears a solid black t-shirt that has some rips in it from the wear and tear of daily use. His black jeans are beginning to show some wear as well as the black combat boots he also managed to loot off his companions after their passings. He carries a smaller backpack that is just the right size for what he needs to carry supplies with ease and that he realizes can double as a weapon if he swings it hard enough at an attacker.
Current Gear
- Pistol and ammo (stolen)
- Machete
- Cigarettes
- Lighter
- Canned food
- Assorted Hunting Knives (stolen)
- Water Canister/Reuseable Water Bottle
Hunter is the oldest of three siblings, though he hasn't seen his younger brother or sister for several years now even before the apocalypse happened. Even now, he isn't even sure if they're still alive. He doesn't usually admit to it, but he has a bit of a criminal history and had actually been recently released after serving some time for several theft charges when the apocalypse struck. He originally had been travelling with others, but he had been on his own after losing his travelling companions over time to it being attacks from the undead or those who just decided they could no longer go on, or those who decided to try and turn on one another. Since then, he has been on his own mostly getting by through stealing and looting.