
Inferno growled under her breath as she was shoved against the wall, rolling her eyes at the human's petty actions. Annoyed because she would have to spend the next class with him as well, being in the same fire elemental class as he was in, Inferno decided to shadow-blink to the class instead of walking, causing the air around her to freeze. Narrowing her eyes in discomfort, she moved to sit in the back, dislinking the feeling of others behind her, but this time she decided to sit in the far right corner, next to the windows.

(Idk what to write im sorry.) Kai's professor walked in, he sighed as he put down his head. He began to doze off as his teacher talked. He heard nobody sit by him so he was happy about that.
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{It's fine, we can just time skip again ^^} Just when classes were about to end, their professor spoke up. "Oh, also, I will be assigning you a study partner. You will, in your study period, have to go over one of your classes with them. And no, you cannot switch or trade partners, and no, you will not get to choose your partner. I have the list right here." The class groaned, and as the professor started listing of pairs of names, Inferno felt a sinking feeling as to who she was going to be paired with. "Inferno and Kai."

Kai was still partly asleep with his head on the desk. His head jolted up at the sound of the professor saying he and inferno would be paired as study partners. He rolled his eyes sighing. Ugh why do I have to be with her, I mean shes pretty and all but shes a bitch. The bell then rang. He got up giving the teacher the side eye. Same as inferno. He did not want to be paired with her, but he cant do anything about it so he had to deal with it. He grabbed him stuff and walked out of the class. He was the first one out, he then made his way to his dorm.
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Inferno sighed, running a hand through her hair in annoyance. Really? She had to be with the one creature that she already hated. Great. Luckily, the study period with after dinner, which wasn't for another hour or so, so she had some time before she was forced to work with that human. Instead of going straight to her dorm, like she was sure that Kai had done, she decided to go outside and read her book. She enjoyed reading, and it calmed her and relaxed her body, something that she needed because of this school.

(Sorry if im really lazy with writing im sick.) Kai decided it would be a good idea to go to sleep. It was dinner and then he had to study with Inferno in an hour. But of course he had to doze off. He ended up sleeping through dinner. By the time study started he still was asleep. He didnt even set any alarms.
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After eating, Inferno waited for about 10 minutes for the damn human to arrive at the library. Of course, he didn't show. Growling lowly, she shadow blinked in front of his room, knocking harshly on the door. No answer. Sighing, she tried the door. it was...unlocked?? Good for her, I guess. Inferno slipped into the room, heat rising to her face as she realized that she was in a room, the room of a boy, alone with him. She pushed the silly feeling away as she walked towards Kai's bed, seeing the sleeping form laying under the covers. Hesitating a bit before she reached out, Inferno grabbed his shoulder and shook him. "C'mon, Kai. Wake up, we gotta study."

Kai woke up to someone shaking his shoulder. "What the fuck do you want." The annoyed boy said just opening his eyes. He looked up at inferno and sighed. "Fuck, I know we gotta study but do you really wanna study with me, No. So why dont you just let me sleep." He said and he turned his head so he wasnt facing the girl. He put his head back down and shut his eyes again. I dont know why she actually wants to study, and with me too.
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Inferno rolled her eyes, groaning as she ran a hand threw her hair. "I don't want to be around you, and I can tell that you don't want to be aorund me either, but I'm pretty sure that the profsser, the Fae who assigned us as partners, is watching to make sure we study. I've seen squirrles and mice everywhere."

Kai groaned and sighed loudly. "Fuck okay, I'll get up. He annoyingly said as he got up. He didn't have a shirt on, abs showing and everything. He didn't think anything of it and walked to his desk where the shirt he was previously wearing was. He quickly put it on and then put on his shoes. He glanced at Inferno walking by her, giving her a whiff of his cologne. It was some oceany cologne. He started walking down the hall, glancing back a bit to make sure inferno was following.
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