
Kai watched as the headmistress walked in. He then looked at inferno, hoping she would remember.
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Inferno furrowed her brow. "What I saw? I'm sorry, I don't know what you mean..."The Headmistress sighed. "Kai, please leave. I need to speak to Inferno alone." "No, if we're going to talk, Kai's staying with us," Inferno said hurriedly. She felt a raising panic, thinking of not having the one person she could trust having to leave.

"I'm staying." Kai said looking headmistress dead in the eye. He looked back at inferno positioning himself to be closer to her, leaning a bit on the bed. He grabbed her hand, "C'mon inferno, you have to remember. I want to know what happened." He said worried.
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Inferno opened her mouth to talk, but the Headmistress cut her off. "Fine, he can stay. Here's something that will hopefully jog your memory. A loud screech was heard coming from the forest, and when the teachers ran to find what happened, we found you collapsed next to the body of Ember, the phoenix in your and Kai's ability training class."

Kai quickly glanced at the teacher then back at inferno while listening. He knew he heard the screech but he just went back to his dorm.
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Inferno's eyes widened as she remembered what happened. "I...I was just outside walking in the forest. I wasn't hungry, so that's why I didn't go to the Mess Hall. I heard the screech and ran to it, but...Ember was just laying there... I didn't see or smell anything other than her and the blood..." She trailed off. She began to shake, anxiety shivers racking down her body.

Kai listened to her in fear but showed no fear so that he could reassure her. He grabbed her hand and started doing the thumb thing. "Its going to be okay, this is good information." Kai reassured looking at her.
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Inferno nodded and brought her knees up to her chin, wrapping one arm around them while squeezing Kai's hand with the other. The Headmistress looked grim, but she nodded and stood up to leave. "Thank you, Inferno. We'll figure this out, and you'll all be safe. The forest is off limits now."

Kai looked at the headmistress as she left then turned his attention back to inferno. His eyes filled with sadness seeing her like this.
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Inferno's eyes sharpened as her mind cleared from its fogginess and began to think. "We can't wait for them to find this thing. Too many students will die before then." She said.