
starwolfs said: Ninjago Realm said: starwolfs said: @ ninjago realm yes those 4 are available, just let me know if you want all of them or just 1 of them
two I can add Jay to the breeding as to maybe get a better clone these girls
So sorry for the delay! I'll get these girls up for you
its okay and thanks


Boeing said: Well after a hot minute I'm back :D Pack Number: 312640 Female Link(s): #1* - https://wolfplaygame.com/wolf.php?id=5287961 #2 - https://wolfplaygame.com/wolf.php?id=5282186 #3 - https://wolfplaygame.com/wolf.php?id=5240731 *; Since she's for sale, does it matter if I breed to her? If it does matter, don't bother with it :D Are you using items? Ptarmigan Feather on all of them like normal Have you read the rules? Yep. Are you requesting P.O.L pricing? Nope. I'm paying the full price for them :D Loyalty level (if applicable): 5 Other: Autumn 3 like usual :D New girls this time after a slight break lol
Nice to see you again :) I was actually thinking about keeping her so it's no big deal lol they will be up for you :)
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frosty said:
I'll get her up for ya
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Hello! :D Pack Number: 312640 Female Link(s): #1* - https://wolfplaygame.com/wolf.php?id=5287961 #2* - https://wolfplaygame.com/wolf.php?id=5282186 #3 - https://wolfplaygame.com/wolf.php?id=5240731 Are you using items? Ptarmigan Feather on all of them like normal Have you read the rules? Yep. Are you requesting P.O.L pricing? Nope. I'm paying the full price for them :D Loyalty level (if applicable): 5 Other: Autumn 3 like usual *: Just letting you know, since they're G1 HW heroes I completely understand if you'd like to use your own wolves to breed to them or do something else with them. I don't think you should be under any obligation that since I'm here that you need to keep them unaltered and unbred, I'm completely fine if you do something with them lol
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Boeing said: Hello! :D Pack Number: 312640 Female Link(s): #1* - https://wolfplaygame.com/wolf.php?id=5287961 #2* - https://wolfplaygame.com/wolf.php?id=5282186 #3 - https://wolfplaygame.com/wolf.php?id=5240731 Are you using items? Ptarmigan Feather on all of them like normal Have you read the rules? Yep. Are you requesting P.O.L pricing? Nope. I'm paying the full price for them :D Loyalty level (if applicable): 5 Other: Autumn 3 like usual *: Just letting you know, since they're G1 HW heroes I completely understand if you'd like to use your own wolves to breed to them or do something else with them. I don't think you should be under any obligation that since I'm here that you need to keep them unaltered and unbred, I'm completely fine if you do something with them lol
So sorry for the delay, last few days were....something else lol I'll get them up for ya , on the 1G girls they normally become BWs at some point lol so they aren't just settling there and I'll probably end up breeding them myself eventually so no worries lol
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Is it possible I can make a reservation on breeding? I'm running low on mushies but when I can ill pay full price and my main boi Night will be the one being bred

Demonpaw Pride said: Is it possible I can make a reservation on breeding? I'm running low on mushies but when I can ill pay full price and my main boi Night will be the one being bred
Yes just fill out the form and put a estimate of the date you would be breeding.
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