

It's fine flash I wasn't upset!

*Flash smiled,nuzzling her

"i think we should switch to my old den your sister can stay wherever she wants and switch from day to day though"

(rip shatterd lol maybe i should send them a link??)

flash paused,confused,"is there a reason,Coffee?"

(sent it)" umm" she says her wiskers twitching "i think it would be a little crampped and your sister might need time to get over... sunset..... if you know what i meet time to herself to mourn... if you dont want to though i get it, it was just a suggestion..." her ears lower slowly as she waits for an answer hoping for a yes (sorry it was so long)

*Flash sighed," Breeze is a very calm wolf,she didn shed a tear for mom,even though she was closer then I was,but,I guess,I need to start a new life..." he murmured

"Hey" *she licks his face* "dont get upset we all need time i cried for days when my mom got killed........ at least your older and knew her and grew up with ..... a ..... mom....." she choked out befor crying

"Im very sorry" said Flash,"Sunset didnt want us though,and thought of killing us when we came out..." he didnt seem bothered saying that,"Coffee,I have something to say..."