
"Well if we could identify to bite marks we could maybe get somewhere." He suggested looking at the bite marks.
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"We could," Inferno said, her mind running circles around where she stood. "That's probably a good idea. But the thing is, Ember's body was shredded, like whatever killed her was in a hurry, or like they didn't plan on killing her. I found her out in the woods, so it would make sense that whatever did this wasn't expecting her."

Kai nodded as he looked deeper into a bite wound. It looks like, a werewolf bite. I could be wrong but thats what it looks like. Kai muttered a bit while thinking. He wasn't 100% sure but it was something with huge canine-like teeth. "I know for sure this is some sort of canine bite, so we have a werewolf on the list.
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"Werewolf, Hellhound, Werecoyote, Kitsune, and any Chimera that appears in a canine form, but you're right, this is definitely some sort of Canine bite," Inferno said, listing off the canine-like supernaturals that she knew off the top of her head. "But then we also have to problem that it may have been some type of shapeshifter."

"Oh shit yeah, fuck." He sighed standing up running his hand through his hair. That was one of his stress things. He would run his hands through his hair when he was stressed or anxious.
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(Sorry my replies are spotty. Finals are in session :/) Inferno sighed, placing a calming hand on Kai's shoulder. "Let's get out of here before someone finds us. I don't know about you, but I have no intentions of getting into more trouble."

(Thats okay :)) "y-yeah sure." He said letting out a sigh as he started walking back to the stairs. He let inferno go first and trailed behind her.
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Inferno checked if anyone was outside the hatch, then slid out and helped Kai up. They closed the hatch quietly and snuck back to their dorms, not wanting to get caught out past curfew. As they reached their dorms, Inferno rubbed the back of her neck. "Is it alright if I, uh, stay with you tonight?" She asked, eyes on the floor. "I feel like you're the only one I can truly trust right now."

Kai hesitated when answering. "Uh, sure." He said as he let out a small smile. He opened the door walking in then letting inferno in before closing the door. "They kind of took the other bed out since I dont have a roommate." He said tucking some hair behind his ear.
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Inferno shrugged. "I don't care. If it makes you feel any better, I can sleep on the floor. I just don't want to be alone right now." She answered, shifting from one foot to the other.