
She'd cast their last worm out, tossing the salmon into the basket.

You cast out your last worm and look up at the sky as it bobs in the ocean until the line tugs. -You've caught a Sea Bass!- -You May- Mass Cast (2 Large) Cast Out (Large) Return to Glowmire

Zyyrith's quest was finished, but they cast out both of their large bait in a mass cast just for fun.

You cast out your line happily, ready for bigger fish. -Your Large Bait Catches You the following- Tarpon Shark -You've run our of bait!- . Returned to Glowmire

Evan found the sea to be enchanting, in its own eerie way. Unlike anything he'd ever seen before, the water reached out to infinity, keeping untold secrets just beneath its surface. He stepped right up to the cliffside and peered down into the dark abyss, remembering Torka's words at the inn. After a long moment of silently staring into the water, he stepped back and set up, casting his line into the sea. (Mass catch: 5 worms, 8 crickets, fresh meat)

The sea seems to call you in the moments you stare down at it. And you hear almost a hiss of disappointment as you back away and set your line. Your 13 small bait catches you the following Rotting Meat(Tainted Bait) Salmon Small Fish(Large Bait) Small Fish(Large Bait) Glowing Flounder Flounder Snapper Sea Trout Small Fish(Large Bait) Grouper Sea Bass Sea Bass Sword(Weapon) -Your Large Bait Catches You the following- Shark You have 2 worms, 2 Crickets, 3 Small Fish and 2 rotting meat remaining. -You May- Cast Again Return to Glowmire

Evan observed the flouder, its glow setting it appart from the rest of his catch. Taking stock of his remaining bait, he decided to stay for a little longer. (Mass cast: 1 small fish, 2 rotting meat)

You set your line once more. -Your Large Bait Catches You the following- Tuna -Your Tainted Bait catches you the following- Pufferfish You have to be very careful not to get pricked, and you can almost smell the poison wafting off it. It will take a skilled chef to prepare this. Salted Book You pull the crystalized book off your line, and almost immediately drop it in the grass again as you feel the salt crystals cut your paw pad. Almost instantly, you feel your skin shrivel and you taste salt on your tounge as you feel thirsty -You've contracted Salt Warts- You have 2 fresh Meat, 2 crickets, 2 worms and 2 small fish remaining -You May- Cast Again Return to Glowmire

Enough was enough, Evan gathered his things and prepared to head back into town.

Evan found himself at the sea again, setting up quickly this time before casting out his line. (Mass catch: All fish bait except mammoth steak)