
Dauntless said, "Oh um.. Oops, didn't realize. But are you okay?"

Summer crystal and winger flew upwards and they hovered by Shruikan. -- Zodiac smiled as she flew up to meet them. "I'll come with." She stayed in her rainwing form for now.

Shruikan glided towards the forest. "Flutningr nosu, vindr!" Carry us, wind. A gentle breeze picked up near them, making them go faster.

Summer crystal and winger were surpised -- Zodiac smiled. "I remember this a little." She can't remember a lot of her past but she did remeber the words since those words were used before to help her learn to fly longer but she couldn't remeber who helped her learn to fly.

Shruikan smiled, landing in the forest. She caught sight of a herd of deer, rearing up. Her nostrils shot out black-tinged flames, hitting some deer.

Zodiac went and she killed some deer with her vemon the thing about her vemon is that once it hits an animal it doesn't melt it like nomral rainwings vemon it just kills it ad well the animal will still be able to be eaten. But if she uses her vemon for battles or fights then if it hits someone it wouldn't melt though their scales but it would make it feel like their scales are melting. but if she lets her vemon do so it could kill a dragon by melting the dragon

Shruikan dove at a deer, snapping its neck.

Zodiac went and she changed form,s really quickly as she became a Razorwhip and she made her spikes fly and hit the deer killing it then she went back into her Rainwing form. She was surpised since she hit 10 deer with her Razorwhip spikes

Shruikan carried the deer whose neck she snapped in her jaws.

Zodiac went and she carried the 11 deer she killed. She looked at Shruikan