
(Oh geeze... ready for all this?) You sit down on the edge of the Decaying Cliffs, preparing yourself to fish. As always... you stare down into the water for a moment before you cast out. -Your 33 Small Bait Catches You the Following- Cowcod Arrow (Weapon) Arrow (Weapon) Sea Trout Sea Mite Flounder -Your skin and fur begins itching and you can't stop sneezing- Snapper Grouper Yellowtail Grouper Salmon Sea Bass Cowcod Sea Trout Lobster Grouper Salmon Glowing Bass Grouper Snapper Sea Mite Flounder -You've contracted Sea Mites!- Arrow (Weapon) Glowing Bass Grouper Sea Mite Flounder Glowing Lobster Glowing Lobster Salmon Grouper Lobster Salmon Glowing Lobster Glowing Bass -Your 6 Large Bait Catches You the Following- Mackrel Marlin Rotting Meat Octopus Tarpon Shark -Your Tainted Bait Catches You the Following- Electric Ocean Eel You Yelp as you pull this fish off your hook! As it shocks your hands violently and makes you jump back. No sea Eel you've ever heard of was electric... this one must be kinda special. You wonder what it might taste like... When you cast your line out with the small bait a final time, you hear a small Yelp as your hook hits the side of the cliff. You reel in quickly, and realize you've caught a Small critter! A Coati! It looks very scared and lost, but you quickly unset the hook from its scruff and back away a bit. It sniffs your Fishy hands... very interested. It must be hungry. -You May- Kick it back into the Sea Offer it one of your caught fish Try to grab it

(As soon as I posted it I thought "This might not have been the best play") As he kept sneezing, the thought that he should be more careful when fishing crossed Evan's mind only to be shortly interrupted by a yelp. A Coati? He reached into his things and gently tossed one of his salmon towards the critter.

You offer the critter a salmon, and it tilts it's head before looking up at you, then happily taking the snack. Once she finishes eating, she cleans her paws a bit before trotting toward you and weaving herself and her long tail between your paws. Looks like you've made a new friend! -You've Tamed a Coastal Coati!- You'll have to name her soon. -You May- Cast Again(Massive Bait and Rotting Meat remaining) Return to Glowmire Edited at July 8, 2024 03:21 AM by Sunset Ghosts

Evan pushed the critter away slightly. "You might want to stay back. Wouldn't want you to catch... whatever this is" He whipped his head around to the opposite direction as he sneezed again. He'd better get to the healers soon. The mammoth steak would have to wait, but he threw the rotting meat on the line and cast it out one more time.

You decide you need to be at full focus to attempt the mammoth steak bait. And you quickly set your line with rotting Meat and cast out again. -Your Tainted Bait Catches You the Following- Angry Clam You wait quite a while before something finally tugs your line and you have to yank pretty hard to get it up out of the water. Once you do, you're greeted with a closed clamshell around your hook. You think for a moment, before tyring to pry the mouth of the creature open. Within seconds though, it opens its mouth and exchanges your hook for your paw! Pinching you and making you Yelp before letting go and sitting motionless on the cliff edge. -You May- Return to Glowmire Cast Again (Massive Bait)

Evan took it as a sign to leave. Besides, all he had left was the mammoth steak and he didn't trust himself to catch... titans just yet. He packed up his things, careful to separate the infected fish from the rest of his catch. "Let's go" He told the Coati and headed back into town.

Your new friend happily bounds after you into town.

Rocky - canine " after the adventure I just had , some nice relaxing fishing is just what I need " Rocky spoke to the salty air , just as he was about to mass cast his line, he heard a small bark , glancing down he seen cleopatra with napoleon on her head " I was wondering where you two were " he said to his pets as he settled in for some fishing ( I just remembered he had pets that follow him around )
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You settle in to your old Fishing spot and smile as the salt air hits your nose. Your pets joining you and soon falling asleep by your side -You May- Cast Small Bait Cast Large Bait Mass Cast (10 small 2 large)

Rocky - canine Losing track of time he ends up mass casting his bait
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