
Aspen After a while, watching your fellow Fishers success, you happily cast out your line. -Your 4 large bait catches you the following- Shark Octopus Sailfish Gar -You've run out of bait! Returned to Glowmire-

Zyyrith You take a deep breath of fresh air as you come to the cliffs, and sit down in your normal spot. Butterflies in your stomach as you thunk about what Scout could be preparing for you. -You May- Cast Once Mass Cast


-Your 18 large bait catches you the following- Tarpon Hardheaded Catfish Gar Glowing Sailfish Shark Tarpon Glowing Octopus Moonfish Hardheaded Catfish Glowing Sailfish Tarpon Gar Shark Octopus Large Fish Large Fish Large Fish As you reel up your last cast, you head a pitiful whimper on the other end of your hook. -You've caught a Tamable Sea Monster!- You rush to unhook the little guy and quickly back away attempting to calm him. -You May- Feed it a Fish Kick it Back Walk Away

Zyyrith curiously tossed a large fish at the monster.

Zyyrith You toss a large Fish to the green little guy, and he seems very grateful. Tilting his head st you before scarfing it down and trilling happily. -You've Tamed a Sea Monster!- You'll have to name him soon! You still have 2 large Fish that can be used as massive Bait. -You May- Mass Cast Cast Once Return to Glowmire


Zyyrith You cast out again, your new pet watching you, very interested. -Your 2 massive Bait Caught You the following!- Sunfish Dunkleosteus . You've run out of bait! -Returned to Glowmire-

After the tour Zazu started heading towards the cliffs as the wind picked up they sniffed the air before sitting down near the cliffs edge, when Zazu sat it's tail suede a bit, looking around Zazu saw others he wonderd to themselves before looking back at the water. ( Sorry if I did this wrong)

( it's like almost half an hour later) After a bit Zazus stomach growls really loud "I know" 'they say to themselves' Zazu gets up and shakes off the hunger for a bit as they walk back Edited at September 4, 2024 08:43 PM by Aurora tribe