Nestled within a sparse forest laid an old-looking cabin, the oak wood slightly rotting away, yet didn't exactly look abandoned. A sign hung above the doorframe, reading; 'Cain's Canix Cabin'. Curious, you decide to see if anyone was home, opening the door, it creaking as it did so.
The cabin looked suspiciously bigger inside, various notes of barking and howling erupted within the place. A blur of white and green whizzed past before backtracking, long ears perked, "Oh! Sorry, I didn't realise I had a visitor," the strange looking canine apologised, "Where are my manners? My name is Cain, the owner of this fine establishment."
Upon your question of what exactly this place was, he replied, "I rescue Canixes, and adopt them out. I also offer guided rescues where you can come along!"