
Kai got back to the school and made his way to his dorm. He grabbed a piece of paper and wrote. Knock on my door once your back ;). He taped it to her door then went back to his dorm.
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Inferno felt dizzyness overcome her as she fainted on the ground. Soon, professors from the school arrived with the Headmistress. Each gasped at the scene in front of them. "Could the Hellhound have killed the Phoenix?" One of them asked. The Headmistress shook her head. "No. The Hellhound doesn't have any blood on her. And her scent here is new. Her heart is still beating. Bring her to the medical wing and cover the body of the firebird."

Kai, still in his room not aware what was going on was listening to some music. Why is inferno not back yet? He thought to himself as he checked the time. He shook it off as he turned his music off. He just sat in bed and played a movie on his computer.
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After Inferno was placed in a medical cot, an announcement went over the loudspeaker. "Attention all students. From now on, you must travel in groups of two or larger. No student shall be alone. And the forests and woods outside the school grounds are forbidden."

Kai turned his laptop off after he heard the announcment. What if inferno got hurt. He got up and went outside to the halls. He walked around worried as he asked students if they knew where she was. He got no answers, he then decided to go to the principals office. "Wheres inferno?!" He asked frantically as he barged in. "Kai shes in the medical room, and you cant just barge in." she said in a stern tone. "Fuck!" He said loudly as he stormed out. He made his way to the medical room quickly. He walked in and seen inferno on a medical bed. He walked up to her as his eyes filled with fear and worry and his heart racing. "Is she going to bed okay?" He asked as he looked at the one nurse in the room. "If she just fainted yes." She said as she walked out of the room. His heart calmed down as he wonders what happened. He grabbed a chair and placed it close to the bed as he sat down.
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Inferno groaned as she sat up, propping herself up on her elbows while resting her hands on her throbbing head. "What happened?" She muttered to herself. A familiar scent reached her, and she turned her head to see Kai sitting in a chair close to the bed. "Kai?" She asked confused. "What happened? Why am I here?" She looked around, recognizing she was in the medical wing of the school. "I don't feel hurt, I just have a headache." A nurse came up to her and gave her a glass of water, which she winced at, but drank anyway. "You seem to have a short memory loss." The nurse said. "Your memories will most likely come back to you sooner or later, so don't worry."

Kai looked up at inferno as she woke up. His gaze softened and his mind calmed knowing she was okay and up. "I think you fainted." He said as he grabbed a bottle of advil. "Can she have this, to help with the headache?" Kai asked the nurse. She nodded as she walked back out of the room. Kai opened the advil bottle and gave her the dosage she needs.
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Inferno took the pills from them with a small thank you, their hands brushing. After she took them, she said, "I can't remember anything past when the class ended." She rested her back against the headboard of the bed to support herself.

"it's fine, it will come back to you." Kai reassured. He then leaned back in his chair as he sighed.
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They sat in comfortable silence for a while, until the Headmistress came into the medical wing. "I need to know what you saw." She said as she approached Infenro's bed.