
hey! i used this one and is is currently my avi now ^^

This art is beyond amazing, Wow!
(I love the dividers and Gifs!)

Forum Moderator Darkseeker
Updating this thread a little. Does anyone have suggestions for more status pixels? :0

Eternity said: Updating this thread a little. Does anyone have suggestions for more status pixels? :0
perhaps a cat/wolf just walking or taking a nap away from a towering pile of like papers/books and above it says "This user is procrastinating)

Forum Moderator Darkseeker
Corgerus said: Eternity said: Updating this thread a little. Does anyone have suggestions for more status pixels? :0
perhaps a cat/wolf just walking or taking a nap away from a towering pile of like papers/books and above it says "This user is procrastinating)
Oh my god I need this right away LMAO

Forum Moderator Darkseeker
[c]157083 Oh man, we have another one *^* Edited at September 25, 2023 06:53 PM by Eternity


Thats me every freaking day ;-;

Maybe like a wolf or cat or something jumping up to catch a butterfly with a status like "Chasing Butterflies" - and then one with like a wolf sitting on a cloud with the tail slowly swaying with the status: "on cloud nine" or "chilling" Eternity said: Updating this thread a little. Does anyone have suggestions for more status pixels? :0

Forum Moderator Darkseeker
I liked these two a lot 👁️ 