
just wait for BB and then I will begin

All done Yeah they female

Ok.. give me a sec to write something

Deep int he Darkseekers pack, lived a female named Dove, A pregnant female, bred by one of the most powerful males in all the land. But she long forgot who the father was, because he left her to be on his own. Will I even see him again she thought as she slowly walked through the leafy terrain.

Thor trotted down the valley, looking for a stream as he was thirsty,. He stopped and looked around him his ear's perched up and his copper eyes wide open, at distance he saw something reflecting and it was water. Thor walked towards it and drank, than jumped giving himself a bath

Deep in the Lightbringer's territory, enemy territory, a grey She-wolf limped on her injured paw, listening for the heavy thuds of her certain death coming to meet her. Edited at October 10, 2021 04:07 PM by Pack of the Alpha

Dove had searched for years for the father of her newborns... but she knew it was a risk, she was going to be due in four days. As she walked around she smelled a familiar scent i-is that him she thought as she followed it for miles. Then stopped in her tracks.

Thor got multiple scents of different wolves surrounding him, he stayed near the stream as he knew that one of them would surely go drink there. Looking around him he saw nothing but walked around the area searching for the others wolves, his eyes wide open ready for anything

Gale walked over to a meadow. She knew some wolves passed by there and didnt really care. She walked over to a small mound of dirt and un baried a rabbit she baried to prevent others from taking it. She kifted it out of the hole and started to eat it

She was sure they were coming, Artemis pressed herself close to the stones that surrounded her, tucking her tail behind her, hardly daring to breathe.