
Hermes | Male | Fighter | 4 | M: Everyone(not ind) Hermes awoke and jolted up and bumped his head, he had somehow forgotten he was underneath a car while trying to escape the heat. Lucky for him it was a jeep still it hurt. He crouched down to see who was all up and moving wondering if he should be doing the same. ¨how are they even functioning in this heat??¨ he had thought to himself. He rolled onto his back to stretch out his limbs, man was he tired from the trip here from home. Oh how bad he misses his people and they were so good to him. Feeding him everyday, walks 2 times per day, his soft cozy bed and the cuddles oh man how he misses those. He rolled back onto his stomach to watch what everyone was doing and if he needed to be doing something too. Hermes extended his jaw due to drowsiness feeling some slobber slip from his mouth onto the dirt ground, he then lowered his heavy head to the ground. His eyes started to water because of the heat, it was so hot that he could see the heat waves in front of him. ¨Maybe i just need some water, but where would i get that from?¨ he questioned. Edited at June 1, 2022 01:05 PM by Nueva

Willow||Female||Foster Mother||M: Tinker Willow had woke up earlier than most and decided to go for a walk outside the junkyard. She was walking when she noticed a small dog a pregant one at that. She ran after the female and asked "Hey! Are you okay?" She knew that the female was very pregant and was gonna need somewhere to stay. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ryu||Male||Hunter||3.5||M: Atlas Ryu had noticed where Atlas pointed and said "Your lucky that she didn't rip your throat out." He said this in a joking and teasing tone. Ryu hadn't noticed many other dogs outside of the junkyard but figured that would be best. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Isabel||Nearing 6 Months||Female||Pup||M:Open Isabel careful walked around the junkyard and given her size it was a bit diffucult. She wondered around for a bit before finding shade to lay down at. She had found shade under a tree that had a SUV next to it. Edited at June 1, 2022 01:35 PM by Icewing

Petra / Female / Alpha / 6 years old / M:Rosa, Hiroshi, Atlas, and the delta +Briefly mentions everyone (open) A soft yawn come from Petra as she stretched the sleep away. Scanning the yard trying to take as much in without having to start unnecessary conversations. Though she enjoyed the contact with other dogs, unless she had to she mostly kept her conversations briefly between herself and her co alpha. Her attention was caught by her co alpha Rosa for a second, feeling a deep possessiveness over her. Much like a new mother is protective of her pups, she felt for her alpha. Her attention once again wondered a thin pup made her stomach tighten, even never being able to have her own pups maternal instincts were so deeply engraved in her soul, that any mother could see how much the alpha would've killed to be in their ranks. Pushing that thought aside she felt eyes on her, though her mask slipped now it held much like a steel gate impenetrable. Her eyes flickered across everyone's faces, slowly her piercing landed on their target Atlas. Though deep down she knew his gaze was curious her insecurity of possibly being seen in a weak moment nearly made her anger flare. Like a spark in a dry field, her hackle slightly raised. "Where is our Delta?" Her voice cold and hard echoed through the junkyard. The Alpha never cares to raise her voice but the fact a thin puppy, is more than enough to upset any dog. They needed food and needed to prepare to move because their water was now dried. Everyone's time here would be running out soon enough. Edited at June 1, 2022 02:11 PM by Jelly
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Luna||Beta||Female||4||M: Petra, Rosa, Orion, Darwin, Hiroshi, Willow(Ref) Luna had scanned the junkyard and then heard Petra. Luna looked at Rosa and said "I will be back." Luna jumped down and trotted over to Petra. She looked at Petra then said "I believe he is with Orion." Luna had finally noticed them and said "Orion Come Here you too Darwin!" Luna looked at Petra then said "Im guessing this is about Hiroshi the pup that was found this morning and the fact we are almost out of food?" She had a stern tone when she called Orion and Darwin and then with Petra she had a equal ground tone with only a little bit of submission. Luna said "Willow went out for a walk ealier this moring she had come check with me...I told her to be back soon." Edited at June 1, 2022 02:34 PM by Icewing

Tinker | Loner | Female | 6 | M: Willow, Open +-+-+ Tinker's head snapped at the sound of another dog's voice. Automatically she jumped into a defensive pose, but couldn't miss the genuine worry in the female's voice. This dog wasn't a threat, she realised. She relaxed her muscles, but remained alert. This dog must be in a pack with recourses, she thought to herself, How else could she even have the time to be concerned with a pregnant, slow dog like Tinker? Maybe this dog could help her! "I've.. been better," she forced a grin, "Thanks for caring. Do you know any shade nearby? If it's not too much trouble." Tinker tried to sound as polite as possible to the dog in front of her.

Willow||Female||Foster Mother||M: Tinker Willow looked at Tinker and said "Yes i do i also have a pack...Follow me." Willow set a slow pace to the junkyard and wanted to make small talk. She said "How far along are you?" She countined to say "In my pack im a foster mother one who takes care of orphane pups."

Anora | Female | 4 | Fighter | M: Open - - After Anora was finished, she then trotted off to look for some where nice to dry her off. She found a beautiful patch of grass with a beam of sunlight shining on that spot. Anora wagged her tail and sat upon the grass and began to sleep, and while she was sleeping her coat can dry off. - - Aurora | Female | 4 | Reaper | M: Willow - - Aurora woke up with a sudden fright from her dreams, Dreams about her owners and what they did to her and Willow. Aurora suddenly notice that Willow was gone. Aurora then began to searched for her. "W-Willow?, Willow!" Aurora said as she wondered within the junkyard.

Willow||Female||Foster Mother||M: Tinker and Aurora Willow had finally reached the junkyard with Tinker when she heard Aurora calling for her. Willow said "Aurora over here!" As she walked through the enterance with Tinker.

Thunder Struck said: RULES - No Mary Sues/Gary sues. No OP characters in general - Follow all of Eve's rules - Hate the character, not the player - As this is not a Lit, 100+ words per reply but I will accept 50+ if you have writer's block, just PM me or Icewing to tell us. - DO NOT attack someone's character without permission, always ask beforehand! - NO wolfdogs! They are often overpowered - As this is a semi-realistic rp, no dogs can have bright colours or powers! - There is a character limit of 5 for each user - Have fun! ------------- Alphas (2/2): Rosa|Female|Border Collie mix|3Yrs|Heterosexual - FancyPants Petra|Female|Belgian Malinois|6Yrs|Bi - Jelly Betas (1/2): Luna|Female|Australian Shepherd|4Yrs|Bi/Poly - Icewing - Reaper (1/1): Aurora|Female|German Shepherd|3Yrs|Bisexual - The Chaos Empire Delta (1/1): Darwin|Male|Beagle mutt|6.4Yrs|Pansexual - Pastry Lord Fighters (3/Unlimted): Atlas|Male|Dutch Shepherd|4Yrs|Bi - Thunder Struck Anora|Female|Siberian husky mix|3Yrs|Heterosexual - The Chaos Empire Hermes|Male|Cane Corso|4Yrs|Hetero - Nueva Hunters (2/Unlimited): Ryu|Male|Australian cattle dog|3.5Yrs|Bi - Icewing Orion|Male|Irish Wolfhound|4Yrs|Bi - Thunder Struck - Healer (0/1): - Mothers (1/5): Mink|Female|Golden Retriever|4.5Yrs|Heterosexual - Pastry Lord - - - Foster Mothers (2/4): Willow|Female|Bernese Moutain Dog|4Yrs|Lesbian - Icewing Anita|Female|Miniature Samoyed|4Yrs|Aroace - Lost_Griffin - - Pups (5/10): Hiroshi|Male|German Shepherd|3Months|Unknown - Icewing Helem|Male|Miniature Samoyed|4Months|Unknown - Lost_Griffin Sagebush|Female|Aussie-Husky mix|5Months|Heterosexual - BABBAGE Roy|Male|Cardigan Welsh Corgi|Not born yet|Hetero - Tales of Pawprints Isabel|Female|Rottweiler|Nearing 6 months|Unknown - Icewing - - Elders (1/3) Bug|Male|Border Collie|10Yrs|Gay - Pastry Lord - - Loners (1/3): Tinker|Female|Pembroke Welsh Corgi|6Yrs|Pansexual - Tales of Pawprints - -
1) What is the form for application 2) May I have an OC that is the healer?

2) no, sorry, healer is taken Next time, please PM me questions or send them in the discussion thread ^^