
Nanuk walks back into the tent, looking much better than she did last time. "Hey," she greeted Torka. "Thank you for the soap. I was wondering if you have an interest in Lions Mane mushrooms? Or maybe you know someone who does?"

River sniffed the air a little and stuck her tounge out at the scent of alcohol. "Smells like you just saw her actually. Torka uses those to cook." She said with a chuckle

Evan headed straight for the healer's tent, the cut on his paw still stinging. "Hello? I've seem to have gotten... something. I cut my paw on this" He gestured to the salted book quarantined in his bucket, careful on to let it touch anything or cut himself again for that matter.

Rayne looked up at you and smiled a bit, before looking down into your bucket and flattening his ears. "Ah... I'll treat you for Salt Warts just to be safe. Since you don't have any major symptoms yet, I won't charge you." He assured, before flattening his ears and shaking his head as he turns to his medicine shelf. "It's something new that's been turning up in deep caves and the ocean. Not sure why, if you wouldn't mind, I'll trade you the tonic for the book to study." He said. Placing the tonic on the counter and grabbing his own bucket for the book.

Evan tilted his head, curious. "Major symptoms? He echoed. What would've happened?" In regards to the book, he nodded. "Sure."

Rayne hissed and quickly moved the book into his bucket before putting it in a wooden box with bright yellow colors painted on it. "Arg, Salt Warts get nasty. Kinda like Crystal Scales, but on the inside. Major symptoms will be yellow eye whites, dehydration but an aversion to water, salt in the spit, sweat, blood and tears, and if you wait too long, petrification." He nodded to the tonic. "That should make sure you don't come down with anything like that."

Evan's ear flattened against his head as the list went on. He picked up the tonic. "Thanks." He turned to go but remembered the posters on the wall at the inn. "I also caught one of these things" He hoisted up the glowing flounder with his uninjured paw.

Rayne nodded and quickly produced 5 pinecones for you from under the counter. "No problem. We study them to see what the heck is up. Nothing yet." He said with a chuckle. -Youve earned 5 pinecones!-

"What the heck is up?" Evan echoed. "You mean why they're glowing?"

Rayne chuckled and nodded. Before his mate, River leapt onto his shoulder to explain. "Hardly nothing! We've figured out that they glow due to some kind of fungus." Rayna huffed and pushed her off, flattening his ears. "Yes but if we test the meat THAT comes back as a fungus. It's as if the fish is a living, breathing mushroom. So we still have no idea."