
W A L K E R “Quote..." Gender: Male Age: 3-5 Breed: Australian Shepherd Appearance:  Credits: Nala-stock on DA Personality: Walker is a charming, alluring show Aussie with enough charisma to make even a houseplant blush. He’s approachable and social, adding to his seemingly endless charm. He’ll talk to just about everyone, socializing with even the dirtiest of dogs. Walker is a wild child, a dog who does everything with a graceful gusto, who tests the wits of his owners in the show ring. He’s passionate about the things he’s does, such as show and agility with his owners, as well as attending many herding competitions, a dog decorated with ribbons he owns proudly. FORM IS W I P Edited at July 19, 2020 09:54 PM by Glaciers Voice

B U R R O W WIP Gender: Female Age: 1 Breed: Mutt Appearance:  Credit:SalsolaStock on Deviantart Despite his photo making her look bigger, Burrow is only about 16 inches tall Personality: Burrow is shy. She usually is only active at night, wanting to avoid any interaction with others. Along with her shyness comes her nervousness, a very dynamic duo. Despite that, she is extremely mellow, keeping pretty calm for the most part. She is very diligent when it comes to completing tasks, always wanting to do them to the best of her ability. Burrow has patience a mile long, and will always be a good shoulder to cry on. Edited at July 19, 2020 09:55 PM by Glaciers Voice

N O E L A N I "Children, the wind is a powerful force of nature. It can be a light breeze that ruffles your fur, or a tornado that could end your life in a blink of an eye. Never, ever disrespect it. Am I clear?" Gender: Female Age: 5 Breed: Mutt Appearance:  Credit: Malleni-Stock on Deviantart Personality: Agile and quick on her feet, Noelani is an optimal hunter. She is alert and intelligent, always on the move. She is stern and rather regimented, always one of the first to obey orders. She often pushes herself past her limits. This can of course, result in injury. Noelani is rather motherly as well, soothing and kind, but also a force of nature. Edited at July 20, 2020 11:40 PM by Glaciers Voice

F L A S H "Quote..." Gender: Male Age: 4 Breed: Old English Sheepdog Appearance:  Credits: Random-Acts-Stock on Deviantart Personality: Flash is fiery and snappish, with a bad case of the jitters. He prefers things to be neat an organized at all times. Flash dislikes the loudness of pups, feeling like they always get under his paws. He is a workaholic, always needing to do something that keeps him busy. Flash is highly intelligent, a supreme mentor and strategist when he has to be. He is extremely confident and social, never shy in the presence of bigger dogs. Edited at July 20, 2020 11:41 PM by Glaciers Voice

He has eyes like sapphires and an ego bigger than his body C A S T O R~I G L E S I A “You are, quite frankly, annoying.” ⇒Alias⇐ The Archangel ⇒Gender⇐ Masculine ⇒Age⇐ 25 ⇒Sexual Orientation⇐ Bisexual ⇒Ethnicity⇐ White ~ “I have no time for pleasantries.” ~ ⇒Appearance⇐ Broad and borderline overbearing, Castor is a man of sharp angles and hard muscles. Standing just below six feet at 5’10, he maintains an impeccable physique that has come from years of dedicated physical training. His body is shaped like a trapezoid and he carries most of his strength in his upper half, which is accentuated by a broad chest and equally wide shoulders. His stomach is toned and firm, with the faint presence of abs ghosting the otherwise smooth, milky skin. As his figure tapers down to his hips, there is some narrowness, but he is not disproportionate. No, his body is finished off with long, muscled legs and solid thighs, which would make his figure elegant were it not so intimidating. Castor’s complexion is light in color, with cooler undertones, leaving him with skin that is more likely to burn rather than tan. His face is reminiscent of the princes that women swoon over in fairytales, and it is a quality he certainly hates. His face is angular, defined, and diamond-esque in its shape. Genetics blessed him with high cheekbones and a sharp jawline, though he finds himself with a narrower chin. He has a very straight nose that ends in a soft curve, and below it sits a pair of smooth, pinkish lips with a prominent cupid's bow. Castor’s eyes are incredibly piercing and catlike in nature, with his irises being the most catching shade of sapphire blue. His gaze is bright, alert, and would be easy to get lost in, was it not so judgmental and calculating. Castor’s hair is a very light, sunny blonde that is textured with beachy waves that fall to his shoulders. He often wears it down and parted to the side, or pushed back in the front to keep the hair from his eyes. However, when he is working, he occasionally pulls his hair back into a ponytail or bun. Castor has two tattoos, one on his arm and one on his throat. The tattoo on his forearm depicts the fall of Lucifer, while the one on his throat is a pair of outlined wings, symmetrical on either side. ⇒Personality⇐ Arrogance is the first thing one will notice about Castor Iglesia. His ego oozes from his persona like a thick sludge, and if you stand next to him for too long, you may get caught in it. Everything he does is done with confidence and grace, as if he has never once doubted himself in his life. His stride is always purposeful, and his actions deliberate, so it may be difficult to believe that he has never had fun in his life. It would also be easy to believe that Castor cares for no one other than himself, given his overly egotistical nature, and in a way, it is true. He fights to maintain his reputation and self-image, and no one else. Castor’s trust is hard to come by, and can be harder to find than even the world’s rarest treasures. He is incredibly suspicious, and in his mind, everyone is guilty until proven innocent. Very few people in his life have been worthy of his trust, and even then, he often sleeps with one eye open. Any sort of relationships, platonic or romantic, are nonexistent. The only people in his life that he cares for is his family, and they are his greatest and only weakness. Castor would sacrifice anything for the people who he loves, including himself. Despite his hard, bristling exterior, he is loyal to a fault, and he would die before he saw those he cared for get hurt. Castor is a brutal, business oriented man who strives to be the best of the best at anything he does, and he will stop at nothing to get what he wants. There is no blow that is too low, or any goal that is too high. Whatever Castor wants, Castor will get. He is cold and calculated, with a strategy behind his every action, as he believes there is no room for error. It would be unwise to cross him, as he holds a grudge, and would be sure to have his revenge. Ruthless with a glacial glare, he is most definitely not one to be trifled with. “Disgusting.” | Edited at January 23, 2024 06:30 PM by Glaciers Voice

V A L E N T I N O "Quote" Gender: Masculine Age: 789 Status: Creature Power(s): Valentino can turn from a housecat into a 7 foot tall lion. It's more of just a size change. Appearance(Housecat):  Credits: Neo282Mw-Stock-Image on DeviantArt Appearance(Lion):  Credits: HotNStock on DeviantArt Personality: Valentino is extremely warm hearted, rather impressive, and possesses a deep magnetism. With an intimidating aura that is a mixture of confidence and ambition, it is no wonder the province of Mercury has a statue of him in one of their town squares, as a protective symbol. Valentino is energetic, enthusiastic, and strong willed, often angering the other creatures of Nova because of how he flaunts his strength. Some say the lions body is as big as his ego. On the other hand, Valentino can be a tender and loving fatherly like figure, aside from his arrogance. With his age comes wisdom, so creatures and humans alike come set aside their dislike for his prideful, arrogant personality, and seek advice from lion, which he is always happy to give. Occupation: Guardian of Nova Edited at July 21, 2020 12:13 AM by Glaciers Voice

J E T H R O "Quote" Breed: Collie Gender: Masculine Age: 3 Appearance:  Credits: FantasyStock on Deviantart Personality: Sexy and exciting, Jethro lives life like there is no tomorrow. Perusasive as they come, this canine is all too used to getting what he wants. He's broken too many hearts(and bones) to count, a devout troublemaker if you've ever seen one. Jethro despises authority. Absolutely loathes it. He's wild, untameable, and lives for the next surge of adrenaline. Jethro is angry and unpredictable, known for bottling up his emotions till he explodes. There is no doubt that Jethro is at the top of the food chain. And if somehow he isn't, he would fight his way up there. His "bad boy" aura is more than charming, with his dark looks and aloof manner. He's a flirt, canine who knows no bounds, or would even respect boundaries if given any. But even so, Jethro has proved time and time again to be a good, loyal friend, even if he can be rude. He's dedicated to those he cares about, even if he's not very forward with his feelings. Jethro will always have a shoulder for his friends to cry on, but be prepared, he will probably have some blunt advice to give you in return. Edited at July 21, 2020 12:11 AM by Glaciers Voice

R U M O R~H A S~I T "You haven't lost yourself, and even if you did, it seems like you would care enough to rebuild." Gender: MasculineBreed: Poodle(Standard)Age: 4.5 Appearance: Credits: FantasyStock on Deviantart Personality: Rumor is canine so filled with spunk and charisma, who does things with such gusto, you would be shocked to find out he was a failed showdog. Rumor is a dog who's step is practically a permanent saunter, with the occasional dainty trot, giving him a high-class air. But this poodle is not arrogant, in fact, he's a dog who constantly questions his self-worth, and is almost convinced he will die alone. He was once a dog praised for his looks, his personality, his talent, but once he was thrown out, Rumor bitterly realized they were lies. He is a dog that wears his heart on his sleeve, but has learned to protect it with thorns. Every time he has opened up about his past, he would be ridiculed, laughed at for how perfect his life was, and how he would never truly be a street dog. So, Rumor grew standoffish, fearing that if he opened up, he would be abandoned, again. But, despite the shaming he has received over time, Rumor lives quite happily, able to hunt and defend himself, all the while enjoying the beauties of he metropolitan areas. He will sometimes engage in friendly chatter with another stray, often growing deprived of social contact with his other canines. Edited at July 21, 2020 12:12 AM by Glaciers Voice

I S T A N B U L~N O T~C O N S T A N T I N O P L E~
W I P Edited at June 6, 2019 08:38 PM by Glaciers Voice
