
A, I pet it Astraeus' Lights said: EOTW You stand up, still holding the carcass. The wolf gives you an odd look, almost as if it is looking inside of you, to see what motivates you. It steps out of the heap and shows you it's full self. You believe it has an odd pattern mutation or, maybe it's just odd. Do you... A) Pet it B) Leave C) Wait

Dawnforest You pick a spot on one of the larger roots of the tree and sit, watching the cat slowly settle down and eat it's meal. Once it has had its fill, it climbs down the tree and watches you. Do you... A) Stare B) Leave C) Blink

EOTW You cautiously reach down and settle your hand onto it's head, directly between it's ears. It shudders slightly, but settles down onto it's haunches and stares at the meat in your hand, drooling. Do you... A) Set it on the ground B) Offer by hand C) Leave


Astraeus' Lights said: Windy breeze said: Interactive Form: Pack Name: Windy breeze Pack Number: 307087 Interactive?: Yes Terrain:Plains Food:Deer meat, soft food Items: Glowing rock, Baby toy Total Mush: 55 mush Other/Recomendations:
75 mush! You forgot the 20 mush base cost! You'll be put on the waitlist! I'll PM you when I start! You can pay now, later, or half now and half later! Can I call you Windy?
Yep, you can call me Windy! Any idea when I can start the interactive? No rush, sorry, just checking!

Dawnforest You slowly blink your eyes, the cat follows suit. It stares down at you, it's lithely muscled body bunching to jump down. It does, sitting on a slightly lower branch. (I'm out of ideas to add to my wheel, I'm going to leave the posts open ended for a while.) What do you do...

B, I offer it by hand Astraeus' Lights said: EOTW You cautiously reach down and settle your hand onto it's head, directly between it's ears. It shudders slightly, but settles down onto it's haunches and stares at the meat in your hand, drooling. Do you... A) Set it on the ground B) Offer by hand C) Leave


Dawnforest You blink once again, this time, when you open your eyes, the cat isn't in the tree. Looking around, you see a grey, striped tail twitching in a small pile of leaves. If you look closer, you see a pair of ears as well. What do you do?

EOTW You hold out the meat rather gingerly. The dog looks at it ravenously. It almost lunges forward as you offer the animal. You drop the food and pull your hand away quickly, not wanting to be injured. The dog settles down as it finishes and lies at your feet, seeming to be satiated. What do you do? (I'm leaving answers open-ended for a while.)