
They went over a couple of other creatures like Wyverns and Faes before Inferno looked up at the clock and realized how late it was. She had no problem with staying up later as the darkness gave her energy, but she knew that same could not be said with humans. "I'm pretty sure it's almost curfew." She said, getting to her feet. "I can shadow-blink us to the dorms so we don't get into any trouble."

"Actually, wanna like, go for a walk?" He asked as he stood up, tucking both their chairs as he pushed his hair behind his ear. He then looked down at her. " I will need to go to my dorm first, but after?" He then said before she replied.
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Inferno's eyes flickered to the clock but then shrugged. "Why not. We should still shadow-blink so that we don't get caught." She grinned, holding out her hand for him to take.

He looked at her offering hand and hesitantly took it. His hand was much larger compared to hers. He took her hand gently as he looked at her. When they shadow-blinked it was a new sensation for Kai. It was quick but he still felt something. He looked at her and grinned unlocking his door, he went in and grabbed a hidden joint a classmate gave him. He shoved it in his pocket.
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Inferno shadow-blinked them back to his room, and waited for him to come back out so they could go on that walk. Shadow-blinking had always been cold. It has always sucked the heat out of her body and froze the air around her, but this time when she did it with Kai, those side effects weren't as severe as they usually were. She just chalked it up to having the body heat of another creature around her.

Inferno shadow-blinked them back to his room, and waited for him to come back out so they could go on that walk. Shadow-blinking had always been cold. It has always sucked the heat out of her body and froze the air around her, but this time when she did it with Kai, those side effects weren't as severe as they usually were. She just chalked it up to having the body heat of another creature around her.

"Okay im ready." He said smirking as he locked his door. He started walking beside Inferno down the hall. They made it outside without being too loud so nobody would notice or awake. "So you smoke?" He asked as he pulled out the joint. He stopped in his tracts to make sure he was still on the property. He then used his abilities and sparked a flame big enough to light the joint. He proceeded to walk as the joint was lit.
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Inferno shrugged, walking alongside him. "Usually? No. Whenever I'm offered it? Yes." She answered, tipping her head back as she looked up at the glittering sky. She cursed herself for not bringing a jacket or anything, sparking her own flame to try to keep herself warm. It was a little chilly, but to Hellhounds, a little cold was freezing. That's why they didn't mix with water, ice, or snow creatures.

He nudged Inferno with his elbow holding out the joint. He looked at her as they walked. Soon they came up to a hill, He walked up it and sat down looking back at Inferno. He waited for her to come to sit beside him. He put out his hand for the joint back and took it. He took a couple more hits finishing it off.
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Inferno accepted the joint, putting it up to her mouth and taking a hit. The smoke didn't affect her at all, being a fire-based creature, making it a lot more enjoyable. She sat down close to Kai, tense, but trying to receive some of the heat being emitted from his body. She handed back the joint, staring up at the sky once more.