
Cassian Alaric Male // 18 // M: Reyes
He was lazed on the floor of the bathroom with Reyes, still. The painful fire alarms had stopped, and the water as well. He didn’t say much to her. Maybe she was asleep. God knows how much they both needed it. He couldn’t close his eyes without the chaos and horror flashing in his mind. It was like the images were engraved in his eyelids whenever he started dozing off. Pinch. He had started just grabbing a small piece of skin between his fingernails and stabbing them together to give him some form of pain. He needed it to stay awake. In any case, at least he wouldn’t be alone with the memories. Cassian had put his little, trusty mug to his left, his duffle on his right, and the still-alive phone in his two hands. It was like a life-support for him, the way his hands gripped the item so carefully. His pointer finger slid down to the power button accidentally, clicking the phone on. 83 percent. He had tried his hardest not to continuously check the time in desperation. The thought of being without any contact with the outer world felt horrible. He thought about being alone with no means of communication, and could only feel panicky. “It’s only 6 AM,” was all that he said, muttering the words so faintly his ears could hardly pick up the words. Blurs of the time spent waiting restlessly in the bathroom flashed by. He had called his brother. Finally pushed through and stopped being a coward. He had spoken in a soft voice as to not disturb Reyes. His older brother, Alec, was alive and well. As were his two triplet brothers. His father, though, had gotten into an argument with Alec and stormed out the door. Alec had locked all entrances in a fit of rage, including windows. His father had stormed out into a horde of the infected. You can probably guess the rest. His siblings were okay though. One of the triplets, Andrew, was obsessed with the supernatural, so he was extremely prepared for apocalypse-type scenarios. They were bunking it out in the house, but were ready to make a run for it. They had already packed the car in the garage. They would leave as soon as the horde awaiting them outside the driveway would get distracted by something else. His mother had faced the same fate as their father, unfortunately. Apparently, she had called the other triplet, Elliot, to check up on her children, and had been attacked on the line. According to Andrew, Elliot had flurried around in a spur of horrible anger. Elliot had always been their mother’s favorite. Cassian and Alec had been exchanging simple updates, but most of the texts came from Alec. Cassian didn’t open the texts unless it seemed urgent. He had to conserve the battery, obviously. Andrew had warned Cassian - multiple times - that he had to make sure his battery was high. Otherwise, his only way of knowing what was going on outside would disappear. He had wished them luck. They had almost hung up before he'd blurted out some form of the apologies he had been meaning to say for days and months and years. Andrew had pretended to get all sappy and fake sob, which had caused Cassina to snap at him with a grumble, but in the end, the siblings had managed to form something similar to a bond. Something similar to what they had shared before, before their lives had been dumped upside because of their parents. But mainly because of Cassian. He shook his head. Those thoughts weren't going to get them out of this hellhole. But that tiny, wheedling voice wanted back into his thoughts. A sigh escaped his lips. Why had this happened to them? Why? The fluorescent lights above him were flickering lightly. They looked as if they would go out at any time. Maybe he was just paranoid. After all, airport bathrooms hardly had trustworthy lighting systems. He blinked at the phone lazily and shut it off, but the screen didn’t turn dark like it had always done. It stayed on. What? Is it broken? He felt another surge of panic. No, no, no. He started tapping the phone aggressively. He felt so tired. If he didn’t know any better, he would have thought this was all a fever dream. Everything was swirling around him in colors. His vision was blurring and he felt dizzy. The kind of dizziness you feel when you don’t sleep for a while. The kind of dizziness that makes you feel cold and almost sick. Then the broadcast screamed out. His heart dropped, and he almost jumped a foot in the air. His heart was beating so loudly he couldn’t hear anything over the noise and the blood rushing in his head. He slowed his breath. Calm down. His heart was still pounding when the words repeated again, the fear in him still very much alive.
" EVACUATION IMMEDIATE " " This is not a test. Pandemic outbreak avoid infected, check media. "
Why did the EAS send that so late? Why did they wait to broadcast until after so many had died? His eyes searched for Reyes as the broadcast echoed on the overhead speakers. It was deafening. His phone and the speaker seemed in tune, repeating once again after a momentary pause. A pained look was crossing his features before he settled back into a cold, blank slate. He was so, so tired. He just wished it would be over. The feeling of helplessness and being stuck here forever kept stabbing him, again and again. It was like a weight that wouldn’t let him breathe. A notification popped up then from the EAS. It was so jarringly familiar, seeing a notification there. Is this the media the broadcast was talking about? Coordinates? He was confused, as he crouched and slowly moved towards Reyes. He wasn’t looking at her when he shook her shoulders gently. “Take a look at this,” he muttered softly, eyes stuck onto the little screen as he tilted it towards her. The message seemed so, so hopeful. Like maybe they could really get out of there. “I guess they finally know what to do with us survivors.” His words seemed to be a joke, but his voice was utterly solemn as he handed the phone to Reyes (more like dropped it in her lap), and stood up. He grasped the duffle and the mug - that goddamn trusty mug. He was surprised it hadn’t chipped or cracked. It looked to be in perfect condition, with its shiny, white, porcelain exterior. He stretched out his arms and legs lightly, bending his chest forward to pop his back. The crack of the bones satisfied him enough to crack his neck twice. Right, left. “It looks like there’s a quarantine camp, and some town that’ll take us there.” He glanced at Reyes with a small, fatigue-filled smile. His little smug, cocky facade had gone, replaced with a tired, “I'm-trying to-survive” outlook. “So it looks like we’ll have to get out of here, but I bet a lot of those infected’s are gone. Maybe we’ll find other survivors.” Then he grinned, the look crinkling his eyes in a sly way. “Or maybe we’ll just get chased again. At least the blood’s washed off us though.” A yawn pierced his little, hopeful act. He rubbed his eyes with the back of his free hand. (Don’t worry, he used the sinks to wash his crusty fingers. And he also washed his face and hair. It wasn’t very good washing considering it’s an airport bathroom, but give him some credit.) He smiled again, this time, more good-naturedly, snickering lightly at the giddy fact that maybe, just maybe, they would get out of there okay, and in one piece. “And maybe we can get some real sleep on our merry way there.”

Aurora Grace Solus | 16 | Female | M: Khufu (ind) Aurora can hear her own heart pounding out of her chest, almost as if the world around her is muffled. Her eyes look into a world of black, darker than a starless night sky. The desperate screams and cries of people trying to escape their impending deaths echo in her head— she tries to divert her attention away from them, but nothing works. Maybe because she’d heard those bloodcurdling sounds a majority of the night. Only when they’d been abruptly cut off had she been able to get any sleep. The girl wasn’t sure if she should open her eyes or not, sure that she’d spiral into insanity if she was forced to hear one more despairing call for help. And whether she wanted to help the source of that call or not, Aurora knew that she’d have to ignore their wretched screams to focus on her own survival. That was the worst part of it all. Actually, she took that thought back. The worst part of this was that Aurora was even stuck in this mess in the first place. The sole reason that she’d ever been in the airport was because she had to fly to an archery competition that was some distance away; yet, she felt like with this so-called pandemic that her only competitors would be rabid, rabified people hungry for something other than archery. Aurora groaned, shifting around in any attempt to get into a comfortable position. It didn’t work, of course, so the teenager quickly gave up. Not like it really mattered, anyway. She’d been sleeping on the cold, slippery bathroom floor the whole night, sat in between the wall and the toilet. Leaning up against the wall had now caused an aching, rather annoying sensation to arise in Aurora’s lower back, which she absolutely hated. Though the sixteen-year old knew that getting to her feet might cure that pain, she really didn’t want to awake to the reality that she so very despised. Especially when she knew that it was just her and one other person in this bathroom. Aurora could remember, although a bit foggily, the sound of footsteps rushing away from the small restroom stall in which she had been thrown into. Who had thrown her into it was the only person in the little rag-tag group who looked to be an adult; Sadie’s older brother, Charlie. Or, at least, that’s who Aurora assumed him to be, since both him and the other girl were now no longer in the restroom, having left the previous day. She was trying her best to forget the noise of the bathroom door swinging open as the two fled the restroom, hoping that none of the screams outside happened to be theirs. But, there was no guarantee that Aurora’s hopes would be true. Even though her first impression of Sadie was that she was a total nutjob, and Aurora didn’t really have an opinion on Charlie, she hoped that they’d meet again. Just because she didn’t like interacting with people, it didn’t mean that she hated all of them. Shaking her head in order to clear the thoughts running through her head, the teen tried to focus on something other than the past; the present. The boy who she was trapped in here with she knew next to nothing about, but that wasn’t Aurora’s most pressing concern. What she was worried about was how in the hell would two teenagers survive a horde of totally crazy, rabified people? Okay, maybe Aurora was thinking ahead a little too much. After all, it wasn’t as if she had to immediately think up a plan to rush past the infected outside in an effort to get supplies, or to escape the airport, or maybe even to meet up with other survivors if there were any. But, there wasn’t a single soul that could tell her that she couldn’t, because she wouldn’t care what they thought. And, also because there was only one other person in this room with her. Then, finally does Aurora decide to open her eyes. They’re colorized by emptiness, gleaming with the dull gray sheen of despair. She finds herself staring at the bathroom door in front of her, which is a plain, dark black color with a lock of silver coloration. The girl blinks a few times, her vision slightly hazy. The girl heaved herself to her feet, using the toilet on which her left arm was resting as support. Silence echoed throughout the restroom, which was shattered as Aurora dusted herself off before taking a few steps forward, followed by the loud sound of her unlocking her stall door. She opened it slightly, peeking out at the long row full of nothing but more stalls. Most had wide open doors, however, one was closed. It probably had the other teenager in it, but Aurora wasn’t completely sure. To the left of the stalls were sinks, which were the same white color as the floor and walls of the restroom. In front of each sink was a rather rectangular mirror, some smeared with fingerprints and grime while others remained relatively spotless. Aurora opened her stall door fully, noticing that she had been thrown into the one second farthest from the door. The teenager walked among the long file of mirrors and sinks, searching for the pair that was the least filthy before finally coming to a stop in front of ones that she considered to be the cleanest. Aurora stared at her reflection in the mirror for a long while, taking in her messy hair and the black circles under her tired, dull eyes. She looked terrible, which was no surprise considering that the girl got almost zero sleep. Well, at least, it shouldn’t have been a surprise. To the sixteen-year old, who’d spent almost every day that she could remember looking near perfect, this… wasn’t ideal to say the least. Aurora didn’t even have her luggage on her, having left it all where she used to be sitting as she waited for her flight to come. This meant that not only did she not have access to a hairbrush, but also that she couldn’t change clothes! How inconvenient. In fact, all she had on her was her knife, phone, and a portable charger for it. Turning on the sink in front of her, Aurora continued to be upset as she washed her face, however, it was of no mind to her that her mind quickly went off track from how much she hated the situation that she was unfortunately and unbearably stuck in. She began to think of how drinking too much water could kill a person, and how weird it is that hot water freezes faster than cold water. But, then, Aurora realized that what she was thinking of was really random. Shouldn’t she be thinking on how to survive the problem at hand? Violently twisting the sink’s handle to turn the water off, Aurora began to pace. She thought of how she hadn’t heard any nearby screams or growls this morning, and where she’d go if she decided to leave this bathroom. It wasn’t as if she was very familiar with this airport, nor where supplies or food may be. And, the exit was probably far off, too… there was a lot to think about in Aurora’s mind. That’s when she heard it— a loud, screeching sound that pierced Aurora’s ears like needles before words arose, echoing throughout the airport. “Evacuation immediate. This is not a test. Pandemic outbreak. Avoid infected. Check media.” What? Had that come from the speakers? The girl froze, making sure that she’d heard everything right as the words repeated on the speakers across the airport. Did they say that this was a pandemic? Aurora knew that this virus had spread outside the airport, but she didn’t know that it was to such an extent. She took her phone out of her pocket, her hands shaking slightly. She browsed through articles posted on the media covering the newly emerging virus, some even having titles such as, “The World Is Ending,” or, “Worst Pandemic Yet.” It really was a pandemic. “Oh, shit…” Aurora whispered, her voice trailing off into nothingness. She can feel anxiety rising and throbbing in her chest, and her pacing grows quicker. Her eyes flit from place to place as she read through the media, but most of the words on the screen were useless. That’s when something caught her eye— a sentence saying that the infected were drawn to and liked to… attack noise? If that were true, and the speakers kept broadcasting the emergency alert, then, wouldn’t they be swarming around the speakers right about now? And, they wouldn’t focus on Aurora and the other kid if the two snuck out of the restroom. Of course, it was just a guess. But Aurora thought that it was quite a good one. But, then again, the infected being attracted to noise could just be false information. Who knows. But, Aurora knew one thing for sure. She really wanted to get out of this damn bathroom. Edited at March 4, 2022 04:59 PM by Glacialis

Reyes Collin Female // 23 // M: Cassian Reyes’s eyes shot open. She flinched at the awful ringing tone that rang throughout her head. A wave of shock and adrenaline immediately pulsed through every limb as she jolted into a more secure sitting position. Her sudden movements caused her eyes to flutter with the newfound dizziness that ruled over her body. Her eyes adjusted to the dim lighting of the room as she pressed her back against the door of the bathroom. She could feel the skin on her bare shoulders make contact with the stiff surface of the door; feeling her back being protected caused a sense of relief to calm her nerves as she grasped her surroundings. A rush of memories prior to entering the restrooms began to sweep back into her dreary mind, causing her to lift a palm to her head and grimace. That wasn’t a nightmare, it was reality. To Reyes’s disdain, she could vividly remember every detail of what happened yesterday. That brief moment of sleep that she had taken advantage of was now replaced by the unnerving situation she was in. Reyes wished that she was back in her bed, cradled by her soft blankets and surrounded with fluffy pillows. She craved the warmth and comfort of her home… Maybe if she just stayed on the cold tiles of the bathroom and fell back asleep, she would be back home. She could just forget about reality, and wait for time to consume her. Those spiritless thoughts were cut off by another bunch of questions that Reyes kept pushing to the back of her mind. As much as she didn’t want to think about it, those hopeless questions about her family’s safety came crawling back to her. Even after she cried about all that shit for hours, she still managed to sink when it came to that topic; grasping for anything to keep her afloat--- to keep her moving. Reyes didn’t have time to ponder those curiosities when a deep robotic voice wrecked her train of thought. “EVACUATION IMMEDIATE.” If she wasn’t awake before, she was now. An EAS? Shit. This was way worse than what Reyes had thought. Of course, she didn’t expect a pandemic like this to magically disappear overnight, part of her had still dreamt like that. She was conscious that this was a threat that wasn’t going to be easily handled, but Reyes wanted to feign ignorance. After all, that was all she learned to do when she was faced with a hopeless situation. A little cowardly parasite always clings to her, nagging at the back of her head, poking and prying at every decision she makes. She had been trying to suppress it her entire life, but that damn fear of “what-if” always came crawling back. Back on the plane, she was letting that cowardice get to her. She wanted to just lay up there and rot. Become one of them. That was until Cassian came around. Perhaps it was hope that she wasn’t the only one left alive, or the belief that she had someone else to protect that brought her to reality. Reyes wasn’t exactly the eldest in her family, but she did have one younger brother that she felt relatively protective over; Daniel. The brother she used to slander and insult was someone who created that bubble of responsibility that she held for others—well, that and her father’s morals, of course. She was practically raised around the moto “Do good things and good things will come to you.” So much for that. She didn’t agree that being stuck in a bathroom with a complete stranger was good karma; so, what did she do to deserve this? Was the world so cruel to just throw her life away like it was nothing? Other people are suffering from this too. Reyes had to remind herself that it wasn’t personal, and in fact, was challenging every last survivor out there. The words “check media” made their way to Reyes, causing her morning brain to finally click. Reyes instinctively reached for her phone, only realizing just how damaged it was when she plucked it from the pocket it resided in. A fatigued sigh escaped her as she shoved the device back into her pocket. Her hazel eyes dragged themselves to meet a pair of amber ones. Cassian. She had forgotten about the stripper guy for a good moment, to be honest. In his hands was his phone—which was still operable. She shifted her seat as he made his way toward her. She expected words to reach her first, but instead she was met by a hand on her shoulder- which was followed by a shaking motion. “Auh- I’m fucking awake-“ She hissed through her teeth with an obvious morning voice that oozed I-didn’t-get-enough-sleep. She reeled her shoulder away from Cassian, holding a bit of resentment at the gesture. She didn’t realize just how grumpy she was until she felt the desire to punt Cassian. He wasn’t even the one to wake her up- so why was she getting mad at him again? I’m really not a morning person, am I… She had to tilt her head a bit to get a comfortable enough position to look at the phone, which had a line of numbers written on the screen’s notification bar. They were Coordinates. “Looks like they finally know what to do with us survivors.” Her vacant expression lit up with a surprising amount of optimism at Cassian’s words. Finally, she could stick to a plan and not just keep pulling stuff out of her ass to survive. Finally, she had a chance at reuniting with her family. Maybe they actually had a way out of this. A small lump of hope began to tug at Reyes as she grabbed onto the phone that was now lying on her lap thanks to Cassian. She eyed the coordinates, taking the best mental image she could before opening a map on the phone. She typed in the coordinates and watched as the app worked its little magic. The app zoomed in on a town with a little red arrow floating above it. The best route title popped up with the time it took to get to their destination. It wasn’t far. They could make it on foot. She looked over the highways and streets that were next to the route, trying to memorize any and all names that they’d need to get to the coordinates-- In case Cassian’s phone met the same fate as Reyes’s. Reyes looked at the surrounding areas before opening another app and checking the media. The EAS was at the top of the page, making it easy to tap onto. It opened information on transportation and the quarantine camp. They’d be taken to Washington via truck or plane. Depending on what’s available. The best bet would be to travel by plane, but she doubted a little transportation spot in California had a bunch of planes ready to go for survivors. There were probably hundreds of these hotspots that were ready to transport people in just California. She didn’t even want to think about any of other states right now, let alone countries. She just had to be grateful that they were close enough to the coordinates. “Let’s get there before they decide to ditch us. It doesn’t say anything about the times they’ll leave so we should go now,” Reyes stood up, turning off the phone and handing it back to Cassian. “Only turn it on when we’re certain that we need it to guide us.” “Maybe we’ll find other survivors.” The words burned into Reyes as she thought about what could happen. There had to be at least one other person who survived in the airport- right? They could also be trying to escape at the same time of them, so the likelihood of running into another survivor wouldn’t exactly be slim. What if she saw them get into trouble? Would she go out of her way to try and save them or just stick with Cassian? Could she live with herself if she let someone die? Or would they try to attract those demonic things over to her and Cassian to use as a distraction? Shit. Stop overthinking things. “At least the blood’s washed off though,” Reyes looked down to her halter tank top, which was now stain-free. The water did a relatively good job at washing the blood from her. Water. Her throat tugged at her as she left the door for a brief moment and headed toward a sink. She turned the little glass knob and tilted her head to the side, angling it in a close enough position to where she could drink from the faucet. It felt so damn fulfilling to quench that undying thirst. It felt like a reward for surviving this long. Well- technically it hasn’t even been a day yet- but it felt like weeks had passed by. Water trickled down her face and onto her neck, eventually finding its way down to her forearms and trailing off her elbows. She didn’t care about getting a bit more wet, hell, she managed to sleep when she was drenched so a bit of a water mess didn’t bother her. After scrubbing her hands together, she brought them up to her hair. She carefully brushed her baby hairs together with her fingers and pulled her dark hair back into a ponytail. After securing it, her eyes made contact with the mirror. A pang of curiosity brought her to look at her condition—and well, she looked like shit, to say the least. Her left eye had a large purple ring around It, declaring itself a blackeye to the entire world. Around it was a reddish-tint, likely due to scraping it on something on her adventure from running for her life or mildly bruising it on another thing that managed to get in her way. Her right eye was in fairly good shape, thankfully. Only a few tattered bits of skin were scattered around the rest of her face and… oh. Reyes tilted her head slightly, looking at her nose. Was it always a bit off-center? The bridge of her nose had an awful purple and red hue coloring it-- she didn’t dare to touch it. She was sure that it wasn’t broken, but she also knew that it wasn’t exactly right either. Her fingers gently brushed her face as she took in her appearance. She had never looked this beaten up since… since forever. Her eyes fell down the mirror and landed on her lips. Her bottom lip was busted and had that infamous purple tint. Great. She looked like she just crawled out of a pit. At least she didn’t have blood on her anymore- then she really would look like Cassian’s paralysis demon. She tore her eyes off of the reflection, not wanting to see the pathetic condition of herself. The aches that throbbed in specific locations on her body were indication enough that she pushed herself past the limit. Too bad. You aren’t going to get a break any time soon. It was surprisingly dark for being 6am. They could use that to their advantage—at least until the sun comes up. She looked over to Cassian, who seemed prepared to leave. He had his trusty little mug clutched in one hand… which was something that Reyes never found a time to ask about. Reyes looked toward the bathroom door, trying to create a mental map of what she saw prior to entering the bathroom. She didn’t have much time to look around, but she remembered being at the gate… which gate was it? The one opposite to the lounges, right? How far was the exit from there… 3 gates down then there was the TSA… then to the left was the lobby. Yes. She remembered it fairly well now—or at least she managed to convince herself that she did. It was surprisingly dark for being 6am. They could use that to their advantage—at least until the sun comes up. She looked over to Cassian, who seemed prepared to leave. He had his trusty little mug clutched in one hand… which was something that Reyes never found a time to ask about. Cassian also didn’t look like he was in any condition to even be standing up. He somehow seemed more tired than he was before. Did he even sleep? This is going to be fun. Now she had to make sure Cassian didn’t pull a lethargic move and fuck up something while hauling ass from those creatures. Speaking of hauling ass, that reminded Reyes. Nothing bad ever came from preparing yourself to run for your life—so a few lunges wouldn’t hurt. Reyes planted one foot in front of her and attempted to do a lunge. It only came out as a pathetic kneel when she realized that it did, in fact, hurt. A cramp would hurt more than this so pull yourself together. Reyes exhaled before getting back onto her feet and arching her back inward. A little pop sounded from her back as she rolled her shoulders about. Finally satisfied with her less-stiff limbs, she brought her attention back to Cassian. “Those things will probably be a bit scattered thanks to the EAS. We can use the lack of light to our advantage-- so long as we don’t make a single noise and we get to the coordinates before sunrise, we’ll be fine. It'll be dark so stick close,” Her voice was firm with a faint trace of hope that kept lingering in her. From what she remembered about California and their current season; the sun rises at 7. They had less than an hour to get there without being seen and without making noise to attract those things. We got this. There she goes again, cooking up lies for herself. "Let's run this last fucking stretch." She took in a deep breath, facing the door. She always took the lead, so what’s stopping her from taking it now? You’ve got this. Just make it to the exit and get to the coordinates, then you’ll be done fighting for your life, Rey. No more blood, no more fear. You’ll be reunited with Mom and Dad. With William, Delilah, and Daniel. With your friends. Just make it past this and then you can finally reminisce over your past life. After giving herself a pep-talk, she neared the door and grabbed the metal knob. She could hear the blood rushing through her as she slowly and cautiously twisted it the cold handle. Here we go. She cracked open the door, trying to peep into the nothingness of the outside. She couldn't see much, and couldn't hear much either. Again, thanks to the EAS. She took a quite inhale and placed a foot outside of the bathroom, slowly leaving its safety as she warily slipped out. Her hand held the door open for Cassian before continuing out. She felt around for a wall and eventually came across it. While she was grateful for some kind of leverage, she was also horrified at the feeling of dried blood that was crusted into the walls. Faint shrieks echoed throughout the airport. The EAS did little to nothing to muffle their noises. Reyes stopped for a brief moment, fear swallowing her whole as she sunk into a deeper squatting position. With a free hand she felt along the floor, making sure she wasn't going to step on anything or kick something across the marbled flooring. Just keep walking. She didn't want to look over her shoulder to see if Cassian ditched her or not. She wanted to feign ignorance if he did... because deep down she knew she wasn't going to go back into that bathroom. Reyes had already made it this far and the EAS was the only time they could escape. It was now or never. That's when the EAS stopped broadcasting. Edited at March 10, 2022 11:28 PM by Kämpa

KHUFU CARABELLA 16 - Male - Mentions: Aurora Khufu found himself blinking away sleep once more, lifting his head from where it had awkwardly hung over his chest to groggily stare up at the ceiling as his body began to register the dull ache across his entire person and an especially sore throat. For a second, he was unsure why he was looking up, dazed by his pain and sleepiness, though it quickly became clear as the thing that had awoken him rang out through the air again. “EVACUATION IMMEDIATE. THIS IS NOT A DRILL.” Khufu broke out of his tired state relatively quickly at that, shuffling out of his slumped state and nearly knocking into the toilet with his rush to sit up straight. … He’d forgotten that was where he fell asleep. He wiped lingering drool from his mouth as he attempted to figure out his situation, the rest of the alarm sounding out around him. He sure wasn’t in his house or in the car, and he wasn’t on the plane, either — An EAS. He was in danger. Violent people who should be dead. Foam and blood and reddened eyes and red and blood. The sudden recollection paired with the bruises that littered his body from the day before resulted in a headache that just about split his skull, causing his ears to ring almost as hard as the alarm was. He hissed in pain, shuffling to his feet as he grabbed his phone from where it had evidently slipped onto the floor. He must’ve fallen asleep. He couldn’t be sure when, though from a glance at the top of his (now cracked, he noticed) screen, he could tell it was 6 in the morning now. He’d slept through the whole night, then — which, ordinarily, wouldn’t be all that surprising, considering he’d always been a deep sleeper. In this situation, though, where there was an announcement over their heads and the faint sound of shrieking outside the door, he was a bit more surprised than usual. Right above the time, he noted, was a notification. A line of coordinates. Coordinates to a place where he’d be safe. Coordinates that everyone was presumably getting, to a place where he might be able to meet up with his family and friends. Eyes lighting up and last of his sleepiness effectively gone, he took a screenshot (just in case) before testily clicking onto the notification. Yep, there was more. With a huff of relief that that wasn’t all they’d given him on how to survive this, he leaned back against the stall door to leaf through the article linked, taking in the provided information. He’d be safe. It’d all be fine. The military would escort them to a safe spot just as soon as they got to the shelters. He held his phone to his racing heart for a moment, letting his eyes flutter shut and a sigh escape his mouth as he reveled in the sense of relief that washed over him. It’d all be okay. Opening his eyes again with renewed focus, he opened Google Maps and input the coordinates, taking a moment to take the map into memory the best he could before he finally turned to the door and unlocked the stall, preparing to leave the bathroom. He’d have to make for the area as fast as he could. Considering the… pandemic, they said it was, was big enough to warrant an EAS, he didn’t know just how many would still be out there. He’d have to do a lot of running, if that was the case, so he — As soon as he walked outside, he was greeted with a blonde staring, wide-eyed, at a phone screen. Ohhhh, right. He’d gone in there with other people. His gaze flickered to the bathroom door for a moment, then back to the girl. He’d come here with some guy and his little sister, but — the guy was gone, now, wasn’t he? He’d brought his sister with him, so now he was left with this stranger. The one wearing a lot of blue. She didn’t talk much, from what he understood, but — but that was fine, wasn’t it? At least he had some company. The man had company, too. Surely, he was alright. Surely he’d found a better hiding spot and was alive. After a minute of blankly staring at the girl, he was snapped out of his thoughts by the EAS sounding once more. His eyes snapped to the ceiling, then back to the girl. All this, he found, was giving him a faint sense of deja-vu. At least the floor wasn’t wet anymore. He looked back to the door for a moment, lips pressing into a thin line. Those alarms distracted those guys outside before when he was making a break for it into this bathroom. Surely, then, it’d work again here? They just had to run when the alarms were playing. Yeah, that was it. Nodding in confirmation to himself, he walked over to the door, slipping his phone carefully into his pocket. He reached out for the handle and — Shit. Right. He had to tell the girl. He glanced behind him, staring at her for a moment more before he fully turned to give her a bright smile and a wave, accompanied by a “Good morning!” that came out far hoarser than he’d like. He cleared his throat. Dry. He didn’t have the time to drink water, though, considering the alarms would probably stop soon. He had to make this quick. “Uhm, so, we’re safe while the EAS is playing and distracting the things outside. It’ll stop eventually, though, so we have to be careful after that. Until then, we can move pretty fast while it’s covering our asses, and the dark should keep us out of their line of sight, so — uh, we gotta get to the exit, to the place... yeah. Follow me.” Yeah, she probably knew what he was talking about, she was looking at her phone. Hopefully she heard all that over the EAS, but as long as she got that last part, she should be fine. Besides, she knew the layout of the airport, too, right? The EAS repeated again, and turning back to the door, he took in a deep breath, opening it and taking a peek outside. … shit, it really was dark, wasn’t it? As far as he knew, those people didn’t have night vision, but that didn’t make it any less inconvenient for himself. The sun would be rising soon, though, which — shit, no, that was bad. That was really bad. That thought was not comforting at all. His gaze shook at the thought of being able to clearly see the dried blood he was going running through again. No, not only that, but — but they’d be able to see him, too, wouldn’t they? They were people, too, they’d probably have eyesight as good as his. For the first time, Khufu cursed his brightly colored hair. All he could do was hope that there weren’t any people nearby to spot him and that there were no wet spots remaining from the night before as he pushed open the door, walking out and breaking into a sprint. As the EAS paused once more, he slowed down, hearing faint screeches in the distance. They were agitated, but thankfully, far. He didn’t know if any of those things didn't screech enough to warn him of their presence, but by this point, his eyes had adjusted enough to the dark that he was sure he would be able to tell if there was a figure hovering in his vision. He just hoped the girl stayed far enough that he didn’t freak out and punch her, but — hey, was she even following him? ... Eh. Probably. The EAS played again, and he moved. The bathrooms were right by the check-in area. Luckily, he was cognizant enough during his run with the man to remember which direction he was going — if he recalled correctly, the stores would be this way, and the lobby wouldn’t be too far from there. Pause. He slowed to a crawl again. The shrieking was getting louder. Play. He moved, slower this time as he looked around desperately, trying to see if anyone was near him. Pause. He slowed. They were fading into the distance. Play. He moved. Pause. He stopped. Play. He moved. Pause. He stopped. … … It stopped. It stopped. The shrieking suddenly began anew, far louder than it had been before. Desperate at the realization the EAS had ended sooner than he’d thought it would, Khufu booked it into the nearest open doorway, pressing up against the wall out of sight as he stared into the clothing selection in front of him, indiscernible in the dark. Well, he thought to himself, heart feeling as though it were about to burst out of his chest but thoughts infuriatingly calm, at least I know what area I’m in now. ——— ATAEIA SIGEBRYGHT 28 - Female - Mentions: Jabari Ataeia had not slept in two days. She found herself in a dimly lit men’s bathroom, her head dipping and eyelids dripping as she sat, back against the doorway as a makeshift blockade. After a night of comforting a man who’d lost his family and attempting to get him to terms with his situation, she’d offered to guard the bathroom for the night. She wasn’t sure why — maybe out of pity for the poor ex-father, maybe to make up for the fact she was the one who put them both in danger, maybe to make up for her whole life. She didn’t know, but either way, she found a faint sense of regret settling over her that she shook off like the sleepiness that threatened to overtake her at any moment. No. This was good for her. Just hold on and make it up to this guy for leaving him behind. Ataeia let out a soft sigh, interrupted by the sound of shuffling outside. The latter half of her sigh turned to a hiss of panic as she pressed against the door harder, heart rate accelerating for a moment until the shuffling faded. Shit. It’d been like this all fucking night. What served to make things worse was the fact she had no clue how much time had passed — there were no windows in the bathroom and she’d lost her own phone. She didn’t dare to take out the other option. Her gaze fell to the floor for a moment. She didn’t allow it to linger long once her eyelids began to droop, raising her head so she could desperately look around in an attempt to find something to calm her spiked nerves and keep her from falling asleep. Eventually, she fell upon the sleeping form of the man she shared the room with. Jabari, she recalled. At least he’s sleeping soundly. She deflated a little at that thought, letting up on blocking the door for a moment in order to move her legs forward and lean out over them, resting her elbows on her knees. God, she was tired. Her shoulders slumped and her head began to fall once more, her sight slowly blacking out. Maybe a bit of rest would be fine. Just a minute of rest. It wouldn’t put any — “EVACUATION IMMEDIATE.” Ataeia jolted, smacking her head on the wood of the door with a “GAH” as she was rudely jerked away from her moment of rest. She hunched over in pain, hoping to whatever God may be doing this to her that the things outside didn’t hear her, though she doubted it, what with the booming, robotic voice that was projecting over the speakers. Rubbing her head and directing a glare (not her most intimidating, but to be fair, she did just suffer a harsh blow to the noggin) toward the ceiling as the second round of the announcement rang out, allowing her to actually focus on what it was saying. An evacuation. Did the authorities finally come to tell them what was going on and save them? Thank God for that, but for some reason, Ataeia had a sinking feeling in her gut that told her that they wouldn’t be getting an escort. Letting out a sigh of relief, she stood, cracking her joints that had stiffened up from staying in the same place for so long before walking over to the ma — Jabari’s large form, kneeling by his side in order to shake him gently. She didn’t know if he was already awake or not, but she figured he could use another wake-up call. “Get up,” She muttered to him. Internally, she winced at the harshness of her phrasing, but her mouth didn’t seem to want to wait for her brain, not that it was particularly keen on being nice, either. “We have to make a game plan.” Ataeia glanced up at the ceiling again, her eyes flitting side to side in search for the speaker (not necessarily because she needed it, but perhaps in search of comfort). Where was that announcement expecting them to go, anyway? All it said was “evacuation”, as if they knew the goddamn evacuation procedures. Were they expecting to get past those things entirely on their own after this whole experience? Were they supposed to somehow get all the way through the airport to the exit? Where were they even supposed to go after getting there? Fucking home? She didn’t have anything she could do at home, what the fuck we — “AVOID INFECTED, CHECK MEDIA.” Fuck. Right. She made an involuntary sound, something between a grunt and a whine of not wanting to do something, her teeth clenching as her gaze fixed upon the floor. She didn’t want to touch that phone. It wasn’t hers. She couldn’t just go through his things, she’d lost her own phone, what kind of sister would she be — no, no, she wouldn’t touch it. She wouldn’t. It was just for a search ,just a little search, but — but — gghhhh, why did she have to lose her fucking phone — Her gaze flickered up to Jabari, and after a beat of silence, she offered him a smile. Not particularly a comforting one, nor a fake, polite one — it was partially defeated, partially intimidating and all parts out of her mind. “Do you have a phone?”

Robert Kelvin Wiles | 23 | Male | M: none Robert walked around the building, trying his best to be quiet. The announcement had stopped. His skin was covered in goosebumps and his heart seemed to be pumping louder and louder each time. He tried to control his breathing, which he thought was more like huffing. It was like hide-and-go-seek on steroids. Or like a paintball game except people are biting you instead of shooting. Of course, he didn’t know if the demon possessed could shoot a gun. He really hoped that they couldn’t. The cheap fluorescent lights flickered nervously like they had done in the janitor’s closet and the area seemed endless and shadowy. He could hear the suspenseful music playing. He was by the gate B15. That was the flight that he had just gotten off of. What happened only hours ago seemed like a far away dream, no, nightmare. He didn’t want to remember it and especially not now. Not when one of the possessed could pop out of no where. However, he remembered the screaming and the shouts echoing in his ears. The blood stains on some of the walls made his brown eyes grow wider than what they already were. There was a smell too, and it mingled in with the sharp smell of blood. He recognized it as urine, a smell he hadn’t sniffed since the last time he had wetted himself. He supposed that it was from people being scared to death or perhaps it was an after affect of demon possession. He had heard of demons before from sermons, but he never truly accepted that they are real. He knew about the angels and he liked them because they seemed really cool and were the good guys. He didn’t want to admit that he was scared of demons, but it was the truth. He was frightened by them and their torture. The strength of beings in another dimension like ghosts, spirits and phantoms. Terrible, terrible things that he liked to avoid and he instead thought about the material evils and sins whenever a preacher talked about Satan’s workings. Even then, he didn’t like the thoughts of wickedness. So he focused mainly on God and on His gentle, merciful side. Robert’s senses were heightened and anxious. If a toad croaked he would’ve screamed. Unfortunately, he wasn’t trying to sneak past toads. He wasn’t sure how to get out of the airport as he’s only been on two other planes. He looked outside a window. He was at least on the second story and it was too high for him to jump. He wasn’t sure if he could break the window either, so he didn’t attempt it. As he scanned through the dirty glass, he looked at the plane he had just come in from. There were stairs leading down from the weird box-tube thingy. That’s my way out. He looked around at his surroundings. Things seemed safe. So he made way for the open walkway. The door had been ripped off its hinges, an event that he did not remember happening before. He paused as he stared at the dark tight hallway that was before him. Blood streaked the carpet and the canvas walls. It smelled worse in there than what it did out in the airport. He hesitated to go because of this. He’d hate to go ahead and end up being cornered by a demon. He began to chew his fingernails and realized that his mouth was parched. He looked behind him to see a little market nearby. The water bottles glinted in the refrigerator. He’d grab some and go. Nothing would go wrong. The possessed didn’t seem to be near at all. He dashed over, trying to make this a fast trip. Food and water were strung along the floor. Some pieces of clothing were around. He made sure to step over the puddles of bodily fluids and to the refrigerator. He opened up his backpack and filled it with four water bottles and two bags of potato chips. He opened up a fifth bottle to receive his dry mouth. While he was guzzling down water, something emerged from the shadows. It was silent and it had returned to where it had made its first kill. It was still hungry. So it lunged and Robert choked. The water in his throat was coughed out all the while he wanted to scream. The water expelled from his lungs and landed on the possessed. Robert’s prosthetic eye would’ve popped out then and there if it was possible. He dropped the half-full bottle and it leaked out on the floor. The possessed panicked for a while until it realized that it wasn’t drowning. During that time, Robert recovered (as best as he could) from his spewing, grabbed his bag, and dashed for the hall leading down to the plane. He prayed as hard as he could that there weren’t any possessed down in the tunnel or in the plane. He didn’t think he could survive another encounter. Especially since he could hear this one giving chase.

Aurora Grace Solus | 16 | Female | M: Khufu Aurora suppresses a yawn, sitting on the ledge of a bathroom sink with her eyes glued to her phone. She scrolls through posts on social media— most of which were just people begging for help or information on the infected, anyway. She’d admit that it was smart to give away your location in case there was a chance rescue came, but Aurora didn’t want to look like such a… coward. That’s when her phone vibrated slightly and a notification arose— it was coordinates to a military camp in Washington. But, could she really make it there all the way from California? Of course, she wouldn’t be alone because of the other kid who she thought was still sleeping, but that was assuming that he didn’t ditch her first. Then, ripping her attention away from her thoughts arose the faint sound of shuffling coming from the closed bathroom stall. However, Aurora kept her gaze affixed to her softly glowing phone screen, reading through the endless stream of media, most of which was useless considering that it was information Aurora already knew. Couldn’t the internet just be a little more helpful during this shitshow, or did the sixteen-year old have to find out what the infected could do herself? Not that she would, since, of course, she’d probably die if she did that. Aurora was so focused on her own thoughts that she barely recognized that the shuffling coming from the other person in the bathroom stall had grown louder— along with the spine-chilling shrieks outside. However, what she did notice was the sudden sound of a stall door unlocking, followed by creaking as it opened. When the girl finally looked up from her device, she was greeted with the sight of the other teenager, Aurora’s sky-blue eyes tinged with curiosity. She didn’t really know much about this person, in fact, she was even unaware as to what his name was. Aurora was about to ask when he walked over to the restroom door, sliding his phone into one of his pockets and reaching out for the handle. Was he actually going to ditch her? Aurora’s suspicions were dismissed as the other teenager glimpsed at her before fully turning around and smiling brightly at her, accompanied by a wave and a hoarse “Good morning! What Aurora was confused about was how this person could smile so cheerfully in the crisis that the two were currently in. She tried to give a wide grin in reply, but could only manage a dispirited, half-hearted smile. Also, why was he saying good morning? This morning was far from good, in fact, the two were lucky that they themselves weren’t one of those brain dead, infected freaks yet. But, Aurora was too nervous to voice what was on her mind, instead, she just stood there waiting for the other kid to say something more. After a brief moment of silence, the boy cleared his seemingly dry throat and a voice arose. “Uhm, so, we’re safe while the EAS is playing and distracting the things outside. It’ll stop eventually, though, so we have to be careful after that. Until then, we can move pretty fast while it’s covering our asses, and the dark should keep us out of their line of sight, so — uh, we gotta get to the exit, to the place... yeah. Follow me.” There was a small pause before Aurora replied. “Uh, y-yeah, I know,” she said, although it may have been too faint and quiet for the other teen to even hear. She steals one last glance at her phone before shutting it off, securing it into the back pocket of her pants. She could feel the burning sensation of anxiety arise in her chest. Although she was partially nervous about what she’d see once she left the safety of the restroom, most of her concern came from what would happen when the EAS stopped broadcasting on the speakers— it was bound to happen sometime. And that sometime could be soon. Shit! The two should’ve left earlier. Well, whatever. It wasn’t like Aurora was able to do anything about it. All she could do was hope for the best, which was that the two survived. As the EAS rang out through the airport again and the boy peeked outside of the restroom door, Aurora realized that it was dark. Like, really dark. She’d been so wrapped up in other matters that the teenager had completely forgotten what time it was. She was unsure if the infected could see in the dark or not, though, if they could Aurora and the boy whose name she was oblivious to were totally dead. Whatever, she was probably overthinking it. What were the chances that they had enhanced night vision? The girl shook her head, trying to clear her flurry of thoughts. The other boy walked out of the restroom door, before suddenly he broke into a sprint. Aurora barely had any time to survey her surroundings, that was, if she wanted to keep up with the only other person that was alive to her knowledge. The girl quickly made up her mind, being sure to keep the other teenager in sight as she, too, made a dash out of the restroom. She should’ve run slower; because by the time she’d reached the boy, she could already feel her heart pounding in her chest and her breathing getting harsher. Louder. She’d run after him with no regard for how little stamina she had. Well, whatever. As long as she could quiet down her breathing, then they were fine. Aurora slowed her pace as the EAS came to a stop, being sure to stay behind the boy, but not so close that she would come into physical contact with him. She flinched and covered her ears as the faint, yet noticeably irritated sound of screeching came from somewhere in the distance. She didn’t bother to look around, as even in such low lighting she was afraid that she’d be able to see blood splattered across the floor and walls. The EAS began to play again, which meant that the two were now on the move again. They were running out of the check-in-area, but to where Aurora was unsure of. She didn’t actually know the layout of the airport too well, since she hadn’t been to this particular one too many times, just enough to know that the amount of people today was much more than she’d previously seen here. Aurora stays behind the other teenager the whole time, being sure to mimic his actions in order not to screw this whole thing up, which would probably get the two killed. She slows when the EAS stops, and jolts back into a sprint when it begins again. The whole time she has her hands over her ears, desperate to block the growing shrieks from reaching her ears. But, what’s really preventing her from hearing the cries from reaching her is Aurora’s own heavy, harsh breathing. She hasn’t even noticed that the screeching has faded into silence— along with the EAS. “What the—” Aurora whispers, finally uncovering her ears as the realization hits her. Her eyes grow wide with panic, a petrifying scream which is louder than ever before piercing the air like an arrow. Aurora could only wish that she had an arrow to shoot at these rabid people right now. She wished that she had her bow around to grant herself a false sense of security, being in possession of a weapon that she was incredibly skilled with. The girl was frozen in fear for a second before she grew aware that the one who’d she’d been traveling with had taken off towards the closest open doorway, and Aurora soon followed him. She pressed up against the wall, still being sure not to get into too close proximity to the other teen. There was what looked like a clothing section in front of them— but it was rather indistinct because of how dim it was. Aurora could see a figure moving around in the dark, dragging its feet on the ground and holding its right hand up to its face as it bit the fingernails on it. There were likely more, too. Aurora had no idea where they were in the airport— or how to make it past the infected without the EAS to aid them. Maybe they could try throwing something in an opposite direction and the infected would charge towards it? No, it wouldn’t work. What did they have to throw? They could just make a run for it and hope to evade all of the incoming lunges and attacks thrown at them from the infected. But, it was pretty reckless. The overwhelming thought that filled Aurora’s head was that she was going to die. Edited at March 10, 2022 02:55 PM by Glacialis

Jabari Algarotti | 34 years | Male | Mentions: Ataeia Jabari had tried to stay asleep. Every time he woke up he felt a constant dull ache in his chest. At first he couldn't remember why his heart hurt, but after a while he would remember. The ground smelled, but there was no other place to lay. At least he didn't have to go far to relieve himself so that he could quickly return to his stupor. He remained curled up on the cold nasty uncomfortable ground and tried to go back to sleep to escape his reality. He couldn't bring himself to care that there were insane people hunting him and some lady who had left his family. He heard "EVACUATION IMMEDIATE." through his foggy semi-awareness. He lay there, his mind trying to make sense of the input. Slowly, he uncurled from the fetal position at the loud noise. However, he continued to ignore her, when it dawned on him that with his back to her it probably looked like he was still asleep. He didn't want to make plans. It took too much effort. He heard her exclamation of pain, and he asked her about it in his groggy half asleep head, but he couldn't summon the will power to force the words out of his mouth. He flinched when he heard her come close, and he began to sit up straight, so he could focus on the problem before him better. For a moment he sat there staring at the wall across from his eyeballs until he realized that the voice coming through the speakers was referencing evacuation. It sounded rather important if he didn't want to be bitten by a rabid human. "AVOID INFECTED, CHECK MEDIA." That first curt instruction sounded rather optimistic or stupid. He couldn't decide. At least the second instruction gave him something to do, so he didn't have to think about what had happened or what needs to happen next. How was the governement going to be able to mass save the people from these savage monsters in human skin? Were they? How were the not infected people expected to avoid the infected? What did infected mean? How had they been created? He moved his gaze to her face, as she was kneeling by him, and he felt guilty as he noticed she was kneeling to speak to him face to face. Slowly, he began to paw at his pockets. While they were face to face, it felt a little unusual even awkward. He knew he should thank her for putting up with him. The side of him that was unrational and not in the moment wanted to complain about her being in a men's bathroom. In reality he didn't care. Mechanically, his old hardwiring broke in, and he instinctively went for an introduction. "I'm Jabari. You are?" If they were going to try to survive together, he shouldn't be going around calling her girl. "What was the night watch like?" Although his overwhelming desire to curl up in a ball and never show his face again was constant, he began to feel a little concern that she might be feeling as bad as he was. It was too personal a question to ask already, but he wanted to know if she had lost anyone herself that she knew of yet. He nodded backat her, because she was smiling. Without thinking about it, he blurted out, "How can you be smiling in this moment? You must not have lost anyone." He closed his eyes for a moment. Someone might assume that he was trying to block her out, but he felt guilty for being so salty. "Here is my phone. You can use it." He knew he should be thanking her for putting up with him. It was odd putting up with a man who was sobbing and curled up much less one she didn't know. "What does the media say? Are we supposed to try to get out of here?" While he was waiting for an answer, he struggled to his feet. He felt like he sounded like a wounded elephant, because he struggled so heavily. Slowly, he stared at the mirror and could see his wet lashes and red rimmed eyes. He had who knows what on his face, and his mouth was dry, so he slowly turned on the sink spicket and bent down so that his lips touched the cool stream. He grabbed some paper towels and finally began to work on cleaning up his face. It made him feel marginally better. "Do you need to sleep?" he asked. He moved to sit down back beside her, and leaned back against a wall. His eyes closed, as he didn't have the energy to pretend to be awake and alert. "We'll need food eventually." He stated the obvioius after his stomach growled. "Are we working together?" Would she tell him if it was every man for themself?

Cassian Alaric Male // 18 // M: Reyes, Khufu, Aurora
Reyes was planning things out. He was trying really hard not to scratch his arms, but the urge was increasing. His free hand crept down the opposite arm and he scratched at the limb almost aggressively until the point of an almost refreshing, cold pain. Nope. Stop. As a kid, he had always had issues with scratching his arms. It had gotten to the point that his arms had been oftentimes covered in skin marks, similar to hives. Cassian had started asking his siblings to tape his hands down for an hour or so, so his irritated skin would calm down. A bit of surprise was dancing in his eyes. It had been quite a while since the little habit had returned to him. He had never known if it was because he was bored or had anxiety but he honestly didn’t care. What he did care about was the fact that his arm was incredibly irritated now, and frustration was starting to stab him as the irritation built. When Reyes suddenly kneeled down in what looked like it was supposed to be something other than kneeling, he felt like he had to turn away. Not because he was uncomfortable, but because he felt the strongest temptation to start laughing. He was definitely sleep-deprived. Everything was hysterical to him. Especially Reyes’ face. Why was her face so funny-looking to him? Was it his eyes or was it just her? He tilted his head one way, then the other to eye all angles.. Nope. Still odd. Maybe he was going crazy. “Yeah, yeah. Lights out helps us. That’s great.” He rubbed his eyes again and blinked tiredly. He started mindlessly scratching his arm again. A yawn pierced him. He didn’t even bother trying to cover his mouth. Tears from the yawn blurred his vision and he grumbled. Rubbing his eyes to get rid of the tears, he squinted at Reyes. And there she goes again. He sighed. It was good she was leading, though. He had no idea where they were going, but then again, he felt like a lost puppy just trotting after a person. Oh and now she’s opening the door. Yay. His voice mumbled out a wordless complaint. His voice was slurred from sleeplessness and his limbs were almost numb. Maybe he should have gotten at least a minute of sleep. Even a minute would make him able to fully open his eyes. He grabbed the door from Reyes to slip after her. He felt the slightest bit grateful. It was a small gesture, but in his current state, he could only categorize it as one of the nicest things someone had done for him. He followed her along the wall, not even fazed by the blood decorating the wall in some form of a gruesome display. In a way, it was like a twisted reality of a haunted house. Except, Cassian was not at all afraid of his surroundings. If anything, he wanted to start howling with laughter at the sheer amount of red. Okay Cassian. Maybe laughing at the color of the blood isn’t the brightest idea you’ve had. Just maybe, ya know? The shrieks felt like a background soundtrack to Cassian’s ears, like the sounds meant to terrify you in horror movies. He hummed as quietly as he could alongside the screams echoing along the hallway. Ahead of him, Reyes was feeling along the floor. She continued moving in at a steady pace. Cassian followed her in an almost swaying way. He felt like a drunken man, though the thought almost made him laugh. Again. It was like the beginning of the whole ordeal when he had found many things entertaining. The sound of footsteps caused him to glance up, his humming dying in his throat. Was that a survivor or one of the infected things? He stepped forward, placing his free hand on Reyes’ shoulder so as to not run into her and more easily go around. He began walking in a more precise manner, crouched a bit. He saw a counter ahead and immediately knew where he was. He had passed this area before. “Shopping area,” he muttered softly to Reyes. His words felt they were being said by another person, sounding far away and quiet to his own ears. Which one to go to though? Probably a clothing area. He had always thought about that in an apocalypse, it would be so easy to hide in a clothing rack. Similarly to how he had hid from his siblings in a clothing rack at some store when he was younger. It hadn’t been the best idea, considering they had left him there. But at least that meant it had been a good hiding spot. Despite the fact it had traumatized his child-self from hiding from his family, it had somewhat helped his current self. Somewhat. Thump. A growl sounded from behind them. And in front of them. He couldn’t tell how many there were, but there seemed to be at least 2. Not again, “Shit,” he whispered. His eyes flashed to the left side of the wall, where a door to a shopping store sat. “Move, move, move. We gotta go now.” He tugged on Reyes’ shoulder, pulling on the cloth of her shirt once. A single action before he pulled away. Dammit. I thought the alarm and broadcast had gotten all of them distracted. Christ, we have to move fast. His eyes flashed over his shoulder at Reyes before returning to the door he was racing towards. He slid in and slammed his back into a wall near the door. He tried to silence his breathing, but it felt so loud to his ears. His heartbeat was drumming alongside, slamming into his ears again and again. Reyes would have the responsibility of closing the door, or not. Wait. Shit. Something’s wrong. He froze, his eyes slowly flowing to the side and meeting the figure of not one, but two people. “Shit,” was all that exited his mouth, dumbstruck in a way that left him almost frozen. His arms went slack as he stood there, lost and utterly shocked. The things in his hands dangled loosely. He had thought he was so intelligent hiding in the clothing shop, but now, now there were two of those things standing in front of him. Oh. They were kids. He couldn’t tell if they were infected or not, but his throat dropped as he could only think of the worst things. Two kids. Ages 15 to 16 or so. Not the youngest, but younger than him. In the years that Cassian had considered the fondest for him. Sorry Reyes. I guess this is why you usually lead. No. But the two others looked as afraid as him. They looked fearful, at least to Cassian’s squinting and blurred eyes. One looked female, another looked more masculine. The female looked ahead, and a snarl scratched his ears. His head snapped forward and- and he saw another one. Another one of those things. Welp. He was satisfied he had lived this long, though. He inched along the wall closer to the other humans - well, he hoped they weren’t infected - and kept his eyes trained on the young teenagers. He was struggling to crack a joke to the strangers, but he had already learned his lesson with Reyes. And there was also one of the creatures in front of them, so he’d prefer not to, you know, die because he couldn’t bite his tongue. But to be honest, he still really wanted to tell the joke.

Reyes Collin Female // 23 // M: Cassian, Khufu, Aurora The EAS stopped. Why did it stop? The shrieking grew louder. Why? Why? Why? Reyes had probably experienced about forty heart attacks within the past 24 hours. She immediately stopped in her tracks, hoping that those robotic words and beeps would sound again… They didn’t. The only sound that could reach her ears was the heavy thumping of her heart. Her heart was pounding in her ears as fear began to bubble up. No, no, no. The EAS was their only chance and now that’s gone too. Reyes was frozen solid for what seemed like centuries as she tried to stay as quiet as possible. Her knees began to buckle, and she pressed her palms against the cold marble flooring in an attempt to keep herself grounded. She felt like she was going to faint. She swore she could hear someone talking but she was so zoned out that it was inaudible. She couldn’t tell if she was wide awake with shock or in a rem cycle. Everything was dark. It was hard to focus on the things ahead of her since she was constantly glancing toward the slightest sound. That’s when she focused on the footsteps coming from what had to be just a few yards in front of her. Move Rey. Move your fucking feet! She couldn’t. The shrieks seemed to flood her mind as she could feel the blood rushing to her head. She felt abnormally light, but her limbs were too heavy to move. It was like the world was spinning around her. A hand was placed on her shoulder. She flinched, swiftly raising her elbow to block an attack. Though she knew that those creatures would stop at nothing to get what they wanted, she was sure as hell going to put up a fight. She swiveled to face her opponent. Her fist was already curled into position and in motion. She nearly clocked her only companion in the face. If it hadn’t been for his words, she would’ve never stopped that fist from making contact with Cassian. A wave of relief washed over her as she felt herself calm down a bit. So he did follow her. A part of her was surprised that Cassian didn’t leave her. In fact, she expected the lunatic to stray from her, bidding a silent farewell as he left Reyes in the dust. “We gotta move now.” No shit Sherlock. Ah, there she is. Reyes started to regain what little composure she had left when Cassian tugged on her shirt. Somehow, he ended up taking the lead. Let’s hope this ends well. Reyes took a deep breath in, practically holding it as she followed Cassian. Why was he moving so much faster than her? It felt like she was treading through water; everything was slurred and heavy. Why did she feel so slow? Oh. That’s right. She forgot to breathe. With the newfound air entering her lungs, Reyes managed to grasp where they were going. Why in the hell were they going into a clothing shop? Did Cassian want a matching shirt to go with his mug? The door was wide open! The chances of an infected in there was high- so why was Cassian leading them there? Just turn around. Turn around. As soon as Reyes made it past the door she very carefully closed it shut as to not draw any more noise than they already had. Reyes was probably excruciatingly loud with her little oh-shit-im-going-to-die session back there- and she swore she had never been around someone who breathed as loudly as Cassian did. She leaned her back against the door and looked aimlessly in the dark, somewhat keeping an eye out for Cassian. For a moment she thought they were safe. For a moment she thought Cassian had actually made a good decision. But no. There were not one, but two figures. Just standing there. Just barely ahead of them. Reyes grasped the knob of the door slowly, preparing to haul ass out of there if one of those things spotted them and shrieked—or God forbid lunged at them. She just started to twist the abnormally wet metal knob when Cassian began inching closer to those things. What the hell? This guy has finally lost it. Reyes immediately reached a hand out to pull Cassian back. Her fingers were just barely grazing his shirt when she got a better look at the two figures. Her hand faltered and slowly subsided. Those two weren’t screeching or twitching like all the other monsters in this place. They were human. Young humans by the looks of it. Just how young were they? Would they slow her down? Reyes hated to think like this, but it was her logical side. She already felt iffy following Cassian. Could she even manage to keep track of their welfare? What if they got her killed? What if she got them killed? Stop it, Rey, they aren’t deadweight. They’re human beings. If she left these guys behind they would be forever plastered in her memories. Their faceless figures would stand beside that old couple and haunt whatever sleep she managed to get. She didn’t want to have a list of people that she wronged in some way. She didn’t want to be that person. She didn’t want to be the reason why they didn’t make it. Okay. There are only two. They don’t look incredibly young. We can make it to the coordinates. If they survived this long that means they have some sense to be quiet. They look old enough to have phones… they probably know where to go too—they probably know that we both have the same goal in mind. There’s a lot of ‘probably’ going through Reyes’s decisions lately. She shouldn’t get ahead of herself. There are undoubtedly some of those cannibals in here. Reyes slowly let go of the knob, steadying her breathing as she followed Cassian’s tracks with caution. Her eyes were strained on the two younger figures. What if they thought that both Cassian and Reyes were monsters? Shit. What if they scream? Surely they’d know by now that they weren’t—right? Should they say something? No… It’d attract those things. Reyes stopped, spotting the creature that seemed to be inching closer to the teens. She kept her eyes trained on the thing. It was biting the nails on its hand and twitching simultaneously. It looked so human. She probably would’ve mistaken it for being human if she couldn’t smell the blood radiating from it. The more Reyes focused on it, the more she realized just how much It acted as if it was scared. Its mannerisms looked increasingly anxious and fearful. What would a thing like that be afraid of? What would something so relentless and aggressive be petrified by? Did they have a weakness? The thing abruptly swiveled around, its back now facing the teens. It seemed to be attracted to the guttural scream that echoed throughout the dark, restless airport. The thing stopped biting its nails for a moment- as if contemplating whether it should act out in aggression or not. This brief pause didn’t last long, as it went right back to biting its nails. The sound of its teeth grinding against keratin made Reyes’s skin crawl. They had to get out of here before that thing called its friends over. With one hand still on the wall, she reached her free hand out to them and motioned them to come over. Perhaps Reyes was living in some kind of fantasy. Perhaps in a perfect world, these kids would trust her enough in this kind of situation. It’s not like they knew if she was infected or not. Hell, she didn’t even know if they were infected. Guess we’ll find out.

ATAEIA SIGEBRYGHT 28 - Female - Mentions: Jabari "Ataeia." The young woman introduced herself quietly, the hushed tone only serving to accentuate the rasp in her voice. "Ataeia Sigebryght." She didn't need to say her last name, her brain immediately yelled at her -- it'd only serve as more to remember and make things harder for them both. Perhaps she should have been thankful, then, that her tired state instantly shut down her insecurity -- she was too close to passing out to concern herself with the daily pettiness of her mind. If she wanted to think, it should be later, dammit, after she'd gotten some fucking rest.
Unfortunately, her moment of rest wouldn't be then. "Tiring," She responded blankly to the man's question, one that really only served as a harsh reminder of the fact she was this close to K.O'ing on the instant. She couldn't blame him for that, though, no -- she supposed now was just about the ideal time for small talk, really. Get to know the person you're going to be running for your life with, try to get your mind off of the massacre you'd witnessed just the day before. That thought, in itself, was enough to send a shiver down her spine. That shiver was nothing compared to anything the chill the man's next statement would bring, though. "You must not have lost anyone," He said. Ataeia's blood ran cold. What did he just fucking say. She must have misheard him or something. He couldn't have said something so -- what the fuck? Fuck -- fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fucking hell, she stayed up all night and tried to comfort this guy, she fucking -- downplaying her experiences so much -- who does this guy fucking think he is? Does he think he's the only one who can experience death? Jesus fucking Christ, why would she ever -- The man held out his phone to her, making her realize that she'd been staring, coldly and intensely, at him for the last minute. She forced her expression into its best customer service smile (one that did not at all help to disguise the coldness in her eyes). Smile and take it. Just smile and take it. "Sure." Her tone came out more venomous than she'd meant it to as she snatched his cell from his hands, fixing her gaze on the screen as to keep herself from glaring. Her rage simmered down into a dull sort of feeling, settling in her bones as misery and an uncomfortable, jittery sort of anger as slumped down onto the ground from her kneeling position, crossing her legs in order to dull the ache that'd start to form in her knees. She moved on autopilot as she searched for information, mind preoccupied with calming herself down. It was fine, it was fine. She'd probably never see this guy again, anyway. They both just had to get out of there safely. The government was in contact now, they'd figure out what to do, they'd be fine... For the second time in the span of the same 10 minutes, Ataeia realized she was staring intensely and angrily, though this time her gaze was fixed on an article she'd pulled up. Shaking away her thoughts so she could focus, she squinted at the screen, bringing it up to her face so her poor eyesight could make out the words. Some information on the... the murderers, and how they worked. Infected with something, it seemed. Some kind of pandemic. As she read through the information on the murderers, a sinking feeling started to take hold in her gut. It only intensified as she scrolled and scrolled, revealing more and more information on the fuckers outside -- she was supposed to remember all this? She was supposed to use all this information against them? Shit -- was she supposed to go out and face them herself or something? No, no, she'd forget, she'd panic, she wouldn't be able to do it, something'd slip from her mind at the wrong time and she'd fail and they'd notice her -- She scrolled desperately through the article, trying to see if they'd be accompanied, if the government would come to help them themselves or the militia or something -- She glanced up to the top of the screen. Coordinates. Coordinates to a place. No talk about backup, nothing. ... They'd have to go do this on their own, wouldn't they? Her grip on the phone loosened, only barely holding it as her gaze unfocused. Shit. Shit, she'd die out there. This wasn't how she was supposed to die -- shit, she still had things to do, she wouldn't -- fucking hell -- Her gaze snapped up as the man beside her asked about what she'd read. Right. She was with someone else. She was supposed to -- yeah, share the knowledge. She was investigating for both of them. She opened her mouth to speak but closed it when the man stood, walking off with the slow gait of a large animal that'd been drugged. She watched him warily as he made his way to the sink, turning on the water to splash his face. Her rage had mainly ebbed away, leaving her with a tiring feeling of emptiness as she brought up her knees to her chin, resting her cheek against her knee to skim over the article again with tired eyes. They were probably both done for. No point in telling him that, though, she thought. Just give him the information he asked for. She closed her eyes for a moment. Without having to look at anything, she could better focus on hearing the man continue to ask her questions, settling down beside her once more. He sure did have a lot of questions, didn't he?... ... Ah. She was alone. A bit of resentment bubbled up in her at the thought that she'd be the one having to lead this charge. This man seemed older than her -- shit, he had a wife and kids, didn't he? Why did she have to be the one to make all the decisions? She didn't -- God, this was all just so unfair -- His wife and kids are dead, her mind suddenly reminded her. Her eyes opened slightly. She wasn't the only one who could experience death, either. His family had just died in front of him, of course he was looking for some direction. She didn't know what was going on, why the fuck would he know? She was the one who had the phone, anyway, of course he was asking her about what was happening, she'd offered herself up to go look. Her rage suddenly started to flare up again, threatening to boil over, though it was in a different direction this time around. Jesus Christ, she was so selfish. Of course he was acting this way, he was a father who'd just lost everything. If she didn't get up off the fucking floor and towards those coordinates, he'd probably lose his life, too. She slowly, slowly, pushed herself up and off the floor, looking down at the phone as she spoke quietly, making her voice even more gravelly than before. "We're supposed to leave the airport and head towards a town nearby to get moved to Washington," She told him, not meeting his eyes. She couldn't. Not until she got them somewhere safe. "The infected people -- they're infected with something, a virus -- spread it by saliva. We have to cover up our flesh and keep out of their sight." She was talking too much. Her throat was starting to hurt. In a slow stroll, she made her way over to the sink, pausing in what she was saying in order to turn it on and splash her face, jolting at the cold cold cold that instantly hit her. Still, she steeled up, leaning in in order to drink some of the tap water before turning it off. Wiping some of the excess water from her face, she made the mistake of glancing up, meeting the gaze of a tired, extremely frazzled woman with deep bags under her eyes that could be seen from a mile away and hair that hadn't been in worse shape in years. Her lips were chapped and there were some cuts on her that she hadn't noticed. Things were really, really going downhill. She stared for a few moments before tearing her eyes away, continuing to speak. "We should probably leave now to make sure they don't leave without us. We just need to avoid the people outside and -- not die, I guess. Food shouldn't matter if we get there soon enough." She made her way over to the bathroom door, resting her hand on the handle and letting out a sigh. "Let's go, alright?" She slowly turned the handle and opened the door. ... Fuck. She couldn't see a single thing. She glanced over her shoulder to look at Jabari and, awkwardly, asked him, "Do you know which way the exit is?" KHUFU CARABELLA 16 - Male - Mentions: Aurora, Reyes, Cassian The flash of light hair in the corner of his vision served as a thankful reminder that the other teen had, in fact, managed to follow them all the way there. Khufu probably would have let out a sigh of relief if it weren't for the fact that he wasn't still terrified of the thing standing right in front of them. The sound of grinding teeth hit him, more terrifying than any horror movie or game he'd ever played. He'd never been that scared of the horror genre, anyway, which only served to make the pace of his heart terrify him even more. He shrank against the wall, hoping the darkness and the clothes separating them were enough to ensure the guy didn't see them. Bad idea, bad idea, going in here was a bad idea. It was a panicked, heat-of-the-moment move, so he didn't get a chance to look in the store before he went, but -- how were they supposed to get out of there without starting a scene? If the guy saw them while they were trying to escape, he was bound to screech, and that'd only serve to draw more unwanted attention to them. The situation was bad, really, really bad. They didn't have much time. Their only grace here was the darkness, so when the sun rose -- well. They'd be fucked. They already were pretty fucked, but they'd be fucked even worse. They could leave the same way they came in, but the motion would bring up the risk of it noticing them, and they could not risk it noticing them. It didn't seem to be intent on turning around soon, either, so -- His gaze snapped up as he suddenly noticed movement in the corner of his vision. No, no, no, please don't make it scream, please don't -- Two figures, details indecipherable in the thickness of the dark, had entered. Panic started to set in, making his eyes widen and teeth clench as he shrunk back against the wall, until he realized -- no, they'd frozen too. They weren't moving or saying anything. Were they...? Khufu watched them closely, eyes still wide. He couldn't make out the details of what they were doing, considering they were on the other side of the room, but it sure wasn't much. One seemed to be moving a little bit, but not enough to attract the nail-biting one's attention, and what little movements they made seemed smooth. They were normal. He almost slumped against the wall, knees threatening to give out in his relief of knowing there were other survivors, but he steeled himself up. Not quite yet. He'd be relieved later, when he... figured something, anything, out. A scream rang out, and the thing swiveled around, back turned towards them. There was the anything, he supposed. Khufu took a moment to glance at the doorway they'd just come from. He could see faint, dark figures roaming outside, shuffling about in that groggy, inhuman way. They couldn't risk booking it out that door and attracting the attention of those things. The other two figures had to come from somewhere, though -- he supposed that meant this place had two exits. That was good. They just had to get there, then. Khufu looked away from the doorway and back to the figures in time to see one of them move their hands. It was a gesture. He squinted, trying to figure out what it was -- were they saying to come closer? Well, even if they weren't, he figured, they did kind of have to. It was the only other option, anyway. He glanced over to the other teenager and gave a brief nod before looking back to the person standing in the middle, ensuring their back was still turned, before moving -- slowly, veeeeery slowly -- towards the other two figures. Another guttural scream suddenly ranging out, causing the thing to lift its head away from them again, and that prompted Khufu to move faster. Once he was at where the other two were, he stopped, covering his mouth in order to muffle his breathing as the screaming faded. Maybe he should've opened the door while there was still noise. But -- no, if he opened it in too much of a rush, there could've been some aggressors close enough to see and lunge. It was better to be slow about it. It didn't matter if they opened the door in the silence so long as they were careful enough about it to not make a sound. They just had to get out of there quickly before the sun rose. Khufu looked up from his thoughts, finally looking at the people he was now with. Two, one male, one female, both definitely alive and normal if judging from the lack of foam. The guy didn't seem much older than him, and the woman -- well, he didn't know how old she was. Maybe early twenties? If she was really an adult, it was probably good for them, though he couldn't really say for sure. After staring at them for a minute, deep in thought, it came to him that he should probably say something. He gave them a small and (hopefully introductory) smile before mouthing "the lobby is on the left", hoping that they could make out his words in the dark before glancing towards the door. They'd have to check for infected first before making a break for it, but... he glanced behind him, hearing light shuffling as someone else entered the clothing shop, the sound of low snarling filling the air. His eyebrows furrowed as he watched the strange gait of the entering man, one hand bracing himself against the wall as he stared. The two were now both effectively distracted -- good for them, but watching their mannerisms, only one thought came to Khufu's mind. These guys are fucking weird.