
"Oh fuck." He said as he ran his hand through his hair. Kai didn't know how to control his abilities, he felt like they would probably use his as an example or something. He honestly felt a little guilt for his aggressiveness at times. Since hes a fire mage its bad. He looked down.
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Inferno glanced at him, noticing his worried appearance. "Hey, you'll do fine." She said, laying a hand on his shoulder. "We're all hear to learn about something. For you, it may be for control. For me, it's stamina. Everyone here had a flaw they're trying to hammer out."

He glanced up at her furrowing his brows, getting slightly annoyed at what she said. Thats not all he wanted to be seen as, an uncontrollable fire mage. He shrugged his shoulder, implying her to not touch him. They kept walking as they got into their class.
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Inferno sighed, letting her hand drop to her side. And I thought we were getting somewhere. Entering the classroom first, Inferno settled into the darkest corner, the furthest away from the windows, and watched as the rest of the students of that class trickle in and sit down.

Kai followed inferno through the room, sitting beside her. "Fucking hell." Kai muttered as he watched everyone walk into the class. It wasnt too many people but if the teacher humiliated him infront of them he wasnt going to be happy.
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Once the rest of the students finally entered the room, the teacher shut the door and spoke to the class. "First things first, I want you to separate into four groups, each one being that of one of the main elements, Fire, Water, Earth, and Wind, since we have students based from all of them."

Kai nudged inferno. "Hey atleast we will be in the same group." He said as he looked at her, glancing at the teacher.
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Inferno nodded, getting up and leaning into the corner closest to her. She felt slightly comforted as Kai came to stand next to her, already not liking the idea of having to be in a large group of students for the entire class. The teacher waited until the whole class got separated into their groups before announcing their assignment.

(idk what to do for all the teacher stuff so if you could can u do most of it) Kai back agaisnt the wall, he was beside inferno but she was in the corner. He glanced around the class looking at all the students getting into groups. There was 2 other fire mages/fire creatures, making 4 of us.
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The teacher said, "I want each group to go outside to their assigned place and show what you can already do. The four quadrants will be marked with either a fire symbol, a water one, a wind one, or an earth one. Get to it." Sighing, Inferno led the way to their area.