
I'm on an art roll right? Wrong. Ha. ITS COMICKING TIME (is that even a word??) Meet Varian; A young guy who was injured at work, can't work for at least a month and took up a side gig as a video game tester. ... haha, lol. If only that was all that happened. The game in question actually contained a locationary travel tidbit of mythological magic. Or a portal, if you will. He has to save the gods before they end up torn apart by drumroll Serapis (who I need to design fully) Serapis is/was a Graeco-Egyptian era god (one of the last remaining that we know about) who was supposedly made by Ptolemy I
obviously, he's bitter. He took out the Egyptian platform and is after the Greeks. Who recruited him to help. And some beautiful art of our boi!
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Did a little thing, had someone give me three words as a prompt. Gutter, Frequency, Aviation. So. Gutter race;  Comic-ing has been keeping me busy for sure.
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New profile picture;  (c)85543 :3
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Still alive. Surprisingly. Been busy with IRL stuff. Work, health, etc. have arts;  This is my phone wallpaper. Because this one vv  Is a square and doesn't fit right. I do have credits on there but just in case; (c)88543 Yeah, I'm trying a different style. Bc why not.
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Too lazy to change up my entire profile here. But uh, yeah. Zeraphia is my new name elsewhere.  Meet Narishian Maldora, a royal advisor to a youthful queen, poisoneer and spy master.
who... also is ... over two thousand years old. (C)85543
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Over two thousand, huh? Guess she's seen everything! XD

He actually, which is what I bring today! XD  Library reading late at night and this old man... just can't stay awake. (C)85543
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Lol, I love that you've drawn a scene.

 ^ this above image is the original reference used to make Narishian. I shaded it finally. (Kept the flat colors for a ref) v is Narishian with his adopted triplets (played by friends).  And then a small little gift I did for a friend;  ... very winged/fairy themed this time. (c)85543
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