
+ Felix + Regular + 2/3 Dark Elf, 1/3 Werewolf + Dude. History in the morning? What kind of moron created school anyways? Everyone was now rushing off to class or heading to who knows where, turning down the hallway he loosened a grip on his magic which in result had people give him some space, a trick he learned in past years. Walking through the door felix scaned the chairs, their were only a few people already present and he manuvered to a seat off to the side more twords the front of the class by a window. What was he supposed to do now? Taking a small sketch book out of his jacket pocket he starts drawing the people in the room.

Nox Syli| Regular| Shapeshifter| 16| She/they| Mentions: Felix (indirectly) + OPEN to ANYONE Nox had followed a boy into the newbie's history class. She had overheard that the older students where attending history as well but were in a different classroom . Nox looked in the classroom, it was square shaped with windows on the far side of the room looking out into the courtyard it seemed. Interesting. Nod observed the seats at the back row and also by the window . Box took the back seat by the window, knowing that they would prehaps be asked to move by another student, she would try not to get irritated like the last school which ended in being forced to come here. It didn't seem too bad yet. Nox looked out the window sighing.

(Hello, where do I sign up for this?/

JellyStars said: (Hello, where do I sign up for this?/
same, i also am looking to join