


Name; Kinuki Age; 14 Gender; Male Beast; Pheonix element; Fire personality; determined to get to his goal, he doesn't give up, loyal to his friends, distrusting of newcomers, short temper, appearnance; 5 foot 11 inches, brown hair, multicoloured eyes, one hazel the other green, looks weak but don't judge his looks he is actually very strong, agile, Likes; getting his goal, Food, friends, being the centre of attention dislikes; Insults, getting hurt, small spaces, other; Ashi's twin brother

Name Breeze Age 16 gender female beast I'm training griffin element I control wind personality fast quiet kind loyal very patient appearnance 5 foot 12 inches long white hair white aquarium eyes Her left eye is white because she is blind Can run as fast as the wind strong when she needs to be likes animals running dislikes fire hunters friends getting hurt other she is kinda allergic to fire it makes her sick but no one knows about this yet very smart

Name: Yasha Age: 16 Gender: Female Beast: Dragon Element: fire Personality: Yasha is a quiet type she loves being alone and when shes with dragons she has very few friends cause everyone thinks shes weird cause shes a loner but all in all she just wants friends. Appearance: Yasha is a tall and slinder built girl she is quick on her feet cause of how slinder she is her eyes are blue with hints of red in them from her element her hair is black with blue tips on them. Likes: Being alone at times and Dragons Dislikes: A lot of people Other: N/A Quote Pin

Signup sheets Name; Bellamy Age; 15 Gender; Female what beast your training; Phoenix what element would you control; Fire Personality; ENTJ-T appearance; Disheveled honey blonde hair- which is commonly shoved into a ponytail- and bright hazel eyes. Likes; Order, Winning, Challenges, Running, and Annoying Others. Dislikes; Water (I'm general), Losing, Doing Nothing, and Waiting.

Name; Kori Age; 16 Gender; female what beast your training; dragon what element would you control; water Personality; kind, loyal, protective, stubborn, strong willed appearance; black hair (always wears hair down) 1 green eye and 1 blue eye Likes; wolves, dragons, gymnastics, track, being around animals Dislikes; people who are not confident and don't believe in themselves, being social, being around new people

Name; Ashi Age; 14 Gender; female what beast your training; Dragon what element would you control; fire Personality; Ashi is brave, determined, kind, fast and agile appearance; has long red hair with velvet eyes has freckles on her face she is 4'11 she were a black hoodie with red leggings and black boots Likes; dragons, training and reading Dislikes; bullies, losing people she loved Other: Kinuki's twin sister

Amara Female 18 years old She would like to train a Unicorn Control Water - Stubborn, but also kind, strong headed, hopeful, huge dreamer. - Amara is average height with long blonde hair, deep blue eyes. Her left eye has a small speck of orange in it (like mine actually do). - Amara likes to swim, day dream, read, and ride She doesn't like arguments, fighting, or death. - Amara dreams of one day having a Unicorn she tamed, and as a big dreamer, a husband and kids.
