Feel free to post if you are accepted. Questions are better asked here than spamming sign up if you aren't accepted. Relation sheets are encouraged. I'm on mobile but I will try to make this look nicer later.
List of Characters
The Driver
Bantam Orpington | 27 | Male | The Driver | Freedom
The Leader
Jackie Coniferous Velta | 32 | Female | Leader |Valinyx
The Soldiers
William Alaric Brewer II| 26 | Male | Soldier (Gaurd) | Ellyllon
Patch Capon | 21 | Female | Soldier (Knight) | Enigma
Clawdia Spurrington | 29 | Female | Soldier (Weaponry) | Sir Froggington
The Cook
Colette Eglantine Hennings O’Flintshell | 40 | Female | Cook |Argos
The Best Friend
Calhoun O'Malley | 15 | Male | Best Friend/Whipping boy | Tenebris Umbra
The Prince
Wyandotte Faverolles | 15 | Male | Prince | Sir Froggington
Thread - TBD