
StormBelt's Character Kennel [Please don't post unless, StormBelt] [Form for characters] Name: Nicknames: Gender: Age: Speices: Ability: Rank: Desired Rank: Personality: Appearance: Height: Weight: Edited at October 5, 2021 01:21 PM by Desolated StormBelt

Name: Juniper Nicknames: Oreo, June Gender: Female Age: 4 Speices: Horse, Mustang Ability: None Personality:  +Short Summary+ Kind, Friendly, Curios, Calm, Nice, Shy, Domistic, Talkitive +Personality+ Juniper is very friendly, and shy. Especially towards strangers and new kids. Juniper will muster her slight bit of confidence, and try to talk to other horses, foals, etc or strangers who seem to need help on the inside and out. Juniper can seem a little to shy sometimes. - Bully’s often target the shy girl, as they see her as a easy target, yes she appears to be that way. But her past is quite hurtful, so she won’t stand for if someone is targeting her someone else. Especially if they wish to harm Juniper's friends or anyone really. Juniper's kindness is sometimes taken for granted, she is never happy when she is used, but she accepts the past and lets go of it. - Juniper is one of those horses who won't willingly shut up after you get her going, so be aware you may be there for awhile just listening to her. Overall Juniper is a calm mare/filly, which does lessen her curiosity, though she can get highly suspicious about a another horse or human, really any animal can perk her curiosity. She usually will ask a decent amount of questions, and try to figure it all out. Or when she is just curios about random things, she says it’s how she learns. Appearance:  [Credits All: Desolated StormBelt [c]271817] Height: 6'10" Weight: 215pn Edited at October 5, 2021 01:34 PM by Desolated StormBelt