
Ocean You haul the massive fish over your shoulder and send it plunging off the cliff and into the Sea, hoping to get something good. -You've caught a Manta Ray!- Rayne may pay you for its tail to discover an antivenom and Torka will definitely want to cook something with it! -You've run out of bait! Returned to Glowmire- Edited at July 16, 2023 05:26 PM by Sunset Ghosts

Yay! Now to deliver everything where ever it needs to go...

Rocky- canine Once Rocky finished up with the worm bait he took a look at his catch and see there was 2 larger fish that he could still fish with, he reset his line and continued fishing ( mass cast again 4 please since I forgot about the 2 meat chunks lol )
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Rocky -Your Large Bait Catches You the Following- 1- Glowing Shark 2- Large Fish(Massive Bait) 3- Shark 4- Marlin You look down at your catch and realize you've caught a Bait fish bigger than you! What could possibly be big enough to make a normal meal of that? Set line with Massive Bait or Return to Glowmire?

Rocky-canine at the sound of something huge being dragged onto the cliff, Cleopatra's head popped up from Rocky's tail. Rocky looked at the large fish in shock and amazement. " well Cleopatra lets see what this will catch us " spoke Rocky as he cast his line with the large fish.
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Ypu haul the huge fish over your shoulder and send it plunging into the Sea bellow you. Sitting back, you hope for something good, and soon, you get a huge tug! -You've caught Steel Armor!(Wearable)- -You're out of bait! Returned to Glowmire- Edited at July 16, 2023 07:15 PM by Sunset Ghosts

Shock settled down on a stone and cast his rod over the cliff's edge, hoping to catch anything worth his time (mass cast)

Shockwave -Your Small Bait Catches You the Following- 1- Small Fish (Bait) 2- Arrow (Weapon) 3- Glowing Lobster 4- Sea Trout 5- Sea Bass You switch to your newly caught Small Fish and your meat chunk to fish with next! -Your Large Bait Catches You the Following- 1- Shark 2- Tuna -You've run out of bait! Returned to Glowmire-

Adira sat on a smooth rock a little ways from the edge, hence respecting Scout's warning. (Mass Catch)

Adira -Your Small Bait Catches You the Following- 1- Glowing Sea Bass 2- Glowing Flounder 3- Lobster 4- Yellowtail 5- Dagger(Weapon) -You've run out of bait! Returned to Glowmire-