The sun shone brightly upon the Kingdom of Reyes that morning, its amber rays illuminating the world below. The markets were alive, the hustle and bustle of everyday life echoing through the air. Vendors sold their goods and crafts, calling out to all who passed. The aroma of fresh pastries and smoked meats swirled through the air rather than filth that other kingdoms held. The Kingdom of Reyes was known for its products whether it be crops from the farmlands to spices and textiles from the nearby sea port, the trading business booming through the realm. The Kingdom was also known for how happy its people were, there was barely any poverty besides those who had done it to themselves, thieves and killers, those who deserved it. People conversed in the streets, women purchasing goods for their homes, men enjoying the chatter of work or a pint of mead. All was well that day, the weather welcoming, the town happy, it was all perfect.
Making their way through the busy streets was someone concealed by a deep blue cloak, hiding their appearance from all. The woman’s smaller frame slipped through with ease until she was far enough from the castle, avoiding any guards currently on patrol. A small chuckle escaped her lips as she pulled her hood down, looking around. It was the princess, and as always she had snuck away from the confines of the castle. The coast was clear, she had lost her guards, just as always. She hated being trapped inside the stone walls, forced to study day and night, she wanted to be free and to explore the land and people that she was to rule. The townspeople were all to use to the sight of the young woman as she roamed quite often. There were most days where she would come to help as well, she found it a useful way to connect with them. Plus it was a change of life from what she was used to living.
Adalia took a breath before she began to stroll, greeting a few familiar faces. She had just wanted to come to town to stroll, nothing too crazy, she knew she was safe among her people as they adored her, and if not, she knew how to defend herself. She made her way through the rows of vendors, looking over all the produce and goods, examining some items brought from other Kingdoms. She enjoyed the warmth of the weather against her sun kissed skin, her golden locks falling in bouncy curls across her back and framing her face. She kept her looks simple, so she did not stand out too much if any guards were to roam by, that way it was easier to blend in and hide, she wasn't guilty unless she was caught.
It was not long though before patrols were heightened in the area, someone had already found her missing from the safety of the castle. The sound of hooves and metal fittings began to echo down the streets, guards beginning their search. Adalia slipped her hood back over her head to conceal herself, slipping off down some alleys to quickly return to the castle. If she made it back without getting caught, how could she be blamed? She was a stealthy one, using her small form to hide in the shadows and slip through tight areas. Though she was racing against the clock, this only brought a smile to her lips. The thrill of a “pursuit”. It brought a rush of excitement to a normal boring day.
She was in the clear…for now. Making it back to the large stone walls that surrounded the castle itself. Hidden on the eastern wall was a small hole in the foundation, a perfect size for her to slip through. It was camouflaged by an assortment of vines and foliage, no one having any clue it was there. She had found it one day as a child and still used it for her escape. Slipping through with ease brought her behind the stables, dusting herself off she took a second to collect herself, dropping her hood and fixing her hair. She was about to round the stables walls when she heard a scoff from behind her, a guard standing on the opposite side with his arms crossed.
Adalia let out a soft sigh, though her smile remained, followed by a short chuckle.
“You are getting quite better at finding me Marco, but I still won by getting out.”
She teased lightly. The man’s lips curled into a smile as he stepped forward, her crossed arms falling to his sides, his right hand falling to rest on the hilt of his sword.
“And you are getting worse at sneaking out quietly, your handmaids heard you running down the halls”
He teased back, stepping forward,
“Now come on, your father has an important meeting, talk of the annual games.”
Marco escorted the Princess back inside the confines of the castle, his armor clinking against itself as they walked. Marco was an older man, about late 40’s and the King’s personal guard. Though now being sent on missions of finding the escaped royal. He had watched the girl grow through her years, being there when she was born to guard the Queen and her room to now, still serving the family. There was a soft fondness for the girl, understanding her desire to be free, but he had a job to do. But that didn’t mean he didn’t turn an eye to let her have a moment of freedom.
Now inside the castle walls, Marco escorted her to the chamber hall, stopping at the end knowing he could not go further.
“Change and meet your father in his study, do not run off again.”
He said with a small smile and nod before he turned, leaving down the corridors. Adalia let out a soft sigh before heading to her bed chamber, her handmaids already waiting for her. It was time for the ridiculous task of being dressed to the nines for a simple meeting. She found it pointless but she went with it. She was dressed in a deep crimson and gold dress while one maid fixed her hair, brushing it out and braiding a few pieces back. Next was her jewelry and her crown. Why all of this to meet her father and his men?
Once finished, her hand maids all curtseyed and left, scattering off out of the room and down the halls. Adalia sighed, glancing in the mirror at herself before she too left. Her heels clicked and echoed down the long corridors as she made her way to her father’s study. It was a large and vast room, the walls made of wood with carved elements. A table of stone sat in the center with a carved map of the Kingdom and all that surrounded it. Books line the walls as well as trinkets and treasures. As she neared the door, a guard opened it for her, announcing her arrival to her father and his associates. They all stood, everyone but the King bowing their heads at her arrival.
Adalia said, walking to his side to kiss his cheek before she took her seat. After she had sat, the others around her followed, everything done in unison. The King prided himself on the formality of his ruling, and it showed with everything. The meeting started off slow and boring, the men all continuing their talk of civil duties and trade. Honestly Adalia had zoned out for most of it. It wasn’t until the talk of the annual games started did she focus. She found the games stupid, men fighting for their egos, but at least it was funny to watch them fail. The King asked Adalia for her opinion on which games should be added this year, wanting her to become more involved. She gave her input, speaking of more skill games rather than ones of looks. The men should fight, to show their strength and prove they are trained rather than trying to impress the women that came to watch. The men all took note, nodding their heads and seeming to understand her reasoning, but only time would tell.
As soon as the meeting had commenced, it seemed like it had ended just as fast. A waste of her time as usual, feeling no real value of being in these meeting when there was never truly any reason behind it. As always though, she just went along with it. It was not long before they all had dispered, the King staying back for a moment, the men scattering like rats, and Adalia free to the halls again, heading towards the main doors of the stronghold to wander outside under the warm sun once more.