
Here is where I'm putting my many many OC's please don't steal them or post here.If you have any questions please PM me.

Humans:0 Supernatural:2 Animals:0

Name:Zachary Clawd Jean Creature:WereLeopard (Amur Leopard) Age:20 Gender:Male Sexuality:Straight Appearance:He is 5'6. With short dark brown hair and aqua blue eyes.He has light tan skin with a claw mark across his chest,and claw mark's on his arms. He wears a dog tag around his neck that has the name of his dead girlfriend, and his dead best friend on it. Animal Form: Personality: Likes:He likes to be alone but not permanently. He loves to go on runs threw the forest and listen to his surroundings. If he could he would sit and read books all day, he thinks of it as a way to escape reality. His favorite food is chicken with rice. And he loves to go swimming. Dislikes:He hates spiders and snakes. He dosent do well in large crowds. He can't stand people who talk to much. Rooms with with out windows. Strengths:Swimming,running, hand to hand combat and reading Weaknesses:Spiders, snakes, and being in large crowds Backstory: Family: Mom:Harper Leah Jean Dad:Jackson Philip Jean Sisters:Lily Molly Jean Brothers:Max Well Jean; Philip Morris Jean Edited at December 20, 2019 01:56 PM by Raven claw2003

Name:Max Well Jean Creature:Werecoyote Age: 18 Gender:Male Sexuality:Straight Appearance: He is 5'5. He had light brown hair with electric blue eyes. He has white skin. He has a Coyote bite mark on his right arm and claw mark across face. Animal form:He has the normal color's of a coyote but has a little more red then most and is sometimes mistaken for a red wolf. Personality:(watch for him in rps) Likes:He loves to go hunting, being in large crowds.He hates being alone. Rabbit is his favorite and chocolate malts . He loves to go out hunting using his cross bow. Dislikes: He isnt the biggest fan of his brother Philip. He hates Coco cola he dosent like the taste. He doesn't like chocolate of any type except for chocolate malts, and hates cats. Strengths: Weaknesses: Edited at July 5, 2020 10:20 PM by Raven claw2003

(Really gotta finish maxs form lol)