
He looked at her noticing she was cold, he then began to take off his hoodie. "Even though we both have fire abilities, we arnt allowed to use them outside of school grounds so here." He handed her his hoodie. He smiled as he looked up at the sky. Edited at April 23, 2023 05:07 PM by Fallen Comet
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Inferno took the hoodie, smiling thankfully at him. Maybe this human wasn't so bad after all. She slipped the hoodie over her head and snuggled into the warmth, sighing. "Hellhounds lose their body heat a lot faster than other creatures, so...thank you." She said softly.

" I don't mind." Kai said as he looked back at her smiling. He looked back up at the starry sky. He look back down at Inferno, admiring her being in his hoodie. How could he feel this way about someone, and how could that someone be her.
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Inferno had laid down on the grassy hill, admiring the glimmering sky. She felt Kai's gaze on her and glanced over at him, catching his eye. "What?" She asked, smiling shyly up at him. Before waiting for his answer, she turned her head back up to look at the sky. "There are so many constellations up there. So many stories." She hummed.

"Nothing, Just admiring how pretty you are." He softly said as he layed down so that he would be next to her. "Yeah, I like the stars and constellations, they are very pretty." Kai said as he deeply breathed in, feeling the cold air.
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Inferno flushed at his words but tried to ignore the heat the was rushing to her face. "What kind words do you have to share with me tonight." She snorted. "My favorite constellation has to be either Capicornious or Orion. The stories behind them are incredible."

He smirked and chuckled a bit, his cheeks growing a little red. "yeah anyways I like Scorpius." He said nervously.
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She hummed, agreeing with him. "The scorpion that Gaea sent to kill her son Orion. Interesting. They sat in silence for a bit before Inferno broke it. "Thank you, for this." She said. "It was a nice get away from school, don't you think?"

"I like how it looks." He scoffed. "Yeah, No problem." He said as he paused for a second. "Want to - do this again." He hesitantly asked sitting up then looking at her.
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Inferno glanced at him, sitting up also, bracing herself against the ground with her hands. "I'd love to." She grinned. They stayed outside for a while longer until Inferno grabbed his hand and shadow-blinked them inside, both agreeing that they should head inside.