
Adira You sit down and cast out, happy to be within the comfort of your spot on the sea cliffs. -Your Small Bait catches you the following!- Grey Eel Arrow Squid Sea Bass Stingray Salmon Lobster Sergant Fish Grey Eel Sea Mite Flounder -Your Immune Boost allows you to notice the bugs and throw the fish back before youre infected- Small Fish . You've caught a Small Fish, which can be used as large bait. -You May- Cast out again Return to Glowmire Edited at August 25, 2024 12:18 AM by Sunset Ghosts

Aspen You leave the warm glow of the town and come out onto the cold cliffs, staring down at the sea. Part of you wonders what would happen if you jumped... but you quickly push the thought from your mind and sit down with your Fishing Rod and bait. -You May- Cast Once Mass Cast

Rocky You take a deep breath of the sea air as you come out onto the cliffs again, looking around, you realize you've got some company out here this time, but your usual spot is still free, and you happily Curl up with your Fishing pole. -You have 15 small bait 1 large bait and 1 taunted bait- -You May- Cast Once (say which) Mass Cast

Rocky- canine seeing a few others at the cliffs, he quickly makes his way to his usual spot happily. he gables his fishing pole and starts to mass cast his line
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Rocky You happily fish for about an hour as you work your way through your bait. -Your 15 small bait catches you the following- Stonefish Flounder Dagger(Weapon) Grouper Sea Bass Sea Trout Cod Glowing Flounder Small Fish Wreckfish Sea Mite Bass -Your immune Boost allows you to notice the small bugs and throw the fish back before youre infected- Grey Mullet Sea Bass Sea Trout Lobster -Your Large Bait Catches You the following- Hardheaded Catfish -Your Tainted Bait catches you the following- Angry Clam . As you pull up your Tainted Bait Catch, you're confused to see a small shell hanging onto your line, you reach out to grab it, and suddenly the little thing moves and pinches around your paw instead! -5 HP You quickly shake the creature off and toss it in your bucket, growling to yourself as you sit back down. -You caught a Small Fish, which can be used as large bait!- -You May- Cast Again Return to Glowmire

Adira Smiling to herself she casts again. Cast Again

Adira You cast out one last time and have the fight of your life bringing the next fish to the surface! -You've caught a Sailfish!- . -You've run out of bait! Returned to Glowmire-

Rocky-canine Seeing as he had the small fish he decided to cast it out one last time
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Aspen looked around at the water. She reached into her bucket and grabbed the fish. Mass Cast

Rocky You cast out one last time, you feel a tug, and reel with all your might to bring it to the surface. You've caught a Moonfish! . -You've run out of bait! Returned to Glowmire-